Chapter 13

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"You're getting married today?" Magnus exclaimed, looking up from his book with wide cat's eyes. Clary shrugged and slipped her hand into Jace's. "We've been planning since.. well, before you and Alec got married." She nervously said, handing a paper to Magnus with her unoccupied hand. Magnus put the paper on the table and followed the words with his index finger, which was covered in rings. The ring that stood out the most was his wedding ring. Jace scratched the back of his neck with his empty hand. "Huh, I'm hungry." He said, reaching down and rubbing his belly. Clary giggled. "I was just about to say that!" She exclaimed. Jace smiled, his golden eyes bright. "What sounds good to you guys?" Jace said, looking from Clary to Magnus to Alec. Everyone looked at each other. "Pasta." Alec and Magnus said in unison. Jace nodded his head. "No stealing food, Magnus." Alec sternly said from a bean bag chair across the apartment. "Okay, sweet cheeks." Magnus said, pulling out his phone. He had a sparkly yellow case on it that was decorated with stickers. He went to the browser and looked at Italian restaurants nearby. "How about SCALINO G.P.?" Magnus asked. There was a loud crash and Rafe came stumbling into the main room of the apartment. "Dad!" He breathlessly said. Magnus and Alec both worriedly looked over to the tan boy standing by the hallway. "Which one?" They both said at the same time, walking over to Rafe. "Big demon." He said, pointing back to his room. "I've got th—" Magnus was cut off by Alec, who extended an arm so Magnus couldn't get there before Alec could. "No, we've got this. Get some weapons. There might be more." Alec said, and took off. "I'm still going to order food!" Magnus called. Alec tolled his eyes and slammed open the door to find a hole in the side of the wall, and a tall man with his arms crossed standing by Rafael's bed. The demon pulled a long sword from his belt and lunged towards Alec, who gasped and closed the door just in time to hear a crash and the sound of the blade being stuck into the wood. "Bow!" Alec called. An earsplitting scream came from Max's room.  Alec pried a decorative piece of wood off of the wall and put it under the handle so the demon couldn't open the door. It would save just a little bit of time. Jace came running towards Alec and tossed him his bow and quiver, holding a seraph blade in one hand, and many more in his weapon belt, along with several steles. Alec hurriedly ran into Max's room to find another Eidolon demon. This one appeared as a girl, and was holding a dark knife to Max's throat. Alec fired his arrow faster than he ever had before. It landed in the woman's chest, and she bled, but she still stood holding  the blade to his son's throat. Jace ran towards the demon, pressing his blade against her throat. She reeled backwards and made a very unearthly noise. "They're all over New York! We can't do this alone." Magnus called. "I'll call backup!" Clary yelled, the anxiety in her voice standing out. Max fell to the floor as his blue skin managed to noticeably pale. "You have no idea about what will happen." The Eidolon demon slowly said. "I feel bad for you." She said, jumping out of the hole in the wall. Alec heard the wooden board fall and quickly opened the door to find a dozen more demons in Rafe's room. "Portal!" Alec shouted, rapidly firing arrows at the demons. No matter how many he shot, the demons dodged most of them. "On it!" Magnus called back. Alec slammed the door shut and put a rune on it to where it wouldn't open. He ran to the living area, where Clary was with Isabelle and Simon, all three of them contacting more Shadowhunters. Magnus stood beside the portal he had just made. "Alright, everybody in! To the institute, keep that in mind. Wait— where's Max?" Magnus said, looking around. Oh no, Alec thought. He forgot Max in his room. Magnus ran to Max's room, and returned with the blue warlock in his arms. "My little blueberry, you go with Alec. Rafe, go with uncle Jace." Magnus ordered, setting Max down and helping him walk over to Alec. Alec picked up his youngest son. "Before we go, I want to show you guys something." Clary said, pulling out a piece of paper that featured many familiar shadowhunters. "I made a group picture to honor our friends, dead and alive." Clary said, a tear slipping down her face.
[insert good art here]


"Ty, did you hear about Zara and her— whatever it was called? They aren't in Alicante anymore. It's quite strange." Vince said, moving his hands as he talked. Ty didn't get it, why people moved their hands while they talked. Were they trying to talk with their hands? But, of course, Ty had heard about the disappearance of the Cohort. It was one of the only things on the news. The Scholomance had one TV, which a generous warlock hooked up. As if on cue, a new subject came up on the news. "Demon outbreaks all over the shadow world" was all Ty had to listen to in order to say what he was about to. "Switch to the England Shadow Broadcast, please." Ty said, pulling on a loose thread of his hoodie. Even though he was in England and he could tell that there weren't any demons where he was, it didn't mean that there wasn't any where Kit was. Ty felt so sorry for calling Kit those horrible names. He felt bad for punching him. He felt bad for hurting him. He would forever regret what happened before he left. "Hey, what's wrong?" Vince asked, looking worriedly at Ty. Ty realized that he was crying and wiped the tears off of his face. "This boy I met, I h-hurt him. I didn't mean to. My s-sister is dead, and my life is ruined. P-pointless." Ty murmured, tapping a rhythm on his leg. All of a sudden, Ty started to feel dizzy, and his heart sped up. He tried to take deep breaths, but he couldn't. He put a numb hand to his throbbing chest, hoping that if he died, he would see the one he loved on the other side. And everything went black.

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