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Explaining everything to her friends was hard, and Seulgi felt bad for hiding it from them for so long, but once everything was out on the table she felt better. "But why would Shoo tell us that the prophecy is false?" Irene wonders when they make it back home, Jaebum tagging along.

"None of the higher ups believe in the prophecy."

"Understandable, it's hard to believe. We thought you were mortal."

"I still am, for now."

"So you're the heir, but how did that save Seulgi?" Joy questions.

"I...had help from a friend to perform a spell."

"You killed an innocent witch though." Irene argues.

"She was already dying." Jaebum explains, "And isn't the ceremony killing innocents anyway? How am I the bad guy?"

"He's right...without him, we wouldn't have Seulgi alive and with us." Wendy points out. "For that, we thank you, Jaebum."

"Do you mind if I take Seulgi away for a bit?" Jaebum wonders and the girls shake their head. Jaebum pulls Seulgi away and to her room, closing the door behind himself.

Seulgi's confused on how to feel. She's glad to be alive, after having the scare of being offered for sacrifice, but she's worried about Jaebum. "So... you know that I haven't been around, and I told you I've been doing some research..." Jaebum begins, pulling Seulgi to have a seat on her bed, and kneeling in front of her. "I've actually been practicing a bit of magic with Rome."

"Why didn't you just tell me that?"

"I had a plan that I wanted to execute, and I didn't want to tell you it, in case it failed."

"Yeah, but think about how I felt. You kind of did your own thing, and I wouldn't see you... and I don't want to sound like a clingy girlfriend, but I missed having my boyfriend around."

"I know, and I'll make it up to you. No more secrets, no more hiding. I knew Shoo would sacrifice you tonight, and I had to figure out how to save you first."

"How did you know Shoo would sacrifice me?"

"Hyangsook saw it... Shoo charmed the box, and no matter how many votes went in, only one result would come out, and that would be you winning queen."

"Why does she hate me so much?"

"I don't know... maybe she believes more of the prophecy than she leads on? Maybe she sees you as a threat?"

"She told me that if you did anything to interfere, there would be hell to pay... and she was so sure that the sacrifice would happen..." Seulgi pouts, "I'm afraid for you Jaebum."

"Why are you afraid for me?"

"Because..." Seulgi begins tearing up, "she keeps haunting my dreams and I don't know if I can take it anymore. If something bad happens to you, I'll feel like it's all my fault. I don't know what she's planning, and she's capable of so much because she's so powerful, and..."

"I'm not afraid of her."

"You should be. We're still so clueless about your power, and your purpose."

"Seul, listen to me. She can do whatever she pleases, and it'll never be your fault."

"Easier said than believable."

"Baby, look at me." Jaebum states, cupping her cheeks and pecking her lips until she cracks a smile. "I won't let anything bad happen to you. You don't have to be afraid of her."

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