1. Bepo's Dilemma

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1. Bepo's Dilemma

BEPO OPENED her eyes feeling her head aching after drinking heavily that night on the submarine with the other crew.

It has been a while. Not that he loved drinking, but because Shachi and Penguin had been forcing her into it. The bullied big bear can't do anything but obey since Law wasn't defending her that time since he was busy too.

The girl grunted from all the exhaustion. Her head throbbing and aching while she listened to them snort on the quarters. Noisy as usual she stood up, made her way out of the door while grunting and complaint to her suffering head. Opening the door and holding the steel wall of the corridor for support.

Her jumpsuit was heavier than usual and she felt like she's shorter than she last thought her height was. Now she began to suspect what was happening and when the polar bear raised her hand at the level of her face, her eyes widened. Pale slim hand appeared in front of her. Then she held her cheeks, feeling no more fluff or fur; her head, silvery and silky waist length hair flowing. Then down to her body, finding that the jumpsuit became loosed, her neckline almost dropping from her shoulder.

This situation alarmed her. No one from the crew ever saw her in that form, and why was she even back in that physique?!

She gave another grunt. "This is bad!" She whispered in a panic, running towards the clinic. She stood there, calming herself as she tried the best she could to compose her power and turn back into the fluffy polar bear she is. Shutting her eyes closed she cleared her mind only on the thought of becoming the white fluff everyone knew despite the headache. "Be back, be back..." she kept muttering. Skin began to steam out from the jumpsuit as she said those words. And then in a minute, she turned back into her white furry covers and the clothes just fit perfectly.

She sighed in relief. Somehow she managed to turn back before anyone ever seeing. She have never told anyone about her true identity, and for sure she will not tell anyone now.


IT WAS time for breakfast. Everyone happily sat on their respective seats while they had their fill on the meat. Bepo was beside Trafalgar simply playing on her food while watching the others nervously which caught the captain's interest. He looked at the ball of fluff beside him and raised a brow. "Something wrong, Bepo?" He asked.

She reluctantly shook her head. She had no appetite after what happened that morning, worried once it might happen again and how will she control it as she used to. Her mind trailed over the negatives and while she think about it, Law was more than willing to find out why his bear had skipped breakfast for the first time.

He must've been sick for all he know. Or probably from old age? How long was it before polar bears gets into their menopausal age anyways? Worried, the ruffled its furry head before turning to his meal and continuing his feed.

It was time for work after the filling breakfast. The usual chores distributed to each crew while they were on sail underwater. Bepo was quietly staring out of the sea like a molding statue watching the fishes around blankly. Catching another notice from Law who happened to be following the fluff. He was behind her, figuring out what Bepo is actually thinking or enduring at the moment.

Bepo must've been lonely. He doesn't have a girl bear with him. We should probably stop by somewhere with his species in it... he nodded to his thoughts, thinking that it might've been the case. Then he sighed. Guess a lonely bear is a sad bear, after all, he's going older, not even finding a girlfriend for himself.

"Hey, Bepo." He called. The bear quickly turned around. "You feeling fine?" He asked.

The bear gave another nod. Then he turned around to watch the sea again. The captain sighed over that kind of animal behavior. He walked away and simply let the white fluff on his spacing on his own.



Hope you enjoyed!!!

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