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Slit your wrist and cut your thighs.
Fake a smile and dry your eyes.
Hate yourself and hate your life.
Welcome to the world of lies.

I'm fine. I mean,
I consider suicide daily,
I hate myself,
I've started a blade collection,
I feel unloved,
I am highly depressed,
And I'm starving myself.
But I'm fine :)

One cut for family that hates me.
One cut for my loneliness.
One cut for being unloved.
One cut for friends who left me.
One cut for my depression.
One cut for wasting my life.
One cut for my failure.
One cut for being alive.
One cut for my anxiety.

Just one more cut,
because I did this to my body.

If you had the chance to kill yourself, no pain or blood involved and the people you love wouldn't get hurt because of what you did,
Would you do it?

A little cut here
A little cut there
No one will notice
No one will care

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