Pt. 58

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One week they have been living with us and I am enjoying it so much.
Where am I now? Oh in sunny Malibu!

Leaning back in a chair letting my skin take in some sun.
So peaceful and happy.

Where are the boys?
Well they- Wait a second... where are the boys??

"Y/n watch out!" I hear dad yell over my music

"What? For wha-

"Have a nice swim!" I hear Harley yell as the two boys pick up my chair and launch me into the pool

I scream until I hit the water. I cannot believe them!!!!

"Harleyyyy!! Peter!!!" I yell menacingly as I reach the surface once again

"I told them it was a bad idea" Steve shakes his head setting the table for lunch

"WOO-HOOO!" I hear Peter yell as he jumps off the diving board doing a cannon ball

"It was all Peter's idea!" Harley smiles innocently sitting on the edge of the pool

"I hate both of you" I pout

"We don't hate in this household" Steve scolds me as he sets out the nice plates

"Fine. I strongly dislike you!" I huff

"That's..... Better" Steve shrugs

"Okay I've got cheeseburgers and hotdogs on, Steve did you make the salad?" Dad asks

"Of course I did" Steve smiles proudly

"Is one more person too much?"

We all turn at the same time to see Rhodey coming out of the house and onto the patio

"Rhodey!!!" I scramble to get out of the water

"Rhodes, you didn't tell me you were coming!" Dad puts down his spatula and walks over to hug Rhodey

"Well I heard you got 2 new kids, had to make sure you weren't letting them fly suits through the roof" Rhodey says patting my shoulder

"Haha, very funny" I say and then I actually laugh cause it was a good joke

"That was uncalled for" Dad chuckles

"Hey Rhodey" Steve says sticking his hand out

"Hey Cap. It's been a while" Rhodey says shaking his hand hesitantly

"I am loving the new legs!" I exclaim checking out the new tech

"Thanks kiddo" Rhodey smiles moving his legs

"Uh- Hi I'm Peter, we kind of met" Peter runs over with his towel around himself like a child

"Is this Spider kid?" Rhodey asks looking at Steve and I

"Spiderman!... BuT uH nO" Peter goes a little red realizing he let out his secret

"Pete, it's fine. Yes this is spiderman" Dad chuckles

"And I'm Harley" Harley smiles walking over

"Rosehill kid? Jesus look how tall you are" Rhodey shakes his head laughing

"So you do know me?" Harley asks

"Tony told me about you years ago man, glad to see you in person" Rhodey shakes his hand proudly

"Before you two get any ideas, I am already Rhodey's favorite!" I say making Rhodey laugh

"Come on you guys, time to eat!" Dad chuckles bringing the grilled foods to the table

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