11. Bepo Still Hibernates

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Comforting little Bepo took quite a toll on Law.

He already had them teleporting away from the crowd and into the forest to avoid onlookers as they stood by the end of the cliff.

A good spot to sight see through the ocean and city a whole. But who would have thought about the idea of viewing such scenery with a beautiful girl with white strands of hair grey eyes and smooth skin. A sight to see.

It was also a refreshing climate as the wind blew gently through her shoulder. Law smiled at the thought of her beside him.

He went on and sat on the end of the cliff, letting the cushion of grass carry his weight as he turned to his trusty bear who stood there watching him. He tapped the grassy space beside him with a bossy look. "Come and sit her, Y/n-ya." He called out.

A bit reluctant, she frowned. But since it's captain's orders, she just went on and sat next to him as the wind blew stronger in the end of the cliff that moved most of her clothes and hair to wave around.

The girl shrugged from the sudden cold. Seeing this, Law had the sudden urge to become a gentleman, suddenly teleporting his furcoat to put around her shoulder. He'd probably see little Y/n blush again.

The thought once again had him smiling as he did his plan. He contemplated for a while. Trying to rehears in his mind what he has to do before doing that in actual. Earning himself a pretty good confidence after a couple of minutes in his mind until he was satisfied to his plan in action. The coat was now summoned in his other hand hidden away from the girl.

But when the dotted captain turned around to follow his little script, Bepo was not beside him, but was sleeping soundly behind him curled into a ball. Her hair sprawled gently behind her back into the ground, sinking through the number of swaying green grasses. Her hands ajar between closed and open as it rested in front of her. Her complexion together with her white silver hair blending within the scenery made her looked like a sleeping angel.

He studied her more. His face leaned closer to hers noticing that even the little detail on her eyebrows and long eyelashes were white. His hand reached her head and began to carress the flow of her soft locks until it reached her tinted cheek. It felt cold as ice, making him chuckle when she purred it the warm hand that cupped her left cheek.

"Ah. And I though, I wouldn't see the heavy sleeper bear I used to know." He muttered jokingly to himself, leaning even closer to her.

She was really asleep.

The cold climate gave her the urge to do so and now she did. Most of her bear nature never changed and somehow, Law was glad that he can recall something common to Y/n and the Bepo he used to know.

He kissed her forehead gently while the girl tilted her head for a second and then went back to her normal position again.

The man sighed. "Man, Y/n-ya. Aren't you such a teas? Your every action mocks me everyday to do something. And now, even in your sleep, you could still do it." He says quietly, deciding to lie beside her using his arm as a pillow for himself, watching her peaceful image rest in the refreshing temperature they are in.

He continued to caress her hair, and her, coming closer to his warmth until her head was digging into his chest. It made Law chuckle for her innocent sleep. Now tangling her soft locks around his hand while letting her have her adorable slumber.

"Captain..." she hummed a call. But when he looked, she was still asleep.

Law looked at her softly, "What is it, Y/n-ya?" He asked.

She went even closer to him. Her arms now around his waist as she hummed weakly but huskily.

Law cupped her cheeks up, deciding to kiss her forehead, down to her nose and finally to her lips. He knew it's wrong to take advantage of her, but he couldn't help himself. Only Bepo could make him like this and it's very addicting to have her in his arms that if possible, he will never even let her be seen by anyone else.

She groaned, trying to bury her face on his chest again, but he held her cheek to keep her on facing him. He wanted to stare at her more and then kiss her.

"I love you, Y/n-ya." He whispered, finally letting her head bury itself back to the warmth of his body. Someday he'll tell her that when she's awake. When she's finally confident to be human again. He will kiss her lips with confidence and tell those words to her. Because he loves y/n at first sight.

He promised that to himself. And he will fulfull it.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now