Chapter 5

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"Ty. Ty, wake up."
Ty was already awake, but didn't hear Emma approaching him and Kit. They must've fallen asleep on the beach, and they were holding hands. Holding hands. "I'm awake." Ty muttered. Emma flung herself down on Ty, her blonde hair flying behind her as she went. Ty jerked back into the sand with surprise, his back aching. When he moved, he must've woken up Kit because the comforting weight of Kit's hand in his was gone, followed by a series of very inhuman-like noises.
"Who's thhhere?" Kit asked sleepily. Ty tried to tell Kit that it was Emma, but she was hugging him too tightly. Emma let go of Ty, and Ty just stared up at the sky. He imagined it as a canvas painted blue, Julian adding a few clouds to perfect it. Emma's eyes narrowed and went back and forth between Kit and Ty. "Why are you looking at us like that?" Kit complained. Emma's eyes narrowed even further. "Never mind. Let's go back to the Institute, everyone has missed you two. Tina and Mark are back!" She said. Ty stood up, shortly followed by Kit, and the three of them walked silently back to the Institute- until Emma's curiosity interrupted. "Ty?" Emma asked. "Yeah?" He said. "Do you think there's any Blackthorns or Carstairs that are.. gay?" She asked. That was a very random question. But it was Emma, after all, who had asked it. It was to be expected. "I don't know about Carstairs... b-but I think there's a g-gay Blackthorn.." Ty responded, puzzled with why exactly Emma would ask that. He had gotten nervous when she asked that, because he didn't know if he wanted anyone to know. Livvy knew, but no one else did. Kit was staring at the ground, probably feeling out of place. Lonely. Ty knew what that felt like. He always felt out of place. Kit shouldn't have to feel that way though. He was an amazing person, and he looked like what people described as angels. "Why are you asking me this..?" Ty finally decided to say, his hands active at his sides. "Well, I was wondering if... actually, I'll talk to you about it later. Privately. It's a private subject." The blonde haired girl said. He knew what she wanted to talk about now. "Just don't tell anyone about it, either of you, and you can talk to me right here." Ty said. Emma looked worriedly at Kit, who looked up and just shrugged and pretended to zip his mouth shut. "Are you..... gay?" Emma asked. Ty shoved his hands in his pockets. He was expecting this. Why was he so nervous? He gave a slow nod, which said everything quite clearly. Yes. I am. Kit must've never expected him to not be straight, because his face was marked all over with surprise and shock. Emma stopped walking, turned around and hugged him. A short, quick hug. "I won't tell anyone." She said. Then, she leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Do you like.... him?" She gestured with her head at Kit, who still looked shocked, but who's face also showed signs of confusion. Ty shrugged. Emma knew him for long enough to know his body language. He clearly did like Kit. Emma internally squealed, and turned back around to start walking back to the Institute, planning to act like nothing happened. Nothing. At all. Never. Ty had always thought Kit was the most beautiful person he had ever met. Just now did he realize that he had feelings for the most beautiful person he had ever met. A gay Herondale was the worst thing Kit could think of for the Herondale blood line, a gay Kit Herondale especially. Kit didn't return feelings for Ty. He was almost sure of it. "Ty!" Kit whispered-yelled, appearing at Ty's side. "Your hand is... it's getting worse by the minute. Actually... by the second.." and Ty's heart stopped. He had forgotten about his hand. He looked at his, and then Kit's. They were both quite bad. Black lines were going through their hands and seeming to mix with their veins. "I know this is weird...." Ty started, "but can I hold your hand, Kit?" Kit looked at him with a considering look, and then offers his hand for Ty. Ty smiled, looking at their interlocked hands. This was the closest it would get. For now. And they walked like that. Into the Institute, where everyone was waiting for them in the kitchen. When they walked in, Julian stood up hastily, causing his chair to go flying backwards, hitting a giggling Mark with barely any force. "Oh my," Mark said. Julian cast an apologetic look over his shoulder, and then took long, quick steps over to Kit and Ty. His brown hair fell over his ocean blue eyes, which he impatiently moved out of his eyes. He looked older. He probably was older. Ty couldn't even remember the time anymore. "Sorry for the rush, but welcome back! We missed you two." Julian said, a slight smile on his face, which quickly turned eager. "Are you two.. together?" He quietly asked, looking down and Kit and Ty's hands. "No, Jules. We'll explain everything if you let us." Ty said. Julian nodded and moved out of the way. Kit saw Dru, and knew she was upset. She looked like she was crying, even. When she looked up, she smiled at Kit and Ty. Ty realized there were too many people here. He also recognized quite a few of them.Alec, Isabelle and Maryse Lightwood, Jace Herondale, Clary Fairchild and Simon Lovelace, Diana Wrayburn, Magnus Bane, Catarina Loss, Ragnor Fell, Luke and Jocelyn Graymark, Maia Roberts, Jem Carstairs, Bat Velasquez, Cristina Rosales, Kieran Kingson, Mark, Dru, Julian and Tavvy Blackthorn, Emma Carstairs, Cameron Ashdown, Diego and Jaime Rosales, Helen and Aline Blackthorn-Penhallow, a very large group of shadowhunters he didn't know, and in the corner, Rafael and Max Lightwood-Bane. Almost everyone's attention went to Kit and Ty. Alec— Consul Lightwood stood up and cleared his throat. Everyone went silent. He looked a lot happier than he had been in a while. "Everyone, you all should know these two. Ty Blackthorn, Kit Herondale. You will respect them, and will not speak until it is said that you can." Consul Lightwood said. Then, he walked over to Kit and Ty to talk to them about what was going on. "This is, uh, where we have meetings now. We were notified that you were back in Los Angeles and I called our trusted nephilim and downworlders on short notice. Do you think you would be okay with telling everyone what you learned in Bangkok? We think it's demons." He said. Ty nodded, and Kit said "Yes, Consul Lightwood." Alec smiled, making himself seem impossibly happier. "Just call me Alec, please." He walked back over to his seat, and Kit and Ty let their hands fall to their sides. They approached the crowd of people, only a few people sitting at the table. Ty and Kit looked at each other, as if Ty could talk to Kit using his eyes. And Kit understood. "Well, um, hello. So, we went to Bangkok. We investigated a death that happened there, in a church. O'Livia Farris. She spoke of it as the only way to be free. O'Livia spoke of some sort of dimension. No Nephilim have ever heard about it." Kit said, looking at Jace, then Clary, to Simon, Alec, and to Isabelle. "Except three. She claimed she was there, but the Silent Brothers found nothing. No proof."
There also happened to be a group of Silent Brothers, standing as still as statues, by the Sanctuary doors. Kit continued on. "There was a corridor, she said it went on for too long. It took forever, but no time passed. There were demons everywhere. She spoke of people with dark, soulless eyes. We spent many days investigating, trying to find out what happened, sun up sun down. We couldn't find anything. The mundanes think there's going to be another serial killer."
By the time Kit was finished talking, everyone seemed to be shocked. "But here's the thing." Ty said, finally deciding to speak. "We... we don't remember anything. We don't remember being away for six months. Somehow, this knowledge.. it hit us, suddenly but in chunks at a time. We were asleep, both of us. We woke up six months later, the same place where we fell asleep.. we woke up with these marks on our hands." And Kit and Ty held up their hands. There was a chorus of gasps and flinches all around the room from various people. "Let's share good news now!" A female voice complained from the back. There more than a handful of people who agreed. Alec stood up. "Everyone, quiet. We will do this in a simple way. Jem can share his good news first, and then whoever else wants to go will stand up, and I will choose. Is that clear?" He said. Mostly everyone nodded. Jem stood up. "As you might notice, Tessa is not here. I will not be here much longer. The baby is to arrive today." He said. Everyone cheered, and Jem smiled proudly and happily. Emma's face lit up, like a light was turned on inside of her. She ran up to Jem, hugged him, and congratulated him. "Does this mean I'm going to have a half-sister or something?"  She said. Jem laughed. "Something like that, surely." Ty immediately missed having Livvy there for him. He walked to his room, well aware of the fact that Kit was following him. Tears slid down his face, which he welcomed. Ty shoved open his door and didn't bother to close it, because Kit would open it again anyways, making sure to shut it. The two boys sat down on Ty's bed. "Ty, what's wrong..?" Kit asked. It's too much. I can't handle Livvy not being here. But her ghost was there sometimes. It wasn't good enough. "I m-miss Li-Livvy.." Ty said between sniffles and sharp inhaled. Kit held Ty's hand in his. "I miss her, too, but of course you miss her more." He said. Ty nodded, his raven hair falling in his face. "You know I'll love you, like Livvy would love you, no matter what?" Kit asked. Not as much as Livvy would. Not in the same way. Ty nodded, and put his head on Kit's shoulder. Kit smiled down at him. The boy he was so lucky to have, and the boy he certainly didn't deserve. The boy he would do anything for.

( hello it's me so there's most likely going to be grammatical errors just to let you know. I'm not perfect at writing, so feel free to point out mistakes (: )

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