she's dangerous

318 18 7

warning: slight violence because of the sacrifice

"As your leader, I'll have to remind you that witch law states that you cannot fraternize with mortals." Seulgi mocks, as Jaebum presses her against a bookshelf, his lips attached to her neck. "Can you believe her? She literally grounded all four of us. Says we can't leave unless it's for school purposes."

"Is that why we're resorting to quickies in the library when we should be in class?" Jaebum questions, hands reaching under her dress to yank her underwear aside.

"That...and I might have a thing for semi-public sex." Seulgi admits as Jaebum's fingers dip into her core.


"I did cast a spell that will forbid anyone from coming over here. I like the idea of being in public, but I don't want to get caught."

"Of course." Jaebum chuckles, rubbing at her clit briefly with slick fingers. Seulgi bites down on her bottom lip.

"I thought this was supposed to be a quickie... why aren't you inside of me yet?"

"Patience is a virtue, you know."

"I've never been virtuous. I thought that was a given."

"Me neither." Jaebum agrees, hitching Seulgi's leg up and around his waist as he enters her. Seulgi's mouth falls open in a silent gasp, her hands coming up to grip his jacket. "But you know that too." Jaebum whispers against her jawline, his breath fanning over her and leaving a trail to her ear so he could whisper directly into it. "I blame you... you just feel too good."

"Jaebum..." Seulgi whines, Jaebum pressing her harder into the bookshelf to help support her weight as he pumps in and out of her. Her hands grip fistfuls of his shirt, mouth open in silent pants. He feels amazing, and sets her body ablaze. She rocks against him, meeting his hips as he fucks into her just right.

Because this is a quickie, Seulgi doesn't last too long, Jaebum's thrusts making sure of that. This is just what she needed, helped melt her stress away and she's feeling sweet after Jaebum comes, presses kisses against his jaw until he's down from his high and kisses her back. Clean up is as easy as a snap of her fingers. "So what are you going to do?"

"About Shoo?" Seulgi asks as she fixes Jaebum's cap, "I'll pretend to play by her rules so she can leave me alone. The sacrifice is coming up, and I just need to get through that and she'll be off my case."

"Who are you sacrificing? Anyone I know?"

"A club owner that Joy found. There's a huge scandal about him...and well... he was going to be punished for his actions anyway..." Seulgi admits.

"Come see me after it?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I want to see your coven attire."

"Okay." Seulgi agrees, "I should probably go. My class is ending soon, and she'll expect me home."

"A few more minutes, I'm not done saying goodbye." Jaebum complains, arms wrapping around her to pepper her cheeks with kisses. 

The sacrifice begins at the witching hour, in a nearby forest. The Red Velvet coven is dressed in their traditional red lace dresses with matching crowns and faces serious. Shoo, the only one not dressed in red, stands in the center of the clearing. "It is time for our monthly sacrifice," Shoo begins, "Where we show the Dark Lord that we are his loyal subjects, and honor him. This month, we sacrifice a mortal, proving that we are willing to do whatever it takes for our master. Our youngest official member, Sooyoung, has hunted and chosen our sacrifice, and we are proud to watch her perform the ritual." Seulgi, who stands next to Irene and Wendy, gives Joy a thumbs up. Though Yerim, Irene's younger sister is the youngest member of their coven, she is still not of age to sign the Book of the Beasts. When she becomes of age, she will then be in charge of choosing a sacrifice. Seulgi's first sacrifice was an animal, and she chose a bear, and was greatly applauded on her choice because the Dark Lord then feasted on it's flesh. She hopes Joy's first sacrifice is as successful.

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