Chapter 11

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     Kit was sitting in the music room with Emma, terribly playing the violin, and Julian, who was helping her learn. She had finally decided that she wanted to at least know the notes. She lacked proper posture and didn't know how to hold the bow. It was an easy day after Kit got out of the infirmary. The room was sunny and spacious, with a piano and a few more string instruments put neatly in a corner. Kit was sitting on the stool for the piano. Julian had asked him to help to teach Emma to play, since it wasn't his kind of art. Kit knew how to play the piano, surprisingly. He had a keyboard in his room and would practice nonstop sometimes. The only times he wasn't playing was when he was hiding in the basement or when his dad told him he couldn't. "I think it's out of tune. Kit, can you play a G?" Julian asked. Kit gently pressed down on the ivory key, and the note projected through the room. "Loud piano." Kit remarked. Julian just laughed and turned a peg on the scroll of the violin. He plucked the lowest string while he was turning the peg, making sure that he didn't stop at the wrong note. "D." Julian said. Kit pressed a key three keys away from the other one, and again, the note projected through the room. The D string was awfully out of tune. Julian twisted it forwards as the string got higher. He plucked the A and E string, finding them in tune. Kit noticed something about the violin, "Shouldn't there be a shoulder rest?" Kit asked. Julian looked at the back of the violin. "I thought I had put it on.." He said. Kit got off of the stool and knelt by Emma and Julian. He was the littlest bit shorter than Julian, and quite a bit taller than Emma. Kit held out his hands for the violin and the shoulder rest. He put the curved side of the shoulder rest on the right, and slid on the other latch. Kit then propped the violin on his shoulder and picked up the bow. He played a G scale, from an open G to a G on the D string. Getting his fingers to stay in the right place was a challenge, but the notes were easy since he already knew them. "I didn't know you could play!" Emma exclaimed. Kit shrugged and put down the violin and bow. "I know a few things, I guess. I need to talk to someone." Kit realized, getting up and walking out of the music room. He walked to the kitchen to find Alec. He was sitting across from Jace, playing Chess. Kit leaned against the unneeded doorframe and waited for them to finish their game. The boys would get excited each time they took one of the other's pieces off of the board, but in the end, Jace won. "Told you that you wouldn't win, Alec." Jace said calmly. They put the pieces in a bag and folded the board. Jace turned around and nearly ran into Kit. "Kit, I— wasn't aware that you were here." Jace spluttered. "Sorry," Kit hastily said. "I wanted to talk with Alec, if that's okay with him." Alec nodded and motioned for him to sit down. Jace left to go put the chess pieces and board away. "What's up, Kit?" Alec asked. What should Kit tell him? It wasn't like Alec would judge him. Maybe he should talk to Magnus instead? No, he was already talking to Alec. "I... I'm in love with a boy, and I don't know what to do." Kit slowly said, not making eye contact. Alec smiled. Kit looked up. "What?" Kit hastily asked. Alec just shook his head with a slight laugh. "Well, have you told this boy how you feel?" Alec questioned. Kit shrugged. Honestly, Kit didn't know if Ty actually knew or not. "I did, but I think.. he thinks that I'm not being serious." Kit could hear footsteps coming from the corridor nearest to the kitchen. "I should go.. I'm sorry I bothered you.." Kit said, and swiftly walked out of the kitchen to avoid more awkwardness. He was walking down the corridor, looking at the blank walls. All of a sudden, he was on the floor, an aching pain in the left side of his body. "K-Kit..!" Someone said. Kit knew who it was, and instantly wished he was still talking to Alec. "Ty, I'm so sorry— I should've been looking where I was going." Kit hastily apologized, getting up and holding out a hand to help Ty up. Ty declined his offer and got up on his own, his whole body tense. Ty had been avoiding Kit since they got out of the infirmary. Kit guessed he had made a wrong move. Ty awkwardly turned around and started to walk away, and Kit almost reached out to grab his arm, but remembered that Ty, being what he was, was sensitive to those types of things. "Ty, wait!" Kit anxiously said. Ty turned around. "How is your hand?" Kit asked. Ty was wearing an oversized hoodie in the middle of summer. A typical outfit. He shakily pulled up the sleeve on his right arm to reveal a whole hand covered in webs of black lines. "Oh, Ty.." Kit wanted to help the other boy, to make everything right again. Kit looked down at his own hand, staring at the black lines webbing his hand as well. The mass of lines wasn't nearly as bad as Ty's, but it was progressively getting worse. Kit didn't know what to say. He just fell to his knees. Kit didn't even know if he could say anything. He could feel the tears in his throat. Ty walked away, going back to his room. Kit stared out of a window in the corridor, watching as two rabbits chased each other, running until they were out of view. It made Kit realize how lonely he was, despite being surrounded by so many Shadowhunters. He let the tears slide down his face, and let himself think about what he could've done to make everything never happen.
Kit sat in his room, dialing Tessa's number. His hands shook as the phone rang. When Tessa answered, Kit held the phone up to the side of his face and inhaled deeply. "Can I come b-back?" Kit pleadingly asked. He could hear a baby crying in the background, and a lovely voice singing it a song. Tessa sighed. "Of course you can. Let me know when you're ready to leave, I'll have Magnus make a portal. Is everything alright?" She worriedly questioned. Kit sniffed. "Y-yes." He answered. No. It's not alright. Nothing's right. That's what he wanted to say. I don't want to be in love anymore. "Well, I'll see you soon, I suppose." Tessa said. What if I don't want to be seen anymore? "Okay." Kit said, and pressed the red button to end the call. He put his phone in his pocket, and went to find Magnus.

(How sad. Y'know, I felt like what happened at the beginning of this story was too sudden, so now it's kinda being reversed. Sorry for this sad chapter. It will get much worse. I'm sorry in advance, and also sorry that I didn't get any Q&A or dares done in this chapter. I didn't really know what to do for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. -Sincerely, me.)

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