It's been 91 days since I've watched porn.
Watching porn used to be a regular thing I did when I wanted to fEeL sOmE pLeAsuRe.
Masturbation, blah, what a yucky word, whys it make me uncomfortable?
Is there a less raw version of that word, hmu with that.
But yuh, I stopped cuz I left home and now using the same bed as my sister and living w/ 2 lil active bois.
Aint in the mood for that sHIT.
I still masturbated, going back to my roots by using my mind palace.
But for some reason last night I had a sex dream. I don't remember what was happening in it, but I woke up like, 'I needa watch some porn'
And I did.
This morn I broke the cycle.
It was nostalgic experience.
That's all.
oh ps, apparently a hurricane is headed up the east coast.
Do you see Durham? We live 20 mins from there so the storm isn't really gonna hit us.
Though I'm not so sure how hurricanes work, I think we'll be fine.
bye bye.