Chapter 10

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Kit was only slightly awake. He could feel a familiar pressure in his hand, and had hope that he wasn't quite dead yet. It had been 3 days since he had gotten most of his injuries taken care of. 1 week since he confessed. 3 weeks since the battle. Memories haunted his mind, and regret shadowed everything he did. Everything Kit had said was meaningless, was it not? He had been drugged and injured, tired and confused. Kit didn't mean what he had told them. The thought of meaning it made Kit scared. Nobody would like him. Nobody. They would think that Alec and Helen being what they were, was enough already. And weren't they right? Of course they were, because what use is a group of immature shadowhunters? Kit would tell Ty he didn't mean it. He would say he wasn't in love, and everything would be normal. Normal friends. Just friends. Ty would grow up and find a boy much better than Kit could ever be, and could make Ty feel happy and all bubbly and warm inside. Kit would never be able to do that. Kit didn't ever want to do that, either. Shouldn't he know his own mind? He couldn't tell who he loved. He couldn't remember the emotional feedback from the two kisses he had shared with people. The moment with Livvy seemed more comfortable. Kit didn't like the idea of kissing a boy. Especially Ty. But there wasn't anything to change it now. Kit was stuck in the hole he dug with his bare hands. Kit forced his heavy eyelids open. His ears were ringing, a high-pitched noise, and his vision was blurry and unable to focus. His mouth felt numb and a throbbing pain coursed through his whole body. Was he awake, or was he asleep? No, he was awake. Kit could feel the tug of sleepiness trying to close his eyelids, to let him have his eternal rest. But Kit knew that whatever happened, he couldn't go today. A blurred figure leaned over Kit. Their hair was like a shining halo, and their eyes were like the sun, shining bright like Raziel, waiting patiently for the shadowhunters to call upon him. Kit tried to say the boy's name, or at least shape it, but nothing came out of his mouth. A hand and a vial made way into Kit's vision. A sapphire hand held Kit's mouth open while Jace's lightly tanned hand tipped the liquid into Kit's mouth. An immeasurably welcoming warmth spread through Kit; stars being born, angels giving their holy kisses, fires melting ice. Words no longer sound like ice, the distant pressure was now very present and painful. "Ow.." Kit murmured. The pressure lessened until it was no longer there. Kit sat up and flexed his fingers. "I feel great." Kit said, fully meaning it. "Did you know that the most acorns carved in a day is 7,294,130 acorns?" Kieran randomly stated. Kit hadn't even known that Kieran was in the room until he spoke. He felt an annoyance towards the Unseelie King. Kit supposedly 'almost died', and Kieran was saying this? Cristina elbowed Kieran. "Kier, not now." Kieran made a pouty face and crossed his arms. A young, blond man walked over to Kit with a very worried expression. "Are you okay?" Jace asked. Kit nodded. He felt more than okay. Mark leaned over to Cristina and whispered words that were indecipherable from far away. Cristina purses her lips. Cristina walked over to Ty and carefully whispered, somehow making sure that Kit still couldn't hear. Ty nodded nervously and turned to face Kit. "Happy b-birthday." He said, smiling. Kit made a confused face. Had it really been that long? Was he really 16? "Yayyyyy, I'm sixteen. You know what else I am? I'm hungry. When's the last time I ate?" Kit complained. Jace crosses his arms and shook his head. "You're not taking this seriously. Why did I expect you to? You're a Herondale, after all." The angel boy sighed. Kit got out of the bloodstained bed, realizing that he didn't have a shirt on, even though bandages covered most of his chest. It made blood rise in his cheeks, and made Kit feel very self-conscious. He cleared his throat. Thank the angel his vocal chords weren't damaged. "A great birthday present would be a moment of privacy." Kit requested. Everyone started shuffling towards the door, but Kit has realized he left out something he had meant to say. "Ty.. I want to talk to you." The black-haired boy paused and turned around as everybody else exited the room, Emma eyeing Kit suspiciously, casting a knowing look at Ty. Kit walked over and closed the doors, drawing a silencing rune in case anyone tried eavesdropping. Afterwards, the blonde boy leaned against the door. "Ty, I..." Kit started, but was cut off by Ty. His voice sounded shaky. "This is all my fault, I'm s-sorry." Ty said. Kit shook his head and walked over to Ty, putting each of his hands on each of Ty's arms. Ty's body tensed. "Tiberius Blackthorn. Don't ever say it's your fault. I'm the reason all of this happened. I've made so many mistakes in these past few weeks. Which.. I was meaning to declare something.. but.." Kit strayed off, letting his arms fall to his sides and walking to the nearest corner. He slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor, and hugged his knees to his chest, his stained jeans uncomfortably pressing against the bare skin that wasn't covered by bandages. Ty tentatively walked over and sat by Kit. They both sat side by side, surrounded by the deafening and unbearable silence, but not knowing what to say. Ty pulled his headphones out of one of his pockets and put them on. Kit let the warm, salty tears of frustration pour down his face while he remembered kissing Ty, telling him that he loved him, remembered how he had been affected when Ty had said that Livvy was all that mattered. Wasn't it narcissistic, to think that Kit should matter to Ty? Not only was Ty out of Kit's league, but Ty was so fragile. Kit wouldn't ever trust himself with someone like Ty. Kit took an extremely deep breath in, which caused Ty to look over. It caused Ty to realize that Kit was crying, as well. He pulled off his headphones. "Wh-what's wrong?" Ty nervously asked. Kit looked at Ty with tear-distorted vision. Ty's beauty had always been like that of an angel, and it was unable to be articulated into words. "Have you e-ever loved so-someone?" Kit stuttered, sniffing multiple times within the sentence. Ty nodded slowly. His eyes looked distant, but the way he acted made it seem like his mind was crystal clear. "I've loved my d-dad, Julian, Mark, H-Helen, Emma, Dru, Tavvy, L-L.... Livvy.." Ty started to say, but had trouble saying his twin's name. He breathed in deeply before exhaling and finishing his sentence. "Now, I l-love y-y-you." Ty's eyes darted, and that's when Kit noticed that Ty had made direct eye contact with him. Wait. Kit's thought perception was very delayed, apparently. Ty had said he loved him. Kit tried making eye contact with Ty, but he refused to look at the blond boy. "You made eye contact.." Kit slowly said. Ty's hands stopped fluttering, and it took him a minute to verbally respond, but he did. "My m-mind has been a lot c-c-clearer since you got h-hurt." Ty explained. His voice was hesitant and nervous. Kit felt like it was his fault. "Ty..?" Kit said. Ty looked just to the left of Kit's face. A habit that Ty had since he didn't enjoy eye contact all that often. "Hmm?" Ty responded. Kit took a deep breath. This is it, he thought. You can finally say it. Do it. Butterflies were filling Kit's stomach, and his heart was racing. His breathing was irregular. What would everyone think of him? No, it doesn't matter what people think. "I love you, Ty. I love you." Kit nervously said. Ty's mouth fell open. His hands wildly fluttered at his sides. His whole body was tense, and his eyes were darting all over very quickly. It was like an instinctual action, and Kit kissed Ty quickly on the lips before standing up and walking towards the door, leaving the other boy dumbfounded and blushing like there was no tomorrow. Kit smiled and walked out of infirmary.

( hello!!!!!!!!!! Just a quick note, the most acorns carved a day was actually part of a dare/q&a! There will be more of your questions/dares coming in chapters that should be published very soon. KyrillionB  sorry I didn't add more!! But thanks for the dares n questions! Also as promised, there is KitTy :) Hope this satisfies you guys for another week or so! )

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