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Please stay
I couldn't take it
If you were gone...

I could write a full book
Filled with my insecurities
But I couldn't even fill a page
Filled with things I like about me

Every time my best friend is mad at me or at another friend she says things like "maybe I should crash into the next tree with my car" or "next time I'll cut deeper so I don't have to talk with anyone of you ever again".
And I just can't take it anymore.
I mean I try my best to help her but somehow I think she doesn't see it that way. And it just hurts so fucking much.

Not everyone is suffering loudly.
But we are all in pain.
So be a little more kind
to the quiet ones.
For their pain has no sound.

Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again
Not again

Depri Sprüche Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt