Chapter 1. Someone that I used to know

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Hi there!:3 I decided to do my second knb yaoi fanfic. I have tons of ideas,propably 4-5 pages in my notebook about this ff! But I have had problems to think about how to actually fulfill them. Plus,I have been sick for few days. But I have time now so I'll try to write something...

I will make this like Kagami x Kuroko ff,there will be many chapters,but shorter. And,I may put a little more thought into this ff,because Aokuro is my favourite pairing from knb,so yeah hope you enjoy!

I was sipping my vanilla milkshake when I felt someone breathing to my neck. I turned my head to right. Than I realized that Aomine sipped from my milkshake,which was in my left hand. He smirked and came near to my ear. "It tasted good. Now,can I taste you?" I felt my face heating up and then he kissed me gently...

"Kuroko wake up! KUROKO!" I opened my eyes and saw a red haired boy in front of me and I realized that I was in the bus. Then I remembered.

"It's time" Kagami said. "Yes" I monotonously said and got up from the seat.

Today is the day. The day Seirin's team plays against Tõõ Academy. And I will see him. I saw him last time when he...well,left me. When he said "Only one who can beat me is me"

Our team was in the locker room. I was pretty quiet,well more quiet than usual. Kagami saw the absent and serious look on my face.

He suddenly tapped gently my back and asked "What's wrong Kuroko?" "Nothing" Kagami knew that it wasn't true. He knew that it was hard for me to see Aomine-Kun. He knew about our past. He tried to cheer me up "Don't worry about it,we will win!" I tried to smile a bit to him. "Thanks,for cheering me up...but I will be fine" I lied. The truth was that I was scared to face Aomine-kun. I wasn't sure how to handle this.


I was sitting on the bench at the street court. I had my cheeks cupped to my hands and my elbows leaning to my knees.

I only heard the ball bouncing to the ground and it dropping to the basket.

I felt tears flowing down to my cheeks and sweat from my hair and face.

Suddenly the bouncing sound stopped and I heard steps coming towards me.

I opened my other eye slightly and raised my head a little. I saw my friend in front of me. Smiling widely,ordering a drinking bottle. "Tetsu,let's go home!" I wiped the tears of my eyes and cheeks,but they kept flowing. When I didn't answer,he asked "What's wro-" His eyes widened when he saw the tears and my red eyes. He immediately crouched,putted his hands to my shoulders,looked at me into eyes and than hugged me. "It will be okay,Tetsu" He whispered to my ear and holded me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his neck,tears making his t-shirt wet.

This is why I hope,that he would be always beside me. That he would never leave me. No one cares about me as much as Aomine-kun. If I'm sad,he comforts me. He have helped me so many times.

               ~FLASH BACK ENDS~

That was that. It's the past now. What's happening now is that...I am on my knees,looking down to the floor. I raised my head and saw him. He glanced me with a empty,heartless look and went to the line.

We lost. We lost so badly. But no one cryed. No one. Not yet.

And what's the worst...It felt like I didn't know him at all. That he's someone that I used to know.

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