10. Bepo's Complex

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It was after breakfast that Y/n realized that they were on a dock. The sun was warming her skin up nicely as she stood in front of the submarine-slash-ship deck while watching the empty place drowned with mysterious town uncrowded that she could count the people passing by through the number of her fingers from hands and feet.

Inhaling the scent of the new day breeze while the captain stood beside her, watching her smile over the crowd of people walking around the harbor.

"You want a walk?" He asked.

The girl eyed him expectantly. "Really? I can?" It's been a while since she had some time alone of her own. Hearing the captains question made her want to jump of the submarine and look around.

"Do you want to?" He asked again.

"Of course!" The girl happily replied.

A response Law was waiting for, smiling as he grabbed her wrist. "Let's go then." He said, pulling her towards the port without further discussion.

"Huh?" Bepo wasn't expecting that. Her eyes solely focused on her captain's back as he walked in front of her. His yellow sweatshirt beamed into the sun rays with his dotted trademarks and the Jolly rogers designed in the middle of it. Black dye designed on both his sleeves that was folded up till his elbows and the hood that remained hanging around his nape. Her eyes went down to the big strong hand that held her wrist. She could still recall that when she was that white bear Bepo, her body size was doubled of his' making her let out a small chuckle.

"What's funny?" The captain surgeon asked.

"It's the first time I felt smaller than you, captain." She told him.

"And it's also the first time I noticed that my little Bepo was being diligent." Law replied back.

The girl frowned. "I was always diligent, captain." She said, bit confused.

"You always sleep, remember."

Ah. Being in a bear form in such days required her to hibernate. Of course she had to sleep more hours. "That was because I'm a bear." She replied blushing. "I was always diligent if I'm not sleeping." She reasoned out, pouting as she looked around the place.

"Of course. Of course." Her bear and human form was really different. Law could clearly tell that she's not really accustomed to being a confident woman as she hardly raises her head up. She was beautiful. Whenever she smiles and looks up at him, he could see it. When she blushes and looks down, he wanted to sway off the strands of hair that covers it, clip the soft locks through her hair and watch her cheeks tinted with pink hues.

"Where are we going, captain?" She asked curiously upon entering the number of masses in town.

"Where would you want to be?" He asked.

"Anywhere? I guess." Little Bepo doubtfully replied. She really doesn't have a place in mind, bust she wanted to check some place.

How about a church and let's get married?(haha joke... or not) Trafalgar pulled her closer to him, sliding his hands to her palm, entwining his fingers to her soft ones. The girl was more than surprised. She looked at the captain wide eyed while he smiled back at her. "If you stray away, I'm going to have a hard time finding you in such a big place and amass population." He whispered through her ear.

His warm breath felt scalding when it traced her skin from her earlobe going to her soft neck. She almost trembled, feeling the chills through her spine and the uneasy riot on her stomach that she could hardly supress.

As expected, Law smiled in victory, seeing how her ears redden, her cheeks flared up with heat as well, as the innocently shy Y/n was unfortunately teased by her scheming captain.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now