5. Poisoned Bubble

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5. Poisoned Bubble

Quietly, they both got out of the haunted house. Y/n was more than glad that she had left hell, sighing in relief yet awkwardly trying to escape the though of being kissed.

What was that about? Does the haunted house offer free kiss in the end of the trail? That sound like a malicious joke. That was sexual harassment! Who does that for a living?

"Bepo-chan~~!" The pair Shachi and Penguin had recovered from their unearthly experience from the place, have now been singing the girl's nickname wth hearts fluttering in the air. "It's time for the auction!!!" They excitedly chorused while the captain nodded.

"I guess we have to go there then." He looked at his trusty former bear who has suddenly turned excited. Well, as expected, the trio cheers up after something new arrived.

"Captain." Bepo looked up at him and he did the same. "Can I skip the auction?" She asked.

"Why? Don't like the sight of sold slaves?" Law frowned questioningly.

"It's not that. I was thinking of going to a bit of walk. If it helps, I'll follow back after thrity minutes." She replied.

He squinted his eyes a little skeptic. "Y/n-ya--"

"I promise. Just thirty minutes!" She placed her hands together. Well, it wasn't like she had to need Law's permission for this since she's allowed to do anything she wanted when she's a bear. But now that she's in a form of a young fragile looking woman, he had to be careful with handling her. Especially when she wants to stray like this. "I promise captain. And if I get late even for one second, I will not be straying away again without you."

He nodded. Quite satisfied with her condition. "Well, I'd expect you to come back within thirty minutes. Don't be late." The girl nodded to respond, turning around to run towards the giant forest opposite to the auction house. Shachi and Penguin watched her away disappointed while Law turned around and made his way towards the auction.


While the captain was on the auction, she walked by the forest seemingly enjoying the view of the area she had just entered to.

"Now I can relax..." she sighed. She smelt the air, cool and refreshing with the bubbles making the sight even more breath taking. She lifted a hand, touching one colorless bubble that bounced away. That made her giggle, thinking how the bubble had made a blob sound when it collided with her finger.

Further more walks into following the bubbles, she reached a flowing river in between the tree roots flowing sideward to the left while she sat on a boulder. It felt like heaven, if it weren't for the thought that this is Sabaody she would've mistaken it. Too bad its as small for her to even explore and her lack of time making it even worse. It took her at least 5 minutes to get there so she still had the time to enjoy.

Then she looked around, finally seeing an interesting purple bubble blending in. Leaping off from the boulder into the tree roots, she climbed a tree closest to it. Holding on to its rough branch trying to achieve her goal.

Then she reached it. Stepping on to a tree branch gracefully with an excitement look plastered to her face. "This looks pretty." She giggled, planning to touch its rarity among other bubbles. Yet instead of bouncing away, it popped. Purple smokes spread wildly around her range as she carelessly inhaled. It smelt sweet. So sweet that the aroma almost resembled her favorite cake, sniffing more to her delight before it disappeared.

She foolishly looked around for more. But purple hardly showed themselves that made her decide to give up. Her time was limited too and fulfilling her promise to the captain to return as soon as thirty minutes, she turned back from where she had come from and began to sprint towards the auction house.

She could hear the indistinctive voice of the host talking in mirth with such amazing way to sell his merchandise. Even if it's something as priceless as life. She reached the entrance, sprinting for the last second until she reached a seemingly long endless corridor. Only torches lighting it up until she reached a speck of light. There it was... hand's reach until the noise vividly ear set.

Finally standing by the door way, she moved forward to touch the fence watching the current flow of the auction while panting. "Captain's supposed to be around..." she muttered while looking around the crowd of people until in one spot, a hat of signature dots with the two more crew geared in white. Easy to spot.

"Hmm... I thought the auction's merchandise would only have the best sight. But I think I should reconsider, Whitey here." Such surprising presence form the big man she didn't noticed, made her jumped away from a distance, far enough to make sure she's prepared to fight them off if needed be. But as her sight cleared to the mystery man, his red hair and goggles automatically gave her the recollection she needed to get his identity. With a smirk plastered to his face, the captain of the Kid pirates leaning towards her with a closer look.

She blinked twice. "Captain Eustass Kid..." she acknowledged before putting her defense down.

His smirk widened upon hearing her call his name. "I love how you call my name, Whitey." He said amused, observing her from head to toe. Her orange jumpsuit almost too familiar that he didn't want to find something that would make him feel disappointed. And alas, he found it, his grin disappearing into a solemn deep thought while he stared at her. The jolly rogers of that bastard Trafalgar Law's Hearts Pirate.

She coughed out after few more silence, making the redhead looked at her face again seeing a paler girl who was suddenly hardly breathing that made his eyebrows raised. "Pardon me." She covered her mouth, turning around and coughed again. Deciding to walk away, she started walking down the alley sifting through the columns of occupied chair until she reached the area where the crew with the captain had sat. She gave another cough before finding that Shachi and Penguin were waving at him. She smiled and waved back, sweeping through the chair until she reached their chair with Penguin giving her privilege to sit on the space between him and the captain obligingly. And then another coughed escaped as soon as she had sat.

"What's wrong?" Law looked down at the girl.

"A-a-I caught a cold. I wonder..." she sniffed covering her mouth again for another cough, covering her mouth now with her palm.

"You're such a little careless." He lightly knocked her forehead before turning his head on the stage to watch the auction again. She awkwardly laughed before turning to the stage too in order to watch what's happening now.

And that scene was watched all alone by the Captain Kid himself. A scheming smirk plastered over his face while watching the braised white locks the girl had. "Killer." He muttered.

"Yes, Captain?" The said man asked. His full face mask and blond hair kept in recognition.

"Make sure Whitey comes to my ship instead of that bastard's. I'm going to enjoy that surgeon's face once I toyed his little doll."

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now