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Anna bit her lip.
She couldn't possibly tell her sister Elsa what she found out. It'd only distract her from her mission.

Though surely it wouldn't be to long before Elsa began to suspect that Anna was hiding something.

Especially since she kept asking about the kingdom, and even normally there was never not something going on, and all Anna had said was "it's going along smoothly, Kristoff is a huge help."

Which was semi-true.

Kristoff is a humongous help, but things hadn't been going so great.

Word got out that Elsa had left the kingdom, on top of that-

A knock sounded on the library door, in which Anna had been replying to a letter inside.

"Come in!" She called.

Kristoff let himself in, and hurried to the desk with a familiar expression of dread on his face.

"Another one has appeared." He said grimly.
Anna jumped up and followed him as quickly as her small legs could keep up with his long strides.

She took a shakey breath as she followed him into the throne room.

Being careful not to step on the marked off area, as he lead her to the far side of it.

As he had said, the fourth diamond tune had appeared on the floor of the throne room, almost like an icy magic had put it there.

The four diamonds formed a larger diamond-like snowflake with their runes glowing in white.

One read Isolation
One read Ice
One read Sacrifice

Anna gasped in fear as she translated the newest one.

The newest one read Giants.

Sorry this has taken so super long, hopefully y'all are still around to read it.
Agent Emily

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