Chapter Five Part XXXVII (ED)

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I have a suggestion, Malthinae spoke up. Why don't you all ride us there?

"You can carry us?" Nate said, blinking in surprise.

Well, you are small, the pegasus replied, and we are built bigger and stronger than normal pegasi for this exact purpose. So? How about it?

"I have always wanted to fly," Rosaminda said musingly.

"Ditto," Renata and Nicholas said at the same time.

"This'll be fun!" Nathan said excitedly.

They all looked to Niaomi, who was stroking a sleeping Ruyi gently. "Gedwëy, how much time is left?"

"Nine hours, fifty-two minutes, and forty-five seconds counting," the fairy answered. Fluttering back down to the girl's shoulder, she shook back her white hair and added, "This would help us make it on time."

"Okay, then let's do it!" Nia cheered, and the pegasi folded their legs so the children could climb on.

Put your legs behind the wings, Delli instructed, lean your bodies forward, and gently grasp our necks; don't tug on the manes! Okay, everyone set? The children all shouted their affirmatives.

Then here we go! Vindrlíf cried as he ran forward, spreading out his huge white wings. The rest followed as they slowly flapped, hooves lifting off the ground as they shot into the sky.

"Woohoo!" Nate shouted as they flew into the air, circling gently. "This is awesome!"

Definitely! Vinny answered as he veered sideways. So, head for the mountains?

"Yeah," said Niaomi. The pegasi turned and flew along, soaring through the air. They circled lower, flapping as they carefully descended to the base of the mountains.

"Wow, you guys can fly fast!" Nick said with a huge smile.

Look down, Malt called out. The kids craned their necks to look towards the valley below, and the mirror's view shifted to show a bird's-eye view of a beautiful meadow, prettier than even the fairies. Tons of flowers swayed in the gentle breeze, and a little brook ran through them. But the most amazing sight was the unicorns.

Grazing, their brown and black coats stood out in the field of colors. Long, spiraled horns shot from their brows, glistening silver. The horses' hooves seemed to be made of gold, the bright yellow color shining as they walked among the blossoms. They looked up, surprised but not worried as the pegasi descended.

The kids carefully dismounted, dropping agilely onto the ground. Standing up, they looked around the wide meadow, which stretched across hillsides and far away faded into the forests of the mountains.

Suddenly, the wind picked up. The cyclone of air swirled around a patch of flowers, pulling the blossoms from the earth. The flowers collected together, and as the wind died down, they formed into the figure of a woman. As the flowers fell, pale arms and legs were revealed, along with a heart-shaped face that had wide greenish-hazel eyes, a prominent nose, and full red lips. The woman's hair fell to the ground, the brown locks woven with a multitude of flowers; her dress was also made of flowers, leaving her arms and legs bare.

"Why have you come to my meadow?" she asked, voice deep and husky.

"This is…your meadow?" Ren squinted, then nodded with understanding. "Oh, I see - you must be an auloniad."

The present-day blonde explained, "A type of naiad who presides over mountain pastures or meadows."

"You're correct," the auloniad said. "My name is Pilloness, and I ask again: why have you come to my meadow?"

The raven-haired girl stepped forward. "We have come on a quest to find my bondmates, and it lead us here, for my next one is a trêuräz."

"You are the Brunskulblaka?" asked Pilloness. When she nodded, the auloniad smiled gently. "Hekate told me of your quest. You may come and be welcome."

Stepping aside, she gestured for them to come forth. A bit shyly, the five walked forward, their pegasi trailing behind. The unicorns looked up as the kids approached, perking their ears for any sign of aggression as their horns glinted dangerously.

"Trêuräzar," Pilloness began, speaking in the ancient language as the mirror translated her words. "The Brunskulblaka has come, and she is ready to choose her bondmate." The horned horses came forward, lining up their young, most who were grey and white in color. Shaking their dark manes, the young foals looked eagerly towards Nia.

Turning back, the auloniad told her in Runic, "You may now choose your trêuräz bondmate."

"How will I know which one is mine?" the girl asked nervously, her eyes darting as she viewed all the unicorns. Some were newborn, still learning how to stand; others were older, their coats already becoming dark like their parents.

"You shall know," Pilloness replied. "You shall know."

Niaomi glanced back at her companions. Her brothers gave her a thumbs up, and the twins smiled encouragingly. Swallowing, she walked forwards, starting at the beginning of the line and slowly moving down it, examining each unicorn. They all stared back eagerly with blue and green eyes, waiting for her to make her choice.

Coming to a stop, Nia stared at the colt in front of her. The young male looked back, his coat darker than the others and his eyes a crystalline whitish-blue. As they looked at one another, the Dragon's Kiss began to glow softly. The girl stretched out a hand as she stated, "You’re the one."

Leaning forward, the unicorn gently pressed its horn against Niaomi's hand. A shudder ran through him as the mark on the girl's brow flared once before receding. When the colt looked up, his eyes were the same purple as Cloud's.

"You have chosen your trêuräz," proclaimed Pilloness. She smiled, stretching out her arms as she told the unicorns, "Du brunskulblaka hethr kjósaí": the dragon-browed has chosen.

As the unicorns neighed their approval, Nia spoke to her newest bondmate. "What's your name?"

Blakkar, the colt replied, his mind-voice a bit high and rough. But everyone calls me Bramble.


Because he always has some stuck in his mane, a deeper voice replied as the large black unicorn that had been standing behind Bramble stepped forward. Hello, Brunskulblaka. My name is Błathr, and Bramble is my foal.

"Atra esterní ono thelduin," Niaomi said as she bowed.

Mor'ranr lifa unin hjarta onr.

"Un du evarínya ono varda," she finished, surprised that Błathr knew the proper response.

Please watch over Bramble for me, the trêuräz said. He can be quite a handful.

Hey! the colt shouted indignantly.

She laughed. "I'll do my best, sir."

Nodding, he turned to his son. Visit often, Bramble.

Nuzzling up to his sire, Bramble replied softly, Of course, Dad. Błathr rubbed his head against his son's before softly nudging him away.

"Come on Nia, let's go!" shouted Nathan. He and the others were already astride their pegasi once again.

Walking towards them, Nia looked at Pilloness and said, "Thank you."

The auloniad smiled, her eyes bright. "Good luck on your quest, Brunskulblaka." And with those words, the wind rose and blew her back into blossoms, scattering them away. The unicorns watched from a distance as Niaomi mounted Cloud.

Looking at Bramble, she suddenly realized something. "Wait; how will you be able to follow us?"

I can do it on foot, the colt replied. Trêuräzar can run really fast.

"Great," the girl said with an eager grin. "Then let's go."


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