3. Quenching Boredom

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3. Quenching Boredom

HIDDEN behind the captain, Bepo held his sleeve peeking embarrassed on his shoulder.

The crew were simply staring at her and the captain full of question in mind that she hoped not to answer any further. Cheeks tinting red, she tightens her hold on Law's sleeve pulling his arm closer to her.

"Uh... captain... who's that?" Penguin asked. Blush obviously messing his cheeks like the others.

"Crew, I know this is going to be hard..." he said sounding suspense like, his expression not giving away the act while his crew watched him and waiting for further response. "This is Bepo."




The same as her reaction upon seeing the captain happened to have reached the group. First, there was a complete silence. Next they showed utter confusion. And lastly, their eyes exaggerated as though it stretched out of their eyes and jaw dropped triangular as if it will really reach the floor with a really loud "WHAAAAAATTT????!!!!!" On their shocked faces.

Bepo's face redden even more. Looking at the crew who started swarming around her and the captain. "You're a girl Bepo?! Seriously?!" Shachi asked, examining the girl from head to shoe.

"So this customized supposed Bepo jumpsuit is for her real form? I thought captain finally desired to wear a uniform of his own."

Law hissed. "Why would I?" He muttered only to be heard by the girl behind him.

"So, Bepo~chan! Do you want a boyfriend?" Penguin sang, hands entwined together wriggling with a heart shaped eyes and mouth. Shachi joined him doing exactly the same as what the first one was doing.

She blushed and looked away, hiding herself behind her captain even more. "I'm sorry..." she muttered.

"Alright, enough with this. How long will it take before we reached Sabaody?" The captain asked to distract his crew from trying to make a move on her.

"We'll be there in three hours, sir." Shachi actively informed.

The captain nodded. Turning around to find the hiding girl behind him was still there, head hanging low from embarrassment while playing her fingers. "I'm quite bored..." he muttered trailed in though.

The former bear looked up at him with wonder. He unconsciously took a strand of her hair and began playing it in his hand.

She blushed even more.

"Hey, Bepo..." he looked down at the girl who looked back at him. "Come here, I'll braid your hair." He went into the side of the ship.

The crew watched him until he was leaning on the fence. It was the first time, he said he'll braid a girl's hair. But assumingly he's comfortable with Bepo since they've grown together. But that doesn't change the fact that this was a new Bepo they're talking about.

Wouldn't that be awkward?

"Oi. Come here." The captain impatiently called, staring at her with pure anticipation that she had nothing else to do but make her way towards him herself.

The crew began to scram too, continuing their chores while the daylight still hitting.

Reaching the captain, she shyly looked away to evade his now silver eyes. Feeling an abrupt two hands on her ribs and then being lifted up that made her eyes grew wide. She looked back to Law but he was actually behind her now moving her towards the fence where he leaned and made her sit there. "Uh... captain..." she called.

"Don't move your head too much Y/n-ya. You might get hurt." The captain said.

"Y-yes sir." She said looking straight to the sea. The blue sky now hanged with soft silver clouds with the sea sparkling into the light of the bright sun. She could feel her hair being combed behind her and it really felt good and relaxing while she watched the view ahead of her.

Her hair was longer the last time she remembered it was. She knew when she was a child she had a shoulder length hair, but as she grew in her bear form, she didn't realize how long it has gotten. Probably now it's on her waist or probably inch longer. Now that she thinks about it, all her transformation just had to be in color white--anemic animals-- when other people see it.

"Tell me if it hurts okay?" The captain spoke behind.

She blushed and hummed her agreement while the captain had begun to pull her hair. It was surprisingly gentle as if being caressed while he began braiding her white long hair. How can captain's hand be so delicate? Was it because he's a surgeon?

But as she waited for the braid to be over, she began humming unconsciously. Her vocals quite soothing that it sounded like it came down from the heavens. Law smiled as she watched her feet swayed like a child's, looking happily into the sea. He doesn't even want to synonymous her to a mermaid for her incomparable beauty was only for her own rarity.

"Y/n-ya. You have a nice hair." Law praised softly, only a little sound that she could hear.

"T-thank you, captain." She whispered.

"There we go." A moment later, Trafalgar decided to finish her braids. Lightly putting her hair down to her back. Some strands of locks stayed on the side of her face when she turned around too looked at the captain. He was staring at her then he smiled.

She touched her braids behind her, running her finger down until the tip of her hair. "It looks neat captain." She smiled satisfied as she rested the brain on her left shoulder.

"Well that's good to hear." Law replied.

She leaped herself down the deck to stand with her full height only to reach the captain's shoulder. Unfair... she pouted. Well, she was taller than him when he was in the polar bear form and now he's the one who needed to crouch down just to reach her height.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

She blinked twice. "Umm... n-no. Nothing." She said. "I-I'll do some chores... help out... guys." She nervously said, avoiding the man as she ran her way to help out with the other guys who's eyes suddenly started popping into a heart shape.

Law sighed. Guess women have a lot of issues. He thought watching her back and to the hair he just braided. Was touching you in that form has to be a secret? Was just touching a hair had to take on this much of an effort? Or should he have just asked her if it's okay to pet her like usual?

He shook his head. Too much for thinking, Bepo was still his childhood friend, but more than anything, she had a new shy personality in her.

A Girl All Along (Trafalgar LawXReader!Bepo)Where stories live. Discover now