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That girl in your class,
She laughs,
She has a smile that lights up
An entire room.

That girl in your class,
She has great grades,
She doesn't even have to try.

That girl in your class,
She has seemingly amazing friends
Who care about her.

That girl in your class,
She has scars;
Lines marking her body
And friends that don't notice
And some that don't care.

That girl in your class,
Doesn't remember
What it's like to not cry
She cries herself to sleep
Every night.

But hey, she smiles
So she's okay.

Cutters are the best liars.

Mommy, daddy
Don't you know
You lost your
Years ago.

Alles was ich kann, ist die Personen um mich herum von mir zu schieben und sie zu verletzen.

Is darkness all around me
Or is it what I've became?

Depri Sprüche Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt