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The truth is
Every monster
You have met
Or will ever meet
Was once a human being
With a soul
That was soft
And light
As silk

Someone stole
That silk from their soul
And turned them
Into this

So when you see
A monster next
Always remember this.
Do not fear
The thing before you
Fear the thing that
created it

That's my problem:
I think too much,
And I feel too deeply.
What a dangerous combination.

Is there anything she cant handle?

She has been broken.
She has been knocked down.
She has been defeated.
She had felt the pain
that most couldn't handle.

She looks fear in the face.
Year after year.
Day after day.
But yet she never runs.
She never hides.
And she always finds a way
to get back up.

Shes unbreakable.

She is a warrior.

She is you.

I say "fight me" way too often for a girl that had to hold back tears whenever someone yells at me.

The monsters where
never under my bed.
Because the monsters
were inside of my head.

I fear no monsters
for no monsters is see.
Cause for all this time
the monster has been me.

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