everywhere, i want you

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Seulgi wakes the next morning, a little sore, but that's easily taken care of with a quick spell. She stretches her limbs as she walks down the stairs and heads to the kitchen to see her roommates. Irene's there, messing around with a mysteriously pink liquid. Joy's there, doing her makeup at the table while Wendy eats cereal. "What are you doing?" Seulgi asks Irene.

"Look who finally decided to come out of her room." Joy teases. "Did you have fun with your boy toy?"

"Boyfriend." Seulgi corrects, a smile blooming on her face as she sits next to Wendy.

"I'm making a potion to spray on the plants outside, weeds are growing on them." Irene answers.

"You do know that they sell stuff to prevent that, right?" Joy wonders.

"Why waste money if I can just make a potion that will work better and not harm my plants in the long run?" Irene counters, "You do want plants and herbs for your potions, right? So let me save them."

"Whatever. Let's talk more about Seulgi's new boyfriend. Jaebum, huh? You've been seeing him for months, I'm glad you finally sealed the deal."

"I am too..."

"He knows about us right?" Wendy spoke up.

"Yes, and he's cool with it."

"You're welcome!" Joy sing-songs.

"What did you do?" Wendy wonders while Irene raises an eyebrow.

"If it wasn't for me, Seulgi would have never used that protection spell, and Jaebum could have been in the claws of Yoona."

"Yoona was about to use a love spell on Jaebum?" Wendy's mouth drops, "But she's gorgeous, she can get any guy. Isn't she Jaebum's type too?"

Seulgi glares at Wendy, "Does it matter? She was just using him as a test subject, she doesn't actually like him. I do, so I did my best to nip that relationship in the bud before it sprouted."

"Why do you love breaking rules so much?" Irene scolds lightly, "They say don't date mortals, and you go and find yourself a mortal to date."

"I didn't find Jaebum, he found me. It's just dating, it's not like I'm marrying him immediately or something. And we're in a different time! No one's hanging witches for corrupting mortals."

"We still have witch hunters, Seulgi."

"We'll always have witch hunters!"

"They still hang witches in the forest."

"Other witches hang other witches during the harrowing at the academy. We're in university, surrounded by temptation. Let me have my fun."

"I don't mind your freedom, it's my grandmother, our coven leader, who does. I'm just saying be careful."

"Are you seeing him today?" Joy asks.

"Yes. He's going shopping with me."

"Anyone who can handle shopping with you is a saint." Wendy teases. "Domestication might be a good look for you."

"Thank you."

Seulgi wouldn't admit it to anyone, but she likes Jaebum a lot more than she leads on. She feels likes she's in a movie because she gets warm fuzzies in her heart whenever he's around, and that usually doesn't happen. She's always been a bit cold hearted, groomed that way thanks to her witchy background. The Red Velvet coven is not just a group of witches and warlocks, they're also there to carry out the Dark Lord's dirty work, his most loyal subjects. Signing the grimoire isn't just pledging allegiance to Red Velvet, but also signing your name in the Book of the Beasts and committing to be the Dark Lord's puppet. It sucks, it's not how Seulgi wants to live her life. She has a sense of freedom, but it's really just a taste, a teaser. It could all end at any minute, all it would take is a call from her leader or the Dark Lord himself. She's willing to risk a lot by dating Jaebum, she'd be breaking witch law, and that should be proof enough that she's starting to have serious feelings for this mortal boy. It terrifies her, but at the same time it excites her. When she's with Jaebum, she can pretend to be normal, just a girl in her early twenties having fun, not a witch waiting for commands.

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