chapter 14

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Ty woke up in an unfamiliar room, looking up at a bright light. He could hear shrieking and the pounding of rain. A boy his age leaned over him, looking curiously at his face. Ty stared at a spot just beside his face, trying to remember what happened. But he couldn't manage to piece it together. "What happened?" Ty mumbled, sitting up as Vince moved himself out of the way. "You had a panic attack, and then a demon got into the Scholomance. There's a traitor with us, Ty. We're at the Devon Institute." Vince explained, sitting on a bed across from the one he was on. "I'm going to go get something to eat." Ty said, actually just needing an excuse to get out of the room. He hadn't really felt like eating much lately. It made him feel sick. But Ty did want some water. He walked to where the kitchen should've been, and was glad to see he had been right. After all, the layouts of most of the institutes were fairly similar. Ty accidentally bumped into a girl that looked the same age as him. He put his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket. "I'm s-sorry.." Ty murmured, quickly walking away. "Wait!" The girl called. Ty turned around, yet again looking at a spot by the girl's face. "You seem familiar. Have we met before?" She questioned, squinting her eyes at him. He noticed how they were a beautifully unique lavender, and how her brown hair complimented them. "I don't think so." Ty quietly said. The girl gasped. "My friend Kit described someone that looks kind of like you. Either way, I don't think that he was talking about you." She said. Ty could almost feel his heart shatter at that. But suddenly the rest of what she said registered in his head. If she was at the institute, that probably meant Kit was there as well. Ty nodded and quickly grabbed a water bottle out of a pack of them. He swiftly walked back to the bedroom he had originally been in, sitting up against the wall and closing his eyes.
"Ty, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Kit said, holding up his hands and backing up against the wall. "Sorry? Everybody is sorry now. I don't even get why you're here! It's not like there's anything special about you. You're just an ordinary narcissistic teen. You only want to hurt people." Ty said, anger forming and taking over. "Please, Ty! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you.." Kit pleaded, clenching his hands in fists at his sides, letting tears slowly streak his face. "Sorry doesn't mean a single thing to me." Ty breathed, glaring at Kit. "You're always lying to me, I don't get it. You're a dullard. A liar. Disrespectful, ordinary. You're like everyone I've met other than my family. Good for nothing." Ty said, stretching his hands at his sides. Kit looked terrified. His hands were shaking at his sides, and tears were rapidly falling from his face. "You don't mean that!" Kit yelled, pressing himself against the stone wall. "Why would you care? You don't even care about anyone, anyways." Ty scoffed, crossing his arms. "Ty.. I don't only care about you, I love you too..." Kit whispered. "Please calm down." He added in a shaky voice. Before Ty could stop himself, he had punched Kit with full force, hearing something crack. He figured it was probably the joints in his fingers. Kit coughed, putting a hand to his chest. He looked at Ty with horror, with sadness. He turned and ran away.
"I'm sorry.. I lost control. It wasn't me." Ty whispered, clenching the bedsheets. He wiped tears off of his face. Ty didn't know what had happened the day of the fight, but it was like something else was controlling him. Someone else, even. "What was that about?" Vince exclaimed, looking worriedly at Ty. His blond, curly hair had fallen in front of his emerald eyes, and in that moment he look agonizingly like Kit. Ty got up, shaking his head. He put his earbuds in and walked through the bright, plain corridors. He made his way to the kitchen, occasionally seeing a portrait that had the same face structure as certain people he knew. A red-haired boy was cooking in the kitchen, focused on whatever he was mixing in his rather large bowl. Ty quietly walked through the kitchen into what he assumed was the dining room. It was very big, holding two long tables that could probably seat at least forty people per table. There were banners and portraits all over the walls, and there were five large chandeliers handing from the ceiling, along with multiple candelabrums lighting up the tables. There was a window with beautifully stained glass on it, showing a picture of Jonathan Shadowhunter. In front of that window sat a boy. His elbow was resting on his knee, and his chin was resting in his hand. His other hand was hidden behind his back. Something fell in the kitchen and the boy looked up, his blue eyes showing signs of alarm. But then his piercing gaze landed on Ty. Ty thought he would be ready to see Kit again, even though he had seen him a couple of days ago, but boy, was he wrong. Someone called for Kit behind Ty, and the blond boy quickly stood up, walking in Ty's direction. He looked down as the footsteps got closer, thinking of what he had said to Kit. "Ty, I didn't know you'd be here." Kit soothingly said, clearly seeing that Ty's anxiety was through the roof at the moment. He closed his eyes and clenched his hands at his sides. "Sorry." Is all Ty could say. He heard a sharp intake of breath from Kit. "What about—" Kit started to say, but presumably decided it was better not to mention it. "Can w-we just act like we don't know each other?" Ty asked, staring at his worn down shoes. "Oh, sure, if that's what you want.." Kit said, unsure of what he should've said.
But I want to talk to you, Kit yearned to say. Ty nodded and walked away, putting his earbuds back in and turning on music. Kit felt like there was something missing from him, but he didn't know what. He felt someone tap on his shoulder, and he turned around to find a blond, beautiful girl behind him, her arm extended. She looked familiar, from where, though, Kit couldn't say. The girl looked just a few years or so older than him, and she had soft, brown eyes. "Hi, uh, have we met?" Kit said, stretching his arms at his sides. "I believe so. You're a shadowhunter, aren't you?" She said, looking unsurely at his runes. "Well, I don't really want to be one anymore." Kit said, shrugging and making sure the sleeve of his shirt was pulled over his peculiar hand. The girl nodded. "I'd love to hear about your story." She said, crossing one arm over her torso in a feminine gesture. (have you guessed who it is yet?) Kit remembered all of a sudden that Lily had called him to the infirmary. Couldn't he just tell her to wait? But he supposed he had kept her waiting long enough. "Yeah, totally wasn't busy with two things already." Kit mumbled, and then cleared his throat to finish what he was going to say. "I actually have to go to the infirmary." Kit said. The girl nodded and smiled, her teeth perfectly lined up. Kit envied her. "Okay! I'm Jessamine Lovelace. I'm a shadowhunter from the late 1800's, you might not know me." She said. That's right! It clicked in Kit's head. Jessamine was the ghost protecting the London Institute! "Isn't London kind of far away from Devon?" Kit asked, curios as to why and how, especially, she was at the Devon Institute. "I don't know how I'm here, but I felt the urge to go here, and William Herondale is here, too. I'm sure Jem has told you so much about him. Except, Will is still a ghost." Jessamine said, shrugging. Kit nodded. "Well, I'd better go." Kit said, turning around and quickly walking to the infirmary. There were a few ghosts walking around the corridors occasionally. Kit didn't get why everything was happening. He also didn't get what he did to make Ty so.. well, upset was the best word to describe it at the moment. He arrived at the infirmary, walking through the French doors and into the spacious room. "You're finally here!" Lily exclaimed, wrapping bandage back around its' paper roll. Kit awkwardly laughed, pushing hair out of his face. "I just ran into a couple people." He vaguely said, not wanting her to ask questions. She nodded and patted an empty bed. "Sit. You might need to take your shirt off. Nothing weird, I just need to disinfect your wound and give it new bandages." She said, picking up a smooth-looking cloth. Kit hesitantly nodded and slipped his shirt off over his head. Thankfully, bandages were already covering nearly half of his chest. "Okay. It might sting a little. Tell me if it gets unbearable." Lily said, expertly taking the bandages off of his chest. "So, Lily..." Kit said, pulling at a thread on his jeans. Lily looked into Kit's blue eyes with her beautiful lavender ones, looking concerned. Kit didn't know if this was the right decision, but he needed to tell someone, and that someone obviously wasn't Ty. "Idontwannabeashadowhunter." Kit quickly said. Lily looked confused. "Care to elaborate?" She said, applying disinfectant medicines to his wound. Kit sharply inhaled when she started to go over the area where he had been hit. "W-well, the boy that I told you about, he told me I was ordinary, and I figured I'm just way too special for this." Kit said, unconsciously being sarcastic. Lily gasped as she continued applying medicine to his chest. "You let one boy's words get to you? Kit, you should know better." She scolded him, throwing the cloth with the medicine on it into a basket. She grabbed a roll of bandages and started re-wrapping his wound. It's not just any boy, Kit told himself. Lily had yet to find out that Kit had actually loved Ty. And he didn't know if he wanted to tell her yet. But he had to say something. "It's complicated.. he kind of means a lot to me." Is what he decided to say. Lily nodded her head, putting an adhesive strip on the edge of the bandages to make sure they didn't come off. Kit was endlessly grateful that he had someone to take care of him, rather than endure the pain for however long it lasted. Lily was the type of person that someone would immediately click with. She was nice and patient, not to mention that her voice was addictive. Kit could imagine boys herding her if she were to go to school. ( the following stuff is mostly head-canons! Head-canon: something that is canon [true] in a fans perspective/eyes)  Kit remembered being homeschooled, and never having to wake up excruciatingly early. His father had always told him that he would've been in advanced classes if he were to go to public school. But homeschool was easier for his father. There were days where Kit missed his father more than ever. But now Kit was free from having to hide away in the basement. He was free of a curfew. Maybe he didn't prefer to be free, though. Maybe he preferred to have a family that he could talk to. Then again, Kit's father never really listened when there was something wrong. (head-canon right here, Kit is very insecure. ) So Kit had adjusted to it, learning to keep his problems to himself. Now, training was his coping mechanism. But it would have to change soon, if he decided not to be a shadowhunter anymore. Then, he would be stuck as an insecure, idiot teenager, possibly for the rest of his life. And he didn't want that

(school has started up again. I just got back from day 1 out of 2 or 3 days of volleyball tryouts, and lemme tell you, I am SORE. this took me like two weeks to write and a day to get edited and re-italicized. I'm sorry, but updates might be less consistent, even though they already aren't consistent. same thing, httpstellacom was my wonderful editor! also, there won't be any art updates this chapter, but I'm making a book specifically for art soon and you all are welcome to check that out!! chain of gold comes out in three months as well!!!!!! )

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