4. Anonymous Kiss

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4. Anonymous Kiss

They reached Sabaody the same time as Shachi had predicted. It was a fancy island, not to mention gigantic big trees appeared on the forest part.

It's been a while, a month has it been that they were able to step on land and everyone almost seemed excited, even Bepo who wanted to smell nature herself was waiting until they docked.

And upon putting the anchor down and the island on their feet's reach, the crew rejoiced. Bepo clapped in delight after waiting for this moment.

"Hey Bepo-chan~~!" Both Shachi and Penguin chimed. The girl turned to them with a questioning look. "Do you want to come with us to the land? I heard there's a lot of fun thing to do in Sabaody!" They said.

The girl nodded. "Sounds nice." She replies making the two steam smokes out of their ears and face reddening with the heart shaped eyes going bigger.

"Does sound good." The captain spoke behind. "I guess we'll have a little tour while we're waiting for the entertainment."

Shachi nodded excitedly with Penguin and Bepo joining him as if the three began to become a splitting image of one another. Well, what does Law think? Bepo, Shachi and Penguin are inseparable after all. Who would've thought they'd get along after those two had been bullying the little bear when they were younger.

"Shall we go?" Law invited and the three nodded again.

One by one they jumped off the ship as the other crew were given permission to tour the island. Law with the three of his trusty group decided to make their way inside themselves, entering the island faced with the new faces they usually encounter in an island.

They were at the entrance when they were welcomed by the view ahead. Crowd was everywhere probably the same number as the bubbles surrounding the place. Amazed, the excited trio ran their way into Sabaody park looking around and praising the area.

"Woah! Bepo-chan!!! This way!" Shachi exclaimed pulling the girl's hand with penguin following ahead. Law sighed and tailed all of them, watching them enjoy their time on each stalls.

"Let's play this!" Penguin suggested, pointing down the shooting booth just close by a horror house.

Bepo and Shachi nodded. And with that face Penguin showed more than obliging to show his special skills--assumingly--while grabbing a toy riffle from the booth owner, posing expertly on the shooting range and then pulling triggers. The two anticipated fans printed 'o' on their faces watching the boy shoot. It hit the target three times, in which they were able to get a good price out of it. Penguin won a white fluffy teddy bear as he rose it up arrogantly in victor. The two fans clapped in amazement over the boy's win.

"Here ya go, Bepo-chan~~" with heart shaped eyes and smile, Penguin shoved the prize to Bepo happily. The girl whole heartedly accepted it, smiling to him with such satisfying smile. Or did the bubbles just made her background bright and sparkly? No one knew exactly why.

There it was again. That slight quick beat of Law's chest almost felt unbelievable. This was Bepo... the polar bear he's spend years of his life leaning on. And now it doesn't make sense.

"She's pretty isn't she?" He heard a mumble behind him. It was so low, but enough for him to make out the faint words.

"Yeah. Might wanna try talking to her?" Another said.

With his peripheral vision, he saw two men whispering just three meters away. They had blush plastered on their cheeks while watching Bepo smiling as she carried the bear with a really beautiful smile.

"Go on, before that beauty get away." They pushed one another playfully.

This made Law hissed.

Then he looked around, realizing that a lot of people had been staring at her. Mostly in admiration he never though would see Bepo about. Yet it's what's happening right now. She must've been a rare sight in such crowd. That girl with such captivating good looks and innocent facade.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now