do you believe in magic

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"Is that so?" Jaebum questions, his thrusts halting, and his arms locking around Seulgi's frame. The question throws her off, and Jaebum laughs at her for it. "I'm teasing... " he smiles, his forehead knocking against hers so she'll look at him. "I love you too, Seulgi."

"You do?" She pouts, her hands running through his hair and Jaebum nods his head eagerly, pulling out and helping her unwrap her legs so her feet can touch the ground.

"Of course, I do." He presses kisses against her forehead.

"...So, are you like okay now?"

"My incubus is still trying to come out, but you did a good job with your love confession. He's behaving." Jaebum explains, fixing her appearance and then fixing his own. "But to play it safe... I think it's time for us to leave."

"Sure, we can go home... I'll just text Wendy."

"One more thing... you kept telling me to slow down, was I hurting you?" Jaebum wonders, eyebrows creasing in worry.

"You weren't hurting me at the moment, but I knew if I let you continue you would." Seulgi admits, "Don't worry... I would have stopped you before you actually hurt me."

"I know, but you shouldn't have to. I should have better control."

"We'll work on it...maybe there's a spell I can use? A potion you can take? Or... I can bind the demon back to it's book."

"I named him though... I'm attached to him, I want to keep him. His name is Bart."

"Jaebum, it's a demon, not a puppy."

"But he's mine..." He points out and Seulgi rolls her eyes, her phone buzzing and distracting her.

"Wendy's not coming home with us... she's with someone."

"That Eric dude?" Jaebum questions as Seulgi pulls him down the shore line.

"Yes, him. He went to the academy with us."

" high school?"


"Did you have a lot of boyfriends at the academy?"

"No. I focused on my studies." Seulgi giggles, "I had a lot of boyfriends in regular public school though."

"Heartbreaker Seulgi? If I didn't know any better... I'd think you were always trying to date mortals."

"Maybe? My first boyfriend was a werewolf though."

"I was hoping to be a wolf, but I got an incubus instead. Figures."

"You're my first incubus, if that makes you feel better."

"Slightly... I better be your last incubus too."

"Most likely." 

She brings Jaebum back to her place instead of going to his, hoping that all the semi-good magic circling around their home will keep him under control. They lock themselves away in her room, getting comfortable across her bed. "Do you think Hyangsook was visited by the Dark Lord?" Jaebum suddenly asks getting comfortable and resting his head against Seulgi's shoulder while wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest.

"I don't think so... but even if he did or would have... she'd have known. She would have saw it in her cards." Seulgi explains, playing with his bangs.

"I guess... do you ever see the dark lord?"

"Every month for sacrifices, but for the most part, Shoo, as our priestess deals with him for us. I know he has two forms, the beast and then the archangel. He sends messengers when he wants you to do something... can't be bothered coming to our world to dish out tasks. I've only seen his beast form though. He's cursed... can't return to his archangel form fully unless a prophecy is fulfilled. No one knows what that prophecy is... though there's speculation that he has a child running amongst the mortals, waiting to transform."

"A child?"

"Yeah... an unofficial heir to the throne. Unofficial because who will really try to steal the throne from the dark lord? We're all too loyal for that, though I am curious about who he could be."

"He? What makes you think--"

"They wouldn't give such a prestigious title to a woman. They're too old fashioned for that."

"I might be biased, but I think you'd make a great Dark Lord."

"You're very biased." Seulgi teases, "Maybe you should be Dark Lord. You're fair and understanding. I think that's fitting for a ruler of the underworld, no?"

"Maybe... as long as I have a co-ruler."

"That's not how it works."

"It's time for a change... aren't you the main one preaching about change because of our relationship?"

"But this--"

"Is different? How? If we can get your fellow witches and warlocks on board with mortal relations, why can't we get them on board with the idea that a female can hold a higher position than high priestess?"

"I don't know.... Shoo is only our leader because her husband's dead... I can't imagine people actually voting for her to rule."

"It doesn't have to be Shoo."

"I'm not a leader, Irene is."

"Why? Because her family's always been in control? Does Irene even want to follow in her grandmother's footsteps?"


"The way I see it, babe... you and your friends have the power and drive to do whatever you want, and make your own rules... but you're all too afraid. It's time to stop being afraid."

"Your incubus has made you bold..." Seulgi teases, "But you make a good point."

"It's something to think about... maybe when Hyangsook gets back and reads our cards, she'll tell you something similar? And it'll inspire you to do something."

"Maybe...what did I do to deserve you?" 

"Everything right," Jaebum presses a kiss against her neck, "We didn't get to finish what we started on the beach..."

"Bart kind of ruined that."

"Well, now we know how to keep him under control..."

"You're just trying to get me to say the L word more..."

"Yeah, I am... if you can conquer this small fear, who's to say you can't conquer all your fears? I'll say it first, and then you say it back. Is that okay?"


"I love you." Jaebum tells her, gaze locked on hers and Seulgi's heart jumps. Again, he has a point. She needs to stop being afraid, because that won't get her anywhere.

"I love you too." 

The next morning, when she wakes, it's to the sound of cawing. She jumps up, looks around to see Jaebum still sleeping peacefully next to her. The cawing starts up again, and Seulgi frowns as she slowly crawls out of bed, and walks towards her window. She opens it, and jumps back when a raven perches itself on the window, holding a piece of rolled paper. She slowly unfolds it, thanking the raven with a simple bow, watching it fly off before reading it. 'The prophecy begins with him' is all the paper reads. Seulgi's weirded out, but left wondering who this note is referring to, while also feeling like she might have a clue. 

a/n: i'm in the let's update with short fillers mood lol. although...this chapter hinted to A LOT. 

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