the dark lord's heir

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a/n: blood trigger warning? its not like graphic though imo, but just in case.

It's been a week since they've visited Hyangsook, and Seulgi's still not too sure how to tell her best friends about the prophecy, so she doesn't tell them. Meanwhile, Jaebum is still upset about the feast, especially after Seulgi told him to give it time. It causes a rift in their relationship, which hurts Seulgi. She understand that no relationship is perfect, but she's been fighting so hard for her relationship with Jaebum, she felt they were pretty damn close. This obstacle between them just reminds her that they're not perfect, and this could end badly.

Shoo is preparing to visit them again, sent a letter that she'll be talking about the upcoming feast and probably drop the news officially, so when Jaebum comes over, she tells him. "We're back to sneaking around, huh?" he wonders, thumbing through a book that he brought over with him as he sits on Seulgi's bed. She's standing on the other side of the room, afraid that maybe this will be their end. They haven't spoken much, and intimacy has been nonexistent, so maybe Jaebum's giving up on them to save himself if she does end up becoming Queen of Feasts. She's not even sure if that's what she wants. Would she rather have him leave her now, before disaster strikes? Or stay with her until the end, only to be crushed later?

"She's not staying long... just for a few hours."

"Seulgi...come here, please." Jaebum requests. She walks over slowly, not sure what to expect, and once she's close enough, he pulls her down into his lap. "I've been thinking about us lately..."

Her heart sinks, and tears well up in her eyes, "You're breaking up with me?"

"What? No." Jaebum's arms wrap around her tight, "I've just been thinking about us in terms of the prophecy. It stated that the mortal will eventually accept the path of night. What if... I tell Shoo that I've accepted the path of night? I won't mention the prophecy, Bart, or the dark heir thing... but if I accept your faith, do you think that'll be enough for her to accept me?"

"I don't know... you're still a mortal, until we figure out how to control your incubus and whether or not you possess any of the Dark Lord's magic, she'll still find you as a mortal? I fear she won't be as accepting no matter what we do."

"But should we try? I want to try it."

"We can try it." Seulgi sighs, "... I have to tell Irene."

They find Irene in the living room, rearranging their candles and herbs in preparation for Shoo's visit. "Seulgi, Jaebum, hello." She greets without turning her back.

"We need to talk to you, Irene."


"Jaebum wants to accept the path of night... in hopes that Shoo will accept him." Seulgi tells her carefully, watching Irene tense. "I know it's not of the norm...but can it be done?"

"Of course it can be done... and it's as simple as signing his name in the Book of the Beasts...but I'm not sure if the Dark Lord will accept him, Seulgi. What use does he have for a mortal?"

"I feel like I'm a bit more useful than you all think." Jaebum speaks up. "If a mortal can be converted to the path of night... wouldn't that just make the impossible seem possible? If the Dark Lord's purpose is to get more followers... and if I'm a mortal who's accepted his path, I can help and persuade other mortals to follow the same path. I find that pretty useful."

"You make a valid point. Very well then, you take him to the forest, and summon the Dark lord, explaining that you want to sign the book... and he'll take it from there." Irene digs through a drawer as she speaks, handing Seulgi some chalk to draw a pentagram for summoning. "Good luck. I'll tell the others when they return home... and if it works out, we can have a party welcoming Jaebum to our coven."

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