Chapter Six Part LV (ED)

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Walking over to the naiad, she touched her fingers to her lips in the shortened version of the elven greeting. "Kvetha, Wayłoêr."

Smiling, the potamide returned the greeting. She still remained unchanged, except for the new hair ornament that tamed her wavy hair. "How are you enjoying your party, Dragonseer?"

Wincing slightly, Nia complained, "I still don't know why you call me that name."

"It's who you are," Wayłoêr replied wisely, shifting on one foot so that her whole being seemed to ripple before settling once more. "Your fate is intertwined with the dragons - you wear the obvious mark on your brow."

Fidgeting, the girl moved her head slightly so that her bangs covered the sliver of the Dragon's Kiss that had been showing. "I know, but sometimes I wonder…"

The naiad smiled kindly. "What is troubling you, my child?"

"It's just…Zeus said I'd find my dragon egg after I mastered the ten elements." Niaomi held up her left wrist. From it dangled a bracelet that sported ten jewels carved into the elements; on her slim fingers glittered five elemental rings. "I finished mastering ice a few weeks before my fifteenth birthday. Though it's been over a year, I still haven't found my dragon. What if...what if Zeus is wrong about me being godblessed? What if I'm not good enough to be a Dragon Rider?"

"Ahhh, Nia," Wayłoêr sighed gently, cupping the girl's face in her palm and gently wiping away the tears that had begun to form in her violet eyes. "Everyone has doubts sometimes: worrying that they aren't strong enough, aren't smart enough, aren't brave enough. But answer these questions for me. Who, at the age of five, found and gained all ten bondmates in under a day?"

"Me," Nia said honestly. "But not without help."

"And who, within the span of only ten years, gained mastery in each element?"

"Me," she said again, this time rolling her eyes.

"And who," the naiad asked once more. "Was blessed by the gods with not only her gifts, but with friends who helped her find them, too?"

By this time Niaomi was smiling once more. "Me."

Wayłoêr spread her arms wide. "Well, then I think you're more than capable of being a Dragon Rider."

The girl glanced over to the side, and the view shifted to show what she was looking at. A few yards away, by the large round table in the center of the clearing, stood rest of the teenagers. Nate was reaching for the food that stretched across the smooth pine surface, but Rose was there to rap his knuckles before he could swipe anything. Nick was laughing at his brother's foiled attempts, while Renata tried to convince Nathan that what he was doing was supremely stupid.

The reminiscence returned to Nia, who was still looking at her squabbling quartet of siblings. Turning back to Wayłoêr, she finally responded, "I think all of us are more than capable."

Smiling mysteriously, the potamide told her, "And I think you've learned the last lesson."

Niaomi's eyes grew, but before she could ask any questions, the dryads finished their song. Everyone around them clapped as Niom walked to the head of the table, and the other conversations slowly died out.

"Families and friends have gathered here today to celebrate a very momentous occasion," the man began as the attendees murmured their agreement. "Today is the day my wife Leafë and I were blessed with our three beautiful children." A brief bout of cheers ensued, and Niom patiently waited for the noise to die back down before continuing. "However, we gained not only our three triplets, but a set of beautiful twins as well -" another round of cheering "- and for these two blessings, we are most grateful. All of you have had a part in the lives of our children, as we've watching them grow and learn, and I am sure I can speak for all of us when I say that I couldn't have asked for five better kids than the ones we've got."

Picking up a glass, Niom led the toast. "To the children!"

"To the children!" echoed the rest of the assembly, those that could lifting their own glasses in the cheer. Nicholas noticed his sister standing away from the group and immediately dragged her to the others so the five could all accept the well-wishes together.

"I have one last announcement to make." The audience quieted once more as they listened to the Rider. "As you all know, Leafë and I were not born on Alalëa, and since arriving here have not been able to go back to our home country. But today, that will change, for the position of the stars show we are drawing near to Alagaësia. During the late afternoon, the island will float alongside the continent for approximately one hour, and within that span of time, my family and I will return to our home."

This time, it was silence that greeted the declaration. Silence, shock, and anger.

"What?" Nia managed to choke out. Her eyes were wide with surprise but quickly narrowed down to slits. "What do you mean 'return to our home'? This is our home!"

Her mother spoke up from Niom's side. "No it's not, my darling. Not for our kind."

"But we were born here, all five of us! And - and this is where my life is...where all of our lives are, and you can't just - just rip it away from us!"

"Niaomi," her father spoke sternly, mouth grim under his beard. "This is not the time nor place to discuss our decision, which is final. Today will be our last on Alalëa.”

[Chapter Word Count: 11090]

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