7. In Someone Else's Ship

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Law hardly punched the tree beside his submarine. It caused a small dent on the tree and a harsh bruises and bleeding on his fist.

Shachi was feeling down too, almost wanting to disappear from his captain's sight after his failure in protecting Bepo while in his care although not actually being blamed for it himself yet feeling responsible. Penguin hardly tried to cheer him up segregating the thought that their captain looked scarier than usual.

"That damn Eustass-ya. I'll kill him." He cursed under his breath.


She sat up still head feeling dazed by what the poison left her. But still to her conscious mind she sharply watched the pirate Captain who was staring at her like a new toy.

"Hungry, Whitey? You must be." He guessed. "There's food on my desk. Go fill yourself." He pointed over to his side next to the closed window there was a desk there, top of it placed a covered food.

She didn't mind the generosity, standing up and made her way as to what was instructed. She opened the covers and found bread, riceball, fishes and milk. Automatically to what they usually eat, she grabbed the riceball and ate close to consciousness.

The redhead captain was staring at her still. The awkward silence emanating danger to her system as she fill herself in order to recover. The place wasn't new for her no matter who fills it. It had the same dignified stench around the room that whoever inhabits it is sure to be a captain of someone high ranked. After finishing the riceball she drank on the milk, less interested to the other food placed in the table.

"Thank you for your generous help." The girl stood up as quickly as she placed the glass back on the table. "But I don't have business in this ship, captain Kid." She firmly said setting a solid boundary to her and the pirate who kidnapped her.

That made the latter amused even. His smirk widening as he stares over the girl who wore her orange jumpsuit with that annoying Heart Pirate Jolly Rogers. "Whitey... nobody rejects captain Kid." He stood up, making her aware that the captain had began to make his way towards her. That was alarming enough that gave her little movements back from the pirate she's facing. "I'm generous with a price, little bear. Unless you want to make it up into the hard way?"

"I..." she pause upon being a foot close to the captain who stopped in front of her. He was grinning from ear to ear, almost giving her the unusual feeling... almost the same when she was kissed by a stranger on the haunted house.

"Don't you think you should pay up for my kindness?" He asked huskily. A stench of threat on his breath made her hair raise in fear that automatically made her gasped. Another step from the captain and their body had collided that she quickly used her hand as a boundary and stepped back to maintain a space. "What's wrong whitey? Being shy?" He said.

She turned away. Feeling both fear and embarrassment being together that made her blush. The atmosphere was more than enough to set her uneasy with a dangerous pirate who had a serious irritation with her own captain. "Don't get me wrong but I'll pay up once you return me to my captain." She replied coldly.

Kid hated the answer. Hissing annoyed as he grabbed the girl's arm and slam her on the nearest wall, limiting her movement by putting his hands close to both sides of her ears. "You're really something, Whitey. Just watching you somehow make me want to do you hard." He said with a smirk. "I couldn't help but imagine ripping that stupid suit off you. Right here and now."

She frowned. Athough feeling her knees is about to collapse, she held still, leaning on the wall to support herself and evaluating how long can she keep a transformation now that she just recovered from a poisoning. "Have mercy on me, captain Kid. I'm still recovering from the poison." She calmly replied.

He smirked from her plea. Pleased to see more expressions from her. "Have you ever done it with your captain?" He asked meaningfully. "How gentle was he?"

That question made her eyes widen. "W-what the hell?! I'm a bear, why would he--" she paused feeling her blush.

"Oh I see, you're a virgin."

"I'm... I-- please no more of this discussion." She looked down nervously. She was getting too uncomfortable with how Kid questions her.

"Sorry to break it to you, Whitey. Because your first time is going to hurt."

The girl felt the strange feeling again. Her insides began to tremble roughly that she wanted to run. "No." She firmly replied.

"You're pretty tough for a bratty bear."

She glared back. "Because that's what I recently am." Kid was taken aback from the girl's sudden transformation. Her body turned into Bepo using the strength of the giant's bear body to kick him off and then ran along the entrance while taking advantage of his shock. Sun welcomed her entrance, making the crew working on the deck took awareness, bringing out their weapons to fight. But no time and strength for it, she turned back to her original form, a smaller and swift girl who ran into the side of the deck, planning to jump off.

However, her body didn't threw itself into the sea. It flew back so quick that she could feel herself hanging by the waist. She looked side and saw a smirking Kid holding her by the belt she didn't noticed that she was wearing. It was made out of metal that made her face palmed. "Thinking about running away when you just got here?" He asked.

"I told you, I'm going back!" She struggled from the way she was being carried. "Let me go already!"

"You're being rude, whitey." The redhead said. "Do you really wish to die? Aren't you a devil fruit eater?" Realizing that, she finally understood what he meant. She can't swim since she's a devil fruit eater and she most likely can't escape right now.

"Its better there!" She pointed towards the open sea. "Than here!" She struggled away but the captain has a strong grip that he wasn't even bothered by the girl's useless strength.

"And just so you know, you're very weak right now. Want me to take advantage of that?" He grinned. Sharp tooth made her feel the chills.

"No!" She writhes feeling dizzy from being raised up on the floor. Her nauseous was obvious that he dropped her on the floor. She was not able to land correctly after her dizziness that made her knelt down the floor holding her head.

"See. Told you you're still weak." He carried her by the waist entering back his cabin and then throwing her down on his bed the cushion repelling the pain from being slammed as she pants feeling dizzy all the sudden. "The doctor's antidote is temporary. You think I'd let him give you an instant strength to go against me?" He asked leaning down to corner her head on the bed.

She tried pushing him off but her strength wasn't giving her the upperhand. That even gave a victorious smirk on the redhead as he caressed her cheek.

"Look at you whitey. So weak and delicate, your captain's probably worried." He laughed. "Acting all fierce when you can't even fight. How cutely innocent."

Please work! Please work! The silver screamed in her head as she squinted her eyes. This captain is not backing down!

And as she plead herself to protect herself, the devil fruit activated. Her body steamed in white smokes that made the redhead backed away. And as the white smoke devoured her body, he waited what will happen. He doesn't care whether dangerous or not. He just wanted to see what it was until the steaming retreated and the smokes disappeared.

She was still there. And he was annoyed. "Whitey, I'm really going to kill you." He grimaced, grabbing the white fox by it's orange suit in irritation. "Get back to your human form and I will be hard on you." He threatened.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now