8. Into the Rescue

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Three days have passed and the little fox form of Y/n had been locked up into a human sized cage in the captain's cabin.

The redhead didn't know what he'll do once she's back to her original form and whatever that is, he's going to enjoy her despair for making him wait.

Kid stopped scribbling from his desk. Putting his quail pen down as his eyes turned towards the girl who's currently in the form of a fox. Her little white ears twitched, cautiously looking at the man in front of him.

"You know Whitey. This is getting really boring. Are you sure you want to die?" The redhead asked, standing up from his sit.

Y/n sat on the little cage. Watching the man's movement with her sharp eyes. The redhead smirked in annoyance, veins popping out of his temples as he watched the quiet entity staring back at him.

"Well lil shit's really testing my kindness, huh."

Kindness? Where the hell does kindness comes out from him? Is he joking?

The fox ears twitched again. The unreadable expression of her animal form was angering him even more. Especially that orange jumpsuit covering her furry body that attached the jolly roger of her dotted captain surgeon.

Redhead hissed. Standing up from where he sat as the chair he was sitting in creaked shortly. "Fine then. Time to kill you." He said in annoyance, started making his way towards her. Phase so quick that within a couple of steps, he's already in front of the cage.

The metal bars bent on either side, making way for the man's hand to enter. His big hand clutching the Fox's little body into his palm. The girl wanted to squirm, instead she struggled from the tight hold. He's really going to kill me? She thought a bit in panic.

She felt her body giving a little shiver as the unwavering man smirked devilishly towards her small frame. "There's a limit to one's patience. Now give me what I want and I may still keep your little head attached to that body." He flicked the fox's forehead with his steel finger. "Now I'll count three. When I'm finish and you're still this little shit, prepare to be my dinner."

The girl's body felt the chills and heave of his words. This man... he's seriously not joking.

"Now one." He counted slowly. "Two..." his smirk grew brightly, his sharp teeth showing that scared her most. "Three..."

Steam started coming out of the little Fox's body. Slowly, the silhouette inside the fog started forming. The redhead smirks, awaiting the beauty that will appear after the smokes. Seizing into view, the excitement rose into his body feeling that the weightless little animal started gaining heave.

But as smokes retreated, an explosion directed into the cabin walls suddenly made the blur thicker. The light of the sun entered the supposed enclosed room, creating a hole in the wall of the room. As the wreck caused a second before Kid could retaliate, the weight he was holding in his hand completely disappeared.

What was that explosion? A marine attack? Kid listed all the possibilities not until the voice spoke behind him. "I'll let it slide today Eustass-ya, as apologies for your broken wall." The most menacing voice he's resented his whole life. "And if you don't mind. I'm taking what's mine."

"Trafalgar Law..." the redhead's voice trembled in anger. His body beginning to arouse metals as he unconsciously used his magnetic ability. The items of the same property started flying into the cabin.

"Room!" Law chanted. As the thick fog rampages inside the cabin, he disappeared.

"Captain!" Killer slammed the door open, his eyes in search of the thick smokes for his captain.

"Damn that Law." The redhead clenched his fist. Soon, the metals started falling down into the wooden floor. "He'll pay for all these."

*imma stray to the original story. Orayt 😂😂😂*

Everyone sat outside the submarine. Awaiting for the captain's news about the abducted Bepo. Worried as they looked at the extent of the horizon after Law disappeared from sight, counting every second of his absence like a time bomb.

Later on, a bubble appeared but soon popped out of nowhere above the crew. Landing on the deck, his dotted waistcoat flew behind him. His baggy hat still on his head while on his hand bares the person with the orange jumpsuit. Her hair, white as snow, waving flawlessly into the windy air, her grey eyes sharpened like of a vicious wild animal but her beauty wasn't lessen the slightest.

Few seconds passed and they were silent. Their mouths agaped, still in utter shock of their captain's entrance. Frozen to see the girl they have been long worries for the entire days that came.

Bepo was on the same page. Law carefully helped her to her feet while she looked at them one by one. How many days has it been? A tear fell off her eye, turning towards the surgeon of death with a confused stare.

Trafalgar responded with a smile. Petting her head gently as he spoke. "Welcome home, Y/n-ya." He greeted softly.

As memories flashes as quick as a second into the girl's mind. She started sobbing, holding back her cries but as she looked at her crew members and captain, she couldn't help but cry. Her voice as loud as it could be at the top of her lungs, wrapping her arms around her captain's waist and digging her face into his chest feeling the overwhelming emotion she's never thought she had.

"Bepo!!!!!" Everyone cried as well. Worried and relieved for the little bear's safe return.

"You did a good job hanging on. I'm proud of you." Law commended, securing her body with his embrace. Comforting her, feeling her, thanking her as she had kept herself whole despite being in the hands of that redhead devil.

"I'm sorry captain! I was so useless!" Y/n cried. "I was so careless I poisoned myself and let myself be taken! I'm sorry!" She hugged him tighter. She couldn't help it. Captain Kid scared the shit out of her and now she can't believe she was rescued.

"Hush now, little bear." Law whispered. "You held on for three days. He didn't touch you, didn't he?" He asked worried.

The girl shook his head. "I hid in my fox form. I'm sorry." She cried again.

Smiling, the dotted pirate swept her feet off the ground. Carrying her in his arms as he strides towards the submarine entrance. "Let's check you up. That bastard must have placed some drug on you." Shutting the door close behind him, the crew still celebrated Bepo's safe return.

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