Chapter 7

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Clary and Jace of Thule stared at each other for a solid minute. Clary looked at that Jace with pure hatred in her eyes, as well as pure disbelief. He looked at her longingly, with a mix of anger and love. Clary's eyes were wide, fearful. Other Jace's eyes were narrowed, malicious. They held eye contact, as if they were having a while communication with their eyes, which was probably the case. Other Jace broke the moment with an impatient sigh. "I was your brother's weapon. I still am. You must understand that I have missed you, for Sebastian let me believe that he had no part in your death. A fool I was to believe him. Help me, Clary, to right this world. We can make it better." He said, with a pleading look. Clary's shoulders tensed, and her eyes were vulnerable. Her face looked sad and empathetic. Julian, hand at his weapons belt, looked over at Clary and shook his head. His skin was pale, and his body was tense. "You can't." He said. Clary looked over to Julian. Her face turned from puppy-vulnerable to stone-hard in seconds. "I know what I'm doing." She turned to Other Jace. "Jace. Of course I'll come with you. I am, after all, a very understanding person. My brother was right when he told us this world was corrupt. We must do what it takes to fix that." Clary said. No, Julian told himself. Clary couldn't actually mean this. He didn't know Clary as well as Simon or Emma did, but he knew that she would never speak of her nephilim in that manner. Clary has saved the world, risked her life for those of every kind of blood. Downworlder, mundane, shadowhunter. They were all the same. She wouldn't breathe if it meant that every good soul was safe. Emma leaned over to his ear. "Go along with it. Hold back, Jules." She said, and held onto his hand. Julian nodded and thought of an excuse to lure Thule Jace into the institute. Before he could speak, though, Clary must've been able to sense the emptiness, and started talking again. "Why, Jace, it would be wonderful if you joined us in the Institute. After all, we cannot keep our lady waiting." She offered. Other Jace bowed to the Queen and walked up to Clary. He stood beside her awkwardly. "Lead the way?" He impatiently asked. Clary pretended to be embarrassed, holding her breath to give her face a red effect. "Right, this way, Dear Jace." She said. At the stone table sitting by the kitchen sat a boy with silvery blond, messy hair who was viciously pressing buttons on a remote controller. A box was plugged into the wall, with a glowing x-shaped button on it. A TV was projecting an animated character in military gear holding a gun. The boy's pointed ears were visible, poking through his hair. Simon was standing behind the chair the boy was sitting at, instructing him on which way to go. "Ash, go this way. Your enemy is going to kill you if you don't." Simon whisper-yelled. Clary stopped dead in her tracks. Her nephew. Pretty much. "Ash?" She said with disbelief, although she knew it was actually him. "Wait a minute, whoever you might be. I'm playing Call of Duty 2. Can't talk right now." Clary sighed. Simon made eye contact with her, and gave Other Jace a questioning look. Clary and Simon has an actual conversation with their eyes, as parabatai did, and Simon nodded. Clary walked in the direction of the chambers. Emma nodded approvingly from the Sanctuary. Kit was already there, his whole body tense, and his blonde hair messy and tangled. Ty wasn't anywhere to be seen, though. Kit looked worried and scared. He was leaning against a wall near the Sanctuary, and the Queen was maliciously eyeing him. Clary then came running in. "I've got him trapped... in a cell." She panted. "Good work, Fairchild. Or, should I call you Herondale, with your engagement?" The Seelie Queen asked. Clary looked surprised for her to bring this up. "It's just Fairchild right now, thank you." She said. The Queen nodded. A curly, black haired boy came running into the room. No, into the Sanctuary. Kit followed worriedly.

"Greetings, Christopher, and greetings, Tiberius." The Seelie Queen said once they were outside of the institute. It was just the three of them. Nobody watching over to make sure they didn't.. no, Kit couldn't think like that. "What do you want?" Kit asked. The Seelie Queen smiled. "I'm just trying to help. Your hands, they are burnt. It is spreading, you see. It will reach your heart, and you will become emotionless... creatures." She offered. Kit already didn't know what to say. Ty, however, was more speechless. "G-g.... g-g-go o-on-n.." He spat out. The Queen looked bored. "You don't know what it is, do you? Well, it is caused by.... necromantic purposes." She drew out the s. The Seelie Queen wouldn't travel this far, to give life-saving information to shadowhunters, for nothing. Kit sighed. "What do you want?" He asked. This got a laugh out of the fire-haired girl. "You two boys are coming with me, back to my court. You will be of most value, I assure you. Unless, of course, you do not want to know any more. In that case, you will still be coming with me." She demanded. Before Ty could even open his mouth, Kit had pulled out a seraph blade and pointed it at the Queen, who just laughed. "The younger, the...... let's see, what would be a good word? The more foolish." She said, and faced her palms at the blazing blade. Golden vines wrapped it, and it disintegrated, falling to nothing but a pile of dust. She aimed for Kit, who's Fight or Flight instincts were kicking in. He slid onto the ground, and the vines hit the Sanctuary door with a loud crash. The doors were sealed shut. Oh no, Kit thought. This was bad. He looked over to Ty, who didn't have his headphones, and wouldn't be able to fight, but who was holding a sword and looking more like a shadowhunter than he ever had. Kit nodded at him, even though he didn't see it. The Seelie Queen looked furious. She shot translucent ropes out of her hands, and they covered every window and door on the institute, except the one on top of the roof. Kit took a throwing dagger out of his weapons belt. The cold of the battle hit him, and suddenly time was in his hands. He had all of the time in the world to get this right. Kit remembered to line his throw with his target. He let go, and let the dagger sail through the air, landing it in the Queen's shoulder. She gave a hiss and put a golden hand to her shoulder. Ty charged across the lawn towards the Queen. Kit gasped. "Ty, no!" But it was too late. Ty had tried to sink his blade into her heart. She turned to him, light exploding form the air around her, and sent him back several meters. Kit was yelling, but he couldn't hear anything anymore. He was throwing daggers that were just stopped and thrown aside, he was getting torn up slowly by a faerie. He was bleeding his life out on the dirt, and he didn't care. He put his hands to the ground, allowing his tears to power himself. Cracks formed along the ground, filling with a silver liquid, and the Seelie Queen flinched away from it, looking terrified and hurt. "You— it won't end like this!" She screeched, and shot glowing, green daggers at him. This is it. I'm going to die. Kit prepared himself. Would it hurt? Would it be quick? What would he see? He would find out— but the daggers bounced off of an invisible wall, and landed in the dirt with dismissing thuds. Kit gasped for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. There was a figure made out of silver standing in front of him. A person made out of silver. It stood in front of Kit, seeming to float above a crack in the ground. Its surface was shiny, and probably wouldn't dent if Kit tried punching it. Of course he wouldn't punch it, though, it just save his life. He looked over to Ty, who looked as if he was unconscious. The mass of silver made its way over to Ty and crouched beside him. Kit got up and reached for another throwing dagger. He lined it up with the Queen, who looked frightful, but was still fighting, and remembered all of a sudden. Kit put his throwing dagger in the silver puddle at his feet, and waited. He picked it up and threw it at the bindings covering the Sanctuary door. It landed with a loud thud at the connecting point. The doors burst open, and Alec, Jace, Simon, Clary, Isabelle, Julian and Emma ran out. "Stay back!" Kit called, gesturing to Ty with his head. Julian's face turned whiter than paper and he took off faster than ever to Ty, shortly followed by Emma, and then Simon. Alec got out his bow. "We don't want to kill you." Kit said. The Seelie Queen had a coughing fit, and Kit got glimpses of blood.  "Of course........ who would want to kill me?" She said, and bound Alec's bow to the ground. Jace handed him a pre-activated seraph blade, and threw another one to Kit, who caught it just before the Queen could disintegrate it. He focused his energy on the blade, and it turned to silver. There were several distracted gasps, but Kit jumped in the air, and everything slowed down again. He corrected his grip, held the blade out towards the Queen, and it cut deep into her torso. She screamed an ugly scream, and Kit backed away, covering his ears. He bumped into a black-haired figure. "Ty- thank the Angel you're okay. Run." Kit said. Ty only shook his head and ran to stand by Julian, who had a silver dagger pointed to the middle of the Queen's back. The Silver Figure was leaning against a wall with its head propped up, looking calm. Out of all things. The Seelie Queen shot daggers at Kit, and he rolled, avoiding most of them. One of them made a clean, deep slice through his shoulder, the other barely scratching his face. He exhaled, standing up and throwing a silver dagger at the Queen. She thrust her hand out, and the dagger bounced off of her invisible shield. And then, the inferno queen fell— on the ground, coughing up blood. "You've used up a remarkable amount of your magic." Kieran said from the roof. Everybody went to Jace, who Kit hadn't even realized was hurt. The Seelie Queen turned and ran away. Kit also hadn't realized that he was bleeding from a severely deep cut in his chest. He fell to his hands and knees, desperately panting for air. The formerly green grass now looked slick and red. There were hundreds of footsteps from the sorts of the Sanctuary, yet only one person came to Kit's aid. "No, no.... K-Kit...." Ty said, breathless. "Kit, please...."  Kit looked up, and Ty fell to his knees and held Kit's face in his hands. "Kit.." He whispered. Kit opened his mouth to speak, but instead, a steady flow of blood exited. His eyes went wide. Ty fumbled for a stele, took one of Kit's hands, and drew an iratze. The pain subsided, and Ty held onto Kit's hands, tighter than he probably ever had. They both said each other's names at the same time, looked up at each other at the same time, and shakily laughed at the same time. Before Kit could thank Ty, their lips had met, and Ty was kissing Kit. In the middle of almost every shadowhunter in the world. Kit leaned into it, and it lasted for about another 10 seconds, before Ty backed away. His eyes were wide, and his face was a deep red. "K-Kit, I-I'm..." He stuttered, not wanting to say the wrong thing. Kit didn't know if he could even speak anymore. He didn't know when it had happened, but Kit was in love. With a boy. And he just found out. Kit just smiled and looked over to Julian, who didn't seem to notice what just happened between Kit and Ty. Nobody seemed to notice. But there they sat, two boys, in the middle of a battlefield, who knew that they didn't need to say a word.

( I don't know what I should do for next chapter, any ideas? Please comment if you do have any ideas, it was hard for me to write this chapter because I feel like not that many people are reading, and this probably isn't as good as I could make it. Might be making some minor edits in chapters and taking a break in writing for a bit to improve my skill, but I'm not sure yet (: )

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