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"Red eye

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"Red eye."

The dim lit headlights shined on the young couple

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The dim lit headlights shined on the young couple. The two were currently going back and fourth about what they had just witnessed. "Shamar what the fuck! You're so sick and fucked up in the head! Why the fuck would you encourage him to jump!?" She pressed her small hands against his chest shoving him.

"I ain't tell him to jump Bree! I told him not to jump and the nigga still did so The fuck did you expect me to do?"

"Try harder Shamar! Try fucking harder! Maybe if you caught him before he fell or pulled him away from the ledge he would've still been alive."

"You could've done anything! That kid would've still been alive Shamar if you did something!" She continued to scold him.

He kissed his teeth glancing at the babygirl that was sleeping inside of the vehicle. "I ain't got tima fa' yo' shit Bree. He done jump off of the fuckin' bridge! What? You want me to go jumping off behind his ass? Huh!?" He spat.

Bree shook her head, his attitude towards the entire situation was terrible. She couldn't believe half of the things that were coming out of his mouth it was disgusting and distasteful in her opinion. It disgusted her because she was once that kid determined to kill herself. That kid that almost jumped off of a bridge. That kid that gave up on life and would've been gone if someone hadn't save her.

He slid inside of the vehicle slamming the door shut. In his opinion she was overreacting she acted as if she knew the kid. They barely even saw his face.

Bree let out a breath leaning against the bridge railing. She sighed looking at the fast moving currents it would be impossible for anyone to survive that. If he had just done a little bit more maybe that child would've been alive.

It was the break of dawn, she sat on the couch with her legs crossed staring out the window. His arms were laid out across the bed with Sky below him sleeping in the exact same position. Although they had a heated argument he still spent the night over at her place.

He flopped over on his side, lifting himself off of matress. He footed inside of the bathroom. She kissed her teeth feeling his presence, he was awake. Maybe if she ignores him he'll dismiss himself, thats if he was interested in talking to her in the first place.

"What you doin' out hea'?" He pealed the fridge open glancing at her.

"Oh I'm sorry for being in the living room of my own apartment anywhere else i shouldn't be?" She snapped

Shamar shook his head. It was way too  early to be dealing with Bree. He made up his mind that this time their relationship would be drama-free. But that wouldn't last because Bree had something that she needed to get off of her chest.

"So you ain't got nothing to say now?" She chuckled.

"What's ya' problem Bree?"

"My problem is that you watched that boy commit suicide Shamar and you did nothing!"

"This shit again.." he trailed off "Get over it Bree ain't nothing we can do." He shrugged "Whoever the nigga was he dead na'."

How could a person be so cruel and heartless? How could he be ok with witnessing someone committing suicide? How!? She slowly backed away from him feeling her heart rate increasing rapidly. With her vision becoming red, she was angry.

Her anger was something she had no control over. It made her do crazy things that she'd regret afterwards, it was like a different side of her. She reached for the kitchen knife and aimed for his chest.

"Bree the fuck is you doin' put the fuckin' knife down." Unfortunately the sound of his voice could not be heard it sounded like muffles in the back of her head.

He hissed in pain, blood leaked out onto the floor. The bloody knife dropped on the floor, she stared at him in shock. "The fuck is wrong with you?" He clutched onto his arm. Luckily she didn't get his chest but she did gash the side of his arm. "Shamar I'm so sorry i didn't mean t-"

"You didn't mean to!?" His voice boomed "You didn't fuckin' mean to? You had a knife pointed at my chest!" He shook his head. "And you're gonna tell me you didn't mean to? Bitc-" He quickly bit down on his tongue.

"Nah I'm out."

"Shamar wai-"

"I'm fuckin' out!"


Is she overreacting?

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