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Have you ever had a depersonalization moment when you look at yourself in the mirror and think
Wow this person is me and I have this body and this life and everything feels so strange
Why am I me and not someone else?

I'm going insane
But that's okay
Because my grades
Are more important
Than my mental health

You ever meet someone so great
And all you can think is
"Its gonna hurt so bad when they leave"

The rain tells me I am not alone
The sky cries too

You see that girl?
She looks so happy, right?
Telling jokes, smiling, having a great time and ... dying inside.
Shes hurt.
And tired.
Tired of all the drama,
Tired of not being good enough,
Tired of life.
But she doesn't want to look
dramatic, week and attention seeking.
Do she keeps it all inside.
Acts like everything's perfect
But cries at night.
So everybody thinks that shes the happiest person they know.
That she has no problems and her life is perfect.
If only they knew the truth....

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