9. Feed Me

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Y/n's eyes opened. Feeling the blurry sight that made her close her eyes once more, rubbing her lids and opening it up again.

First thing her eyes met was the white light that lit up the entire room. She blinked again, now moving her eyes around to familiarize herself with the surrounding she's been in. To her left were a set of medical kits and surgery materials familiar in her eyes. Then she moved to her right, seeing a dotted exaggerated hat on top of a sleeping man.

Her captain...

Law slept on the side of the bed, his hands as cushion, his closed eyes earning little dark circles underneath. His features made her realize how tired he looks maybe because he was looking after her. This thought made her blush, little shy smile came out of her lips while watching the man beside her.

Grateful for him who took care of her clumsy self since childhood, she couldn't help but admire his strength to keep the crew intact for years. Herself included, realizing how useless she's gotten eversince she came back to her real form. She thoughtfully felt guilty, rather. Law had been giving his all, while, standing by as an apologetic bear--well until now, she actually does, too.

Staring at him long took her unprepared from realization that the pair of golden eyes were already meeting her silver ones. Flinching, she looked back as her face started turning red.

"C-captain..." she muttered embarrassed. "G-good morning! I'm sorry!" Panic surged through her organs as she felt her face redden in embarrassment with their moments of eye contact.

Raising his head up, the captain smiled and lightly petted her head. "How's your body feeling? Has the poison left?" He asked softly, letting his hand slid towards the little bear's cheek.

"Uh... I'm good captain. T-thank you for taking care of me." Her blush turned even more obvious while law watched her with a soft smile. Her cheeks were warm and soft with or without fur. It was funny how adorable one could be and it confused him what he's actually having as he think about this new Bepo.

"Are you hungry? Do you feel like eating anything? Like fish?" The pirate captain asked.

Although confused as to why the man would mention particular food such as fish, she couldn't help but realize the complain in her stomach. It did growl, making her face flush embarrassed towards the man who heard it.

Law laughed it off. "Let's eat then." He stood up from the chair he's sat from while watching her slide her feet off the bed and leap herself up to stand carefully. "The poison has been detoxed from your body. You'll feel a bit off sometime since some of it already stuck up to your blood which is why I had to remove two bags. Don't worry, I'll feed you as much to take your blood back up to normal." He explained.

She nodded. Finally having a concrete reason for the lightheadedness she was feeling that morning. They walked out the clinic while she fixed her hair, making sure it wasn't bad before they faced the crew who can be heard making noises at the door where the dining room leads.

With the usual lead, Law first entered the door followed by the girl behind him. This placed the crew to a stop and greeted the captain in different timings then went on to greet the former mink as well. While Law went straight on to his seat, the girl was responding back to the greetings politely until she went to sit beside the quiet captain who already started his meal. The usual menu filled the dining table with rice balls and meat.

She started her meal as well, filling her mouth with a bite from the large rice ball that made her cheeks puffed like a squirrel as she chew, some grains even stuck on the side of her lips and her face straight and focused to the meal to satisfy her earned hunger.

It was the first time Law saw her unreserved in her human form. Usually, the girl would eat cleanly and embarrassed from the eyes that looks at her, but now. It seemed like looking back to the same old Bepo who fills her mouth with food just in her human version. He couldn't help but feel his chest thump uneasily. It felt warm and sweet as he described how adorable she looked when she eats. If only he could pinch her cheeks, he's done so. But he needed to keep cool. It's not like him to be taken over by fascination of adorable things and it's going to be a bad image for the crew if he ever did so.

Again, he looked at her for a short while before grabbing a bite. "Bepo-chan~" Penguin and Shachi chanted, again, wobbling their slim bodies with heart shaped eyes as they held two service plates in hand.

Shachi first slides forward, posing with his back bent forward and arms stretched while holding the dish in hand. "I prepared you grilled fish fresh from the blue sea, delicately and softly killed, bathed in freshly picked red ripe tomato crushed to its finest bits till it turned into a sauce. Topped with green greens of herbs that will help you get back up to your pretty feet!" He said happily putting the plate down to her table.

The girl blinked twice. Looking up at her crew mate before giving out a smile. "Thank you, Shachi."

"And here's. Mine~" Penguin sang doing a ballerina twirl stopping in front of the girl gracefully. "Chicken stuffed with citrus limes, cloaked with glazing gold of honey as bright as your undefeated beauty and the sunshine that I put my life through catching, herbs as well for your beautiful health and a large amount of innocent love!" Like Shachi, he placed the food at her table as well.

"Oh. Penguin, thank you." She gratefully smiled, still processing the way the dish and ingredients and emotions were put to use. Looking at her captain who was busy eating his rice balls. "Captain, would you like to taste them as well?" She asked.

"You should finish them. You need your strength back." Law replied.

She blinked twice. Looking at the dishes then back to her captain. "But I can't finish them all... I'm sorry."

The captain sighed lightly, turning to her who was looking at the meal in front of her warily. Smiling at her troubled sight, he placed a hand on his chin and gently petted her head. "Sure. I could share with your meal." He said calmly.

The white fluff looked up at her captain with bright expectant eyes. As if a sudden doggy ears and tail started wagging at her back. It was too innocent and bright. "Really captain?"

Law nodded. "Only if you feed it to me." He said with a mischievous smile he's rarely worn. He watched as slowly, her wondering face started turning a shade of pink.

"H-hah?!" She squealed shocked. Staring up at him wide eyed. "B-but captain... uhmmm..." her ears started burning up as well.

"Hm? Then you'll have to finish them yourself." The dotted captain replied, removing his hand off her head while he grabbed a piece of rice ball from his plate. Too bad... he wanted Bepo to be a little more intimate with him.

"C-captain?" The girl called out embarrassed.

"Yeah?" Law responded still not looking at her.

"P-please say ahh..?" the words on her trembling voice caught his attention. He turned to the girl, seeing a spoonful of dish reached out near his mouth. Staring as the blushing girl whose eyes were trying to evade his stare was trying her best to hold her hands together not to shake in front of him. His heart skipped a beat again. She was more beautiful than he envisioned her to be. 

He reached the spoon with his mouth, taking the dish off the spoon while he chewed on the food. "It's good." He complimented. At least everything taste good if you're the one feeding it. He thought while earning a look of heartbreak and envy from the two who prepared the meals themselves. Shachi clasped his heart while dramatically reaching out for Bepo while Penguin was biting a piece of tablecloth in tears.

"Captain is so lucky..." the crew was left to chorus in thoughts while the former white bear, now in a form of a beauty was feeding their captain and herself from the same spoon and chopsticks.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now