Chapter 9

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Kit woke up to a searing pain in his torso. He let out a surprised gasp. He must've been sleeping with a knife, and rolled over onto it? He hadn't actually had a battle with the Seelie Queen. He vaguely remembered anything but the fight. He didn't remember how he hadn't died in his dream, but he remembered something he didn't want to. The feeling of something warm in his presence, the feeling of euphoria, and the feeling of his mind being focused on one person and one person only. Kit blearily rubbed at his eyes and attempted to sit up, resulting in falling
back onto the bed. The ceiling was covered in glow-in-the-dark stars of multiple colors. A roll of bandages was on a nearby table, and a black-haired boy was looking worriedly at him from the other side of the room. "Ty.." Kit whispered, unable to do any more than that. Ty's eyes lit up, and he swiftly walked over to the infirmary bed where Kit was resting. His shoulders were tense, and his face was tight. Ty looked down at the bloody bandages binding Kit's chest, and his face went pale. "You l-look as pale as a v-vamp-ire.." Kit stated, trying to lighten the mood. Sure enough, Ty let out a nervous laugh. He carefully unwrapped Kit's bandages, being careful not to touch the wound. His delicate hands brushed Kit's chest, and Kit felt the blood rush into his cheeks. Ty walked over to the table and grabbed the roll of bandages. He stared at the floor, with a face that someone would wear if they were puzzled or contemplating. He sighed and walked over to Kit. "How are you feeling..?" Ty questioned frantically. Kit opened his mouth to talk, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. Ty's face turned from a panicked calmness to pure terror in seconds. "I f-feel..... l-like a un-unicorn rammed into m-me." Kit managed to choke out, trying to keep his humor. Ty looked worriedly at Kit with a frown on his face. Kit tried making contact with Ty, but he just looked to the ground. Kit let out a short sigh. "W-was it a-all a d-dream..?" He asked. Ty's eyes went wide, and he slowly shook his head without the surety he should've had about telling Kit it all happened.
Kit's heart jumped into his throat. So it was true. He had kissed a boy. What a disappointment, Kit thought. A gay Herondale. But was Kit sure that he liked Ty? He wasn't even the one who acted last night. It was Ty that started it, after all.
Kit felt drained. He had done something whilst they were fighting. He wasn't sure what it was or how it happened. He had merely acted on instinct. While he was thinking, Kit found his eyes frequently wandering to Ty. Ty awkwardly stood by the bed, fiddling with the roll of bandages. He cleared his throat. "I don't see how I'm going to put bandages on you.. you're laying down." He said. Right, Kit remembered, and tried sitting up again. He couldn't build up enough core strength to get up off of the bed. Ty's eyebrows slanted in a nervous manner. He grabbed a bloodied towel and put it on Kit's wound. He gasped in surprised. It stung worse than anything he had ever felt. Ty quickly pulled the towel away. "S-Sorry..." He murmured. Warm tears were falling down Kit's face. His eyes were most likely very bloodshot. Ty put the towel on a nearby table. He looked directly to the left of Kit's eyes and nervously inhaled. "I..... I wanted to you about last n-night..." Ty said. Was Kit going to be able to handle the hard truth? Probably not. He could hardly stand the fact that the previous night hadn't been a dream. He sighed and made his final decision. No going back now, Kit reminded himself. He meditatively inhaled and exhaled a few times. "Tell me about l-l-last night." He finally said. Ty stiffly nodded and started recounting what had happened, about Ash, Jace, and the Seelie Queen coming to the institute, and the Seelie Queen's demand to speak with him and Kit. Kit vaguely remembered the blond haired boy, sitting on the chair with a handheld video game like he owned the world. In all honesty, Ash probably did own the world in some reality. It was only when Ty mentioned the silver figure that Kit remembered everything more clearly. "Wait!" Kit abruptly demanded. "You mentioned the silver dude, woman, whatever. Be elaborate... t-tell me what you know." He finished, leaving his lungs feeling deflated and desperate for the crisp air of the wilderness. Ty's stormy eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed, causing his face to scrunch up. Kit's heart melted, and he silently cursed himself for confirming the unofficial knowledge of who he liked. He made a mental image of taking his heart, splitting it in half, throwing one half into a lake, and giving the other half to Barnabas Hale, the imprisoned warlock who Dru conned. Kit hadn't been listening to most of the things Ty was saying, but nodded and pretended to understand anyways. When Ty started talking about the kiss, Kit started breathing more shallow, quick breaths. His heart rate seemed to rapidly increase, and his eyes seemed to be glued on Ty. Ty, however, was opening and closing his fists, standing in reach of Kit, but not directly over his bed. ".....and I understand you probably don't feel the same." Ty finished. Kit looked at Ty with what he hoped was an astonished expression. It was now or never, as it had been multiple times before, except something in Kit's heart told him it was actually now or never. How would he say it? Of course I feel the same? No, that was extremely cliche. How couldn't I be in love? Definitely not. Kit awkwardly cleared his throat. "Tiberius Nero Blackth-th-thorn—, Of course I feel the s-same..!" He managed to choke out, before having an excessively violent coughing fit. The last thing Kit sad before his heavy eyelids dragged him into a restless abyss was Ty frantically taking a step forwards and cupping Kit's face in his strong hands.

      Kit drifted in and out of sleep quite frequently. He couldn't do anything, but he stayed awake for long enough to see worried figures pacing the room or on the phone. Sometimes, he heard unfamiliar voices calling his name. Kit often heard voices begging and pleading for him to wake up. "Kit, wake up." "Kit, come to me." "Kit, help us out." "Please, wake up, Kit." Kit drifted back into unconsciousness, his heart beating at an indecisive rate.

Ty stood with his brother, Mark, at his left side, and his sister, Dru, on his right. Kit was sprawled across the white and blood-stained sheets of the infirmary bed. He had been in and out of consciousness multiple times in the last hour, and had been screaming for his father and for Jem and Tessa. His face seemed to be glued in a pained expression, and his face was streaked with tears, cuts, scratches, and blood specks. His breathing was heavy and uneven. Ty wished that he could do something to help. Right now, the sapphire warlock Catarina Loss was doing her best to heal him. She had mentioned that Kit's injuries should've been fatal. Kit was highly intoxicated, and one of his lungs was punctured. Multiple bones in one of his shoulders were broken or dislocated. More damage had been done on the outside, though. Kit's chest had several deep gashes across it, and he was barely recognizable due to all of the cuts across his face. Catarina placed a hand just below where the lowest cut ended on his chest and started murmuring unintelligible words. Kit's breathing stopped for a brief moment, before it became uneven and his eyes fluttered open, wide and bloodshot, with tears threatening to pour out. Ty removed his hand from Dru's and ran to Kit, taking Kit's hand in his own. A moment later, nonmagical energy flowed through their interlocked hands. Kit sat up, his face masked with astonishment. Catarina cleared her throat. "I repaired his lung and mended the bones in his shoulder. He is still fatally intoxicated. I have made contact with one of the best known healers to the shadow world. The kind of faerie magic worked into Christopher's injuries makes it impossible to heal him with any angelic rune. Most of his external injuries have been healed, but more of the same Seelie magic has affected his torso injuries. If the blade had went perhaps an inch deeper, it would have hit Christopher's heart, and he would not be with us at the moment. I did my best to do what I could." She said, her expression worried but remaining kind. Mark have a slow nod, his gold and blue eyes traveling back and forth between Kit and Ty. Dru was just worriedly staring at Kit. Tears stained her face, and bed eyes were glossy. Kit offered a tight smile. "I'm okay, Dru. Just dying a bit." Dru shakily nodded and walked out of the infirmary.

(Sorry it took me so long to update this. It's been nearly a month since I've last updated my story. I've been doing a lot of things in school that are really important, but I hope you enjoy this. It was rushed. There's gonna be Kitty next chapter (: )

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