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There is such a problem with the education system when students are in tears  every single night and wake up every single morning wanting to throw up at the thought of getting out of bed while thinking that they'd rather be dead than going to scool.

Am I the only one that counted the people  in class, so that you know which sentence you have to read, because you were too scared to accidentally read the wrong one.

Social anxiety is:

-being scared to make a call or make an appointment

-having difficulty when ordering food at a restaurant

-counting your money ten times before paying

-feeling uncomfortable in public

-wanting to hide your face/body when walking in the hallway

-having panic attacks when you're in a crowded place

-alvays thinking that other people are making fun of you

-wanting to stay in bed forever to avoid people

-making up scenarios in your head where you get embarrassed

Anxiety is hell.

Oh please,
Don't pretend that you actually care.

Sometimes surviving is the worst kind of pain.

Depri Sprüche Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt