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Ripped pieces of clothing scattered the floor, her body sprawled out on the hardwood floor

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Ripped pieces of clothing scattered the floor, her body sprawled out on the hardwood floor. She laid there for hours as if she were paralyzed, she hadn't move an inch since she collapsed on the floor. Her eyes staring at the ceiling and her mind racing. She couldn't believe it he cheated on her. After all they've been through he cheated. Why cheat? Was she not enough?

Scratch marks and nasty bruises were scattered about his chest and back. He didn't care though she could hit him as much as she wanted. He yucked the ripped button up shirt off pounding on the front door. "Open this door Bree!"

She wasn't alarmed or concerned about the loud noise he made outfront her door. She still laid there not moving an inch. Continuing to drown in her thoughts. The knob jiggled he was probably picking the lock, but that didn't bother her. She cut him once and she wasn't afraid to do it again for a good reason this time.

The door flew open he marched in slamming it behind him "The fuck, you couldn't open the fuckin' door?" His voice boomed. Still unbothered she laid there still focusing her attention on the ceiling. She'd rather stare at the ceiling than stare at his cheating face.

"Bree I'm sorry.." he moved closer to her.

"I bet you are." She responded chuckling.

"I mean it I don't have nothin' to lie fa'."

"Hmm but you're a liar because you're fucking lying to me right now Shamar!" She lifted herself off of the ground.

"Look at what you did?" He pointed to the marks on his body.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" She charged him. "You cheated on me Shamar!" She slammed her hands on his chest. "You fucking cheated!" She shoved him, he stumbled back. "You cheated.." she slapped him letting the water works begin she reminded herself again "You cheated on me..."

"No, no don't cry." He wiped her tears "I'm sorry baby." He wrapped his arms around her small figure.

She squirmed kicking and screaming in his embrace "Let go of me Shamar!"


She lifted her head sucking up her tears she stared at him "Do you love me?"


"Do you love her?"


"Why did you cheat?"

"Man youn gotta ask alla these questions."

"Answer it!"

"I don't know why Bree! It was a mistake."

"When did you do it?"

"Do what?"

She glared at him.

"It was weeks ago.."

"Get out." She spoke yucking herself out of his embrace.

"Is you serious?"

"As a heart attack. Now get the fuck out!"

He glanced at her before snatching the keys from the counter. "Fuck You!" He screamed. She shoved him out the door slamming it in his face.

She stood on the balcony scanning the parking lot for him. Her eyes met him "Shamar!" She screamed.

He eyed her with hope that maybe she would call him back inside. Maybe tell him not leave. "What!?"

"Fuck You too!"

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