Military talk, I thought it was done but WE ARE BACK.
So I was wondering how this military shit goes. Like ik you go to Meps and then basic training afterwards (if you pass)
but then I'thinking...HOW DO I GET TO MEPS.
My dumb self has been told to "Talk To A Recruiter" because THEY MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR YOU TO GO TO MEPS.
Dumb me, I thought recruiters just try to convince you to join, I never considered they basically send you to meps after you are convinced.
Im an idiot
So step 1: Talk to a recruiter
-your recruiter will set an appointment for you to go to the nearest MEPS
Step 2: Go to Meps
-Get a billion shots and they check all your orifices to see if you're you will take the ASVAB, Take a PT test and if you pass, choose your job and swear in.
Step 3: Go to basic
-They either ship you off immediately after Meps or you go home and wait for the day you're supposed to leave. Like you go at a later date.
soo the closest recruiting station is in Boardman I believe. They are supposed to make an appointment for you at the nearest Meps.
Sooo the closest Meps is in Pittsburg PA.
Then they send you to Basiccc I thinkkk, (I think they pic which one you go to, idk) or a certain place near basic.
you can go by car, plane, train at the military's expense.
these are my current thots
sleepy now