Pt. 36

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The helicarrier lands and I find myself running off frantically watching the rubble falling from the sky to find dad and Thor.
Thor is a god I knew he'd be okay, but dad is just a man in a can. He has to be okay though.

"Did you see him!?" Steve runs over to me watching the sky like I do

"Not yet." I say quickly

"Hey What are we looking for?" Dad asks

"Shh we're looking for dad" I say and I hear steve chuckle

"Wait- dad!!" I yell and we all hug

"And what am I chopped- ummm"
Thor tries to make a joke but can't land it

"Liver. Thor it's liver" I laugh and hug him also

A week later :)

"Wait dad where are we going Come on you have to tell me!" I laugh as we drive through a secluded area

"This shit is BANANAS B-A-N-A-N-A-S- huh what sorry had to sing it" he smiles and I just roll my eyes

"Come on tell me!!" I push him and turn down the radio

"But then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" He gives me the 'you know I'm right' look

"Fine." I sigh and unbuckle my seat belt. I stand up on my seat so my head is all the way out of the Audi.

"Y/n would you get back in here!" Dad says happily

"No I wanna see where we're goi- WOAH!" I sit back down or well I basically fell back down when I saw the huge building ahead of us

"That is the new Avengers facility." Dad says proudly

I see Natasha out front waiting for us.

"Nat!" I yell as dad parks us

"Hey y/n glad to see you again" she smiles and embraces me

"I was wondering what the Avengers were up to. I haven't seen you guys in like forever!!" I wave my hands around to exaggerate

"It's been a week kid" dad rolls his eyes

"This place looks awesome" I admire the new tech and the amazing atmosphere around us

"Nat have her meet us in the front hall. In like 10" dad says popping a piece of gum in his mouth

"Why? Who's us? Can I look around?" I ask him at once as he's walking away

"Control her please" dad says to Nat

"Ugh I don't need a baby sitter" I frown

"I know. So do what you want as long as I can come with" she smirks mischievously

So we run around for ten minutes, found out dad installed a Starbucks that the robots run, and then-

"Pietro!?" I see him in another room

"You wanna go talk to him? I won't say a word" Nat smiles

"Thank you!" I smile and run over

"Hey I thought I'd seen the last of you on that helicarrier" I say and he turns to see me. As soon as our eyes meet he lights up

"Y/n I didn't think I'd see you here!" He smiles and embraces me and I hug him back

"How are you, I mean you look great!" I say but then I laugh at myself

"I'm feeling great thanks for asking and you look good yourself" he chuckles

"Just a quick question why are you here anyway?" I ask
But before he can answer the Intercom of the building goes off

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