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Myoui Sharon
what??? Eunha???

gayest snake

Baby Chaeng
What about momo eonni? You like her right?

gayest snake
she has a girlfriend already

Baby Dubu

Myoui Sharon
I didn't know about that!

gayest snake
same minari

gayest snake
Nayeon eonni came and she told us about their relationship

gayest snake
and it started when we saw them kissing at the parking lot that night

Myoui Sharon
why she didn't told us about that? :((

gayest snake
idk too

gayest snake
that's why I'm mad at her

Baby Dubu
but what if Nayeon's just playing with her?

ofc she is

Myoui Sharon
we need to tell her about nayeon eonni

gayest snake
you talk to her minari

gayest snake
i don't want to see her face

Baby Chaeng
but what if she won't believe you guys?

Baby Dubu
that would be a big problem

Myoui Sharon
But we still must protect her no matter what

Myoui Sharon
We need to try

Baby Chaeng
We got you, mina eonni

Fighting to us

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