12. End of Hibernation

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Fun fact: So I searched if polar bears hibernates and it so happens that THEY ACTUALLY DON'T because their heart rate and temperature do not decrease as they are animals who is well versed in winter seasons. Since the reason brown bears hibernate in winters is to conserve their warmth and energy.

This fact being said, I was thinking if I should just delete the previous chapter and remake a new fluff but meeeh I'm a lazy asshat so I'll just go along and have Bepo having characteristics as the brown bears so that the story would further move.

Another fun fact?: Polar bears find their mates by attracting their scent through the smell of their feet. Polar bears have smelly feet--(author got slapped by Bepo the bear)

Y/n had a long dreamless sleep. She didn't know how long it took her but when she woke up, she was somewhere very familiar.

It was a decent room, but not really hers. To be more precise with it, it's her captain's room and she was lying on her captain's bed, covered in her captain's blanket.

Her face begun to flush red as her heart began to race over the sudden  surpise she'd have to wake up in. How did she even get here?!

She couldn't think straight after waking up smelling the scent of her captain all over the place. She also felt lightheaded thinking that she took a really long nap but something wasn't exactly accurate about the situation... she looked down at herself and gasped. She wasn't wearing her orange suit. It was just an oversized grey knitted sweatshirt that reached her thigh. The neckline was also wide that it started slipping off her shoulder.

Wait, she wore this before in her bear form...

She began to scratch her head in confusion. Silver locks falling from her shoulder thinking how she had changed.

But then again. The thought that she was sleeping in her captain's bed was the most mysterious event than the change of fashion in her new body.

She grabbed the white sheet of blanket and covered herself again. She lay back down on the pillow still having the slight daze and watched the ceiling on top of her.

Her hearing sensors noticed the metal door opening, making her turned towards the certain direction finding the captain surgeon drinking his cup of coffee as he closed the door and made a casual walk towards his desk and glanced at her.

However, seeing her meeting his eyes made him stop on his tracks and turned to her completly wide eyed, nearly spitting the coffee he was drinking. "Y/n-ya?" He called out. Unsure if the girl was really awake.

The girl quickly sat up, threw the blanket and leapt off the bed running towards the certain male with wide smile. "Good morning captain! I'm sorry I fell asleep yesterday!" She quickly apologized as soon as she was in front of him.

Trafalgar Law, the surgeon of death, the captain of the hearts pirate, one of the phenomenal rookie captains everyone should be wary of. This titles began to crumble in his image as he watched her looking back at him with shy innocent and apologetic look. Putting that cup of coffee shakily on the desk as he stepped closer to her.

The girl swallowed watching his hand reached out to her, locking her closer to him with a tight embrace. "139 days, 6 hours 28 minutes. Y/n-ya. You sure did took your sweet time." He softly said in her ears, securing her body even closer that shows how he wouldn't let her go one of these days.

"139 what? C-captain?" The girl's cheeks flushed more like tomatoes. She couldn't believe what's happening. Why was her captain's hand shaking? She was confused.

"I thought it would only take a couple of weeks." He distanced a step away which was still so close for comfort, looking at her with soft gold eyes. He cupped her cheek with one hand seeing how the girl still looked confused.

Y/n wanted to look away. She can't help but feel suddenly guilty by that look the captain was giving her. What did she do? Why did he mention 139 days? What are those days for? She just fell asleep yesterday, right?

"You've undergone hibernation." Law finally revealed. She looked back at him wide eyed.

"W-what?!" The girl's eyes widened even more. But she's human! Why did she hibernate?! "So those days...?" She started to piece the puzzle. That hundred and thirty nine days were the number of sleep she had. Five months to be exact!

"Bepo--Y/n-ya." Law called out softly again. She looked up at him questioningly, only to be met with a pair of soft lips enveloping hers.

Her eyes widened, stiff frozen from where she stood as the embarrassing moment washed through her being like a bucket of water. The sensation of his soft lips, the mixture taste of coffee and the indescribable flavor of this man's soft lips. It was overwhelming yet at the same time... it didn't feel wrong.

Bepo slowly closed her eyes letting law dominate her lips gently, opening her mouth to comply to the kiss he initiated, putting her arms around his neck to support her height on him.

The man smiled inbetween before continuing to deepen their kiss. One hand on her waist pulling her body to his', the other was at the back of her head keeping her from trying to get away from what he started. It felt good. His little shy human bear in his arms kissing back and hearing her little moan. He was almost certain that it feels so right.

Both departed from the kiss to catch their breath but not far enough as Law stucked his forhead to hers, looking right through her eyes.

"C-captain?" The girl called out with flushed cheeks and soft breaths. She couldn't believe she kissed back! Why was the captain good at kissing?! Why did she feel like she knows how to kiss as well as if that was normal?!

She could feel her face heating up almost feverish.

Law smiled at her, making his face closer at the side of her ear. "You are still my bear, afterall." He whispered, setting his lips down between her neck and shoulder that somewhat felt ticklish. He then bit her there making the girl flinch and squeal.

"C-c-capatain!" The girl stuttered feeling slightly pained and even more embarrassed by what was happening.

"Y/n-ya. You're human now so please don't hibernate that long. Or I'll lose my mind thinking that you'll never wake up." He told her seriously as he raised his head back to looked at her pretty face. He brushed the silver strands that fell to cover the side of her face while she was looking down, clipping it at the back of her ear carefully.

"I-I'm sorry captain." She looked down even more now sights to her toes.

Law sighed. "Y/n-ya. I'm sorry I kissed you. It was on impulse and I didn't thought it through. But I mean what I said. You're my little bear." He told her. "I like you very much."

The girl instinctively covered her mouth. She feels incredibly ambarrassed by what she heard and now she's on the verge of exploding after being cornered like this. "I do like captain as well... very much too..." the girl shyly replied. Her voice was trembling on either trying to hold back her tears or being extremely nervous.

Law rubbed her head gently, giving soft pets on top of her head. Smiling at her fidgeting form. "You're beautiful, Y/n-ya."

"You as well, captain... I- I mean! You're good looking a-and h-handsome... and nice a-as well--"

She was stopped by another sudden kiss, only to be faced by a mischievous smile from her captain that made her looked somewhere else again.

"If you sleep 139 days again. Don't blame me for doing what I want." He told her.

The girl was beyond shock. This sentence had her determined that she will never ever sleep a wink in front of him ever again! But of course, that's a lie, as she had not been in proper nourishment from the past days--months, she lost consciousness right in front of the one who threatened her not to.

Law caught her falling body, smiling helplessly to the girl in front of him. Did he do a successful confession? He wondered if this timid bear would get the idea that he wanted her to be his'. But he decided that that's for future reference, seeing how she hadn't eat anything for months, he should start nursing her back to health before teasing her again.

Okay hahahahaha. Slap me for being a hoe but bitch I aint good at this no matter how many times I do it. Anyways, I'm really suck ass slow at UD but I love you all still!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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