6. Captain Kid

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6. Captain Kid

The commotion grew moments later when the straw hats began to wreak havoc on the auction. Though it looked almost as threatening for safety, both Hearts Pirates and Kid Pirates didnt leave the facility. Remaining as calm as they stayed relaxed on their common ground.

And it ended with the place emptied while they stood still watching what will thr strawhats would do next. Of course, as kind hearted as they are, they freed the other slaves after succeeding on freeing the caught mermaid.

The marines were outside, surrounding the area as reported. The three captains simply showed their calm gestures until Kid broke the slacking, provoking Law and Strawhat that made them tag along to fight the marines on stand by, arguing  on the hallway until exit.

Bepo and the other crews of the three captains stayed for a while cautiously looking at each other. However, the Kid pirates have something going to their mind while they looked at the pretty little bepo who carelessly laughed when chatting to her crew mates.

"Hey Bepo-chan~~, look at this!" Bepo showed her a magic trick--almost taking advantage of their captain being gone to make airs towards the pretty white.

The girl clapped with amazement together with Penguin. Well, the three of them are easily impressed. That must be why they always think of ridiculous tricks. "That's amazing!" The girl praised.

Huge explosions shook the facility that made all the crew aware that it's no longer safe inside. "Bepo, stay with is okay?" The two crewmates said.

"I'm fine. I can change my form." The girl said.

"But your clothes will." The two flustered just by the thought.

"It's okay now. My suit is costumized! I can turn to a dinasaur anytime I want!" She happily said.

"Well that's great then. Let's go help captain out!" The three started to make their way towards the exit. Other crews followed reaching the back of their captains for support.

Law looked back to see them battle ready. "Bepo, don't stray away." He said.

"I can fight captain. Don't worry." The girl said seriously.

Law sighed. That can't be helped since Bepo has been fighting side by side eversince and now they're being overprotective. "Do what you want." He said.

The girl nods, turning herself into a white lion, gradually changing every body part into the necessary shape of the animal she chose. All were surprised to see that. Not understanding how it happened. "Wowww!!! That's just amazing!!!" Luffy jumped in amazement to break the silence.

Kid whistled with interest. "Just beautiful." He praised looking at his crew. "Remember my orders boys." He said.

All nodded.

The fight continued. With Bepo gnawing on every marine on her way and then retreating back beside her captain for support. But as she tried to attack again, her form returned into human again yet losing her footing caught the captain's attention. Kneeling down on the floor, tolling her with her heavy breathing.

Law caught her the moment she weighed herself down. "Bepo! What happened to you?" He asked. He touched her forehead feeling the burning sensation the moment their skin interacted. "Your having fever. Signs of poisoning. Dammit. Shachi! Take Bepo and get back to the ship. We're leaving once I return." He said.

"Yes captain!" Shachi hurried towards his captain, carrying the sick girl on his back and started to run. Kid pirates took a moment to let them run and then Killer followed with the other crew on his back. Hardly for Law to take notice.

Kid excitedly smirked. His devil fruit powers exceeding too much magnetic power that turned into a large fist. Sweet revenge for a stupid enemy just to see how Law would look once he finds out she's gone to another ship. Soon after hearing that an admiral will soon come to the island, everyone decided to retreat.


It was automatic that Kid knew where to go. At least his instincts are telling him and he was right.

Shachi was trying his best to defend the unconscious girl he's carrying from three of his crews. That was a winning prize for that redhead captain himself since the crew didn't notice the captain behind him, he was easily knocked out. That gave him the privilege to take the girl, slinging it to his shoulder obligingly with a victorious smirk.

"Let's get going. I still have a lot of things to do." He said making his way first into the unknown direction he was certain as the way to his own ship. "I guess you're enough to both satisfy me and get back to your ass of a captain."

And moments later, they reached the Kid Pirates' ship. Feeling uncomfortable from that kind of position, the girl hardly tried to wake up. Something wasn't right. The man carrying her didn't smell familiar at all. She could feel the soft feathers touching her skin and a hard rock shoulder she was slung into.

"Shachi..." she muttered the last person she remembered speaking to her that time. But it was too different. It wasn't him.

"Too bad, Whitey. I'm the one rescuing you." That familiar voice took every chill to her spine to a higher level. Her senses darkened trying as hard as she could to struggle away from the broad shoulder she was in. And it let go, throwing him down on the deck's wooden floor that made her sat there weakly facing up at him. "Welcome aboard." He smirked.

She was still hardly breathing. Feeling that she was going to faint again when the ship began to move. "What are you doing?! I have to get back!" She protested.

"Get back so soon?" He smirks even wider. "Don't be such a boring girl, Whitey. Besides, I'll tell Law to get you when I'm done."

"Are you crazy?! I'm that white bear!" She said back coughing again before catching up with her breath.

The redhead looked at her with a smirk. "You mean that loyal bear?" He asked.

She bit her lip. Wrong revelation. That bear who kicked a lot of his guys back in those days. That bear who always sleeps and Law using it as a cushion so he could sleep too. That bear. "Then all the more reason to keep you with me." He said.

Her eyes grew from his sudden decision. "Captain Kid!" She screamed his name in complaint.

"It's a really good voice when you call my name." He said, looking at his crew. "Get the doctor to my room. Whitey needs treatment for poisoning!" He said, grabbing the girl by the neckline of her jumpsuit, slinging her back more to her shoulder going in to his chambers.

"Put me down! Captain Kid, please!" She said. "Return me back!" She tried punching the man on his shoulder any way she could to inflict pain. But with her weakening body, it's easier to withstand her humanly strength left.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now