2. Lady (Bi)Polar Bear

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2. Lady (Bi)Polar Bear

HOLDING her transformation up for three days wasn't easy.

And as days gone by unreasonably long, Bepo wished that she could know what was wrong with her. She means, she's grown to that polar bear body and thinking about why she's suddenly transforming back is most likely the hardest question.

She was currently in one of the cubicle inside the rest room, trying her hardest to return herself back into a polar bear but for some reason, she just couldn't. Surging with overflowing panic as the crew entered the vicinity, she tried the hardest she could almost out of breath on concentration with imaging the polar bear's form that she just couldn't.

The noise outside went even more louder. They started taking a bath, laughter and stories echoing into the close room while her sweat started thickening. The more the crew took their leisure on baths, the more was it harder for her to escape. And to her dismay, the worst of it came to light.

"Woah! Captain's joining us to bath!" Shachi happily announced.

She mentally grunted, face-palming while she sat on the toilet, feet folded up to her chest as she buried her face on it. "God, make them leave already..." she whispered defeated.

"Where's Bepo?" Law suddenly asked.

That made her face flustered. As if she'd join a male's bath!

"Bepo never really joined bath together with us." Penguin replied a bit unsure. "...Right?" he even added to prove if his statement was correct.

"Yeah. Never seen Bepo on the tub." Shachi agrees.

"Oh, what am I going to do now?" she whispered, burying her head on her knees again. She can't transform back, and now she's stuck in the bathroom with dozens of men taking a bath outside the cubicle. It was the most infuriating feeling she have had for years now that she can't control her shape shifting ability. Another sigh on her mouth came out. "I'm tired..."





Silence most likely arrived on the turning point.

Bepo's head raised up to see her stunned captain... naked. Only a towel covering his middle part while he stood by the opened cubicle staring down to a girl who was looking back at her with grey eyes wearing his bear's giant jumpsuit that was already slipping out of her shoulder. And from what she noticed, it was only the captain who found out.

With panic and fear seizing the girl, she pulled her captain's arm into the cubicle and quickly closed the door shut, making the crew's head tilted towards that certain direction.

"Captain? You okay there?" One of the crew asked after the loud slam of the door.

"Yeah." The captain sheepishly replied back, squeezing with the girl into one cubicle. He looked down her who quickly pulled back providing him with the space the small cubicle could most likely give while she grabbed the jumpsuit's neckline up to cover herself. "Who are you?" he asked, frowning as he watched her face troubled.

"Captain..." she started a whisper. "I'm Bepo..." and then a slight bow to show how apologetic she was as she shut her eyes close. "I'm sorry."

Law stared at her again. She most likely smelt like Bepo first of all, but he can't be sure since she was actually wearing the mink's giant orange jumpsuit. He had a really distinct smell, and it didn't smell bad for the captain, though he never thought it was a girl's smell all along.

"You're Bepo?" he still didn't look satisfied with the introduction.

Her silver eyes ran into his face and he felt his muscle tensed. She had white hair... the same color as Bepo's fur. But was that bear really a girl after addressing her as 'he' all these years? "I'm Bepo...captain..." she shyly admitted again.

He held his head troubled over the revelation his bear had given. Just when he thought this guy needed a female mate, end up turning into a woman near his age. And realizing that, he felt a quick shot in his chest, face turned red, watching the girl fidget from the small space, face flustered all over while she covered herself with a loosed oversized jumpsuit, shoulder already showing while her long white hair hanging on it.

God, Bepo! I never thought I'd think of you this way. Law quickly looked up, avoiding anymore thoughts over looking at her body.

"Captain, we're done with the bath!" Penguin announced.

"Yeah, go ahead." He replied.

There was a long silence between the two while the crew began to scram away on the exit. The noise beginning to faint along the corridor and that's where the two managed to let out a sigh as though they had held their breaths for that following minutes before getting caught.

"Bepo." Law started.

The girl looked up at him. "Y-yes captain."

"Come to my room within an hour. I need you to do some explaining." He opened the door, not giving the girl a chance to reply as he strode out of the room and left without even a second of pause.

Bepo blinked twice over that moment. It was like a click and he was gone. "Is captain...kicking me out?" she muttered. She held her head in frustration, pulling some strands of bangs as she sat back down on the toilet. "God, Bepo, what have you done?! You stupid little bear!"

It's going to be an hour soon. Two minutes before fulfilling the captain's order, the girl sulked on the corner. Deeply reflecting on her mistakes as dark aura emanating. "Bepo you stupid bear... stupid girl... should have told your captain sooner you stupid being." She kept muttering while making her way into her captain's quarters.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked twice and stood there for three seconds before hearing a 'come in' response to the voice inside. Her organs nearly twitched with the voice inside that metal door. She wished she could just disappear into the sea as she turned the knob and pushed it open, finding the captain on his desk. He was not wearing his hat, in which messy hair was drawing on top of his head, his golden eyes staring sharply at her that she held back a squeal of fear.

"Captain I..."

"Bepo." Law cut her off by calling her name. "Was that really your name?" he asked.

She looked down. "I-it's Y/n... captain." She muttered shyly. "B-Bepo was... my nickname..." she added.

The captain nodded. "And what are you? A bear or a human?"

"Human, captain." She swallowed nervously.

"Alright. Why have you not told me about this?"

"It's... that... I... I'm sorry captain, I was scared that if you find out that I was a girl, you might think that I'll get in the way in the fight...so..."

"You kept the Bepo as a guy bear thought on all of us." The captain ended.

She bit her lower lip. Feeling guilty on the captain's taunt. "I'm really sorry, captain!" she bowed.

Law sighed. "Alright, alright. Y/n-ya." He said. "Here." Upon saying the word, the girl raised her head up, finding an orange cloth flew over the air and landed on her face. She took that off and unfolded it, finding her usual orange trademarked jumpsuit...only smaller. That made her turned towards the captain questioningly. "You're still my Bepo, after all." He said with a smirk on his face.

She blushed and looked down on her suit. The same Jolly Roger trademark of the Hearts Pirate was on it making her turned to the captain who was staring at her. 

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now