Terror Mail

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 "Dear Anna. . . " Elsa whispered as she wrote. The terrible terror that had just delivered her latest letter perched on her shoulder while she wrote out her reply to Anna.
 Every day since Hiccup had explained how the 'Terror Mail' system worked to her, she eagerly sent Elsa a letter begging for details and demanding that she stayed safe.
 Not that Elsa had much to tell her. Since they landed in Geto, they created a system where two of them would fly in laps around the town and watch. Once their shift was over, the next two would come up. Since there were five of them, Rapunzel decided to stay on foot the whole time. Though occasionally, she would roam the town and talk to the people there.
 Apparently, whenever she asked about the town's history, the townsfolk would scamper away or shut up.
 Rapunzel said they acted frightened and described their depositions as if they knew something, but weren't saying. 
 Not only that, but the townspeople hardly exited their houses.
 The roads were eerily empty on some days, and there was no sign of the dragon hunters Hiccup had been worried about.
 The whole town reflected a 'calm before the storm' aesthetic.
 And the conversation they had before they switched shifts had all five of them uneasy.
 Elsa and Hiccup had been switching with Merida and Jack when Merida said, "I'm start'n ta think tha Death moved on, or he was never ere in da firs' place."
 With every minute after she said that, Elsa had started to become more and more convinced that she was right.

Hey one and all, sorry this took so long. I'm hitting kind of a writer's block right now so if anyone has any ideas on what could be going on, please help!! It might knock my head loose.
 With all da love- Agent Em

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