Chapter Five Part XL (ED)

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"Yay, Ruyi can talk now!" Rosaminda exclaimed with a large smile.

"Can we eat now?" Nate moaned, clutching his stomach dramatically as he staggered.

His sister rolled her eyes and held out the bag with the berries. "Let's keep going; it's time to search for the 'garm abr datia that water shall bring'."

Ren explained aloud, "In this case, I don't think it means water will literally bring it; water probably means the element. If you think about it, it makes sense - garm abr datia is the ancient language for mistwolf."

"Oh, those are rare," Nick said as they began walking.

And dangerous, Bramble added with a shiver. They hunt trêuräzar and can run faster than us!

Don't worry, Vindrlíf said as he wrapped a friendly wing around the unicorn. We'll all be here to help.

"Why are they called mistwolves in the first place?" Niaomi asked, scrambling over a log.

"They have a powerful ability to manipulate water," Nicholas told her. "They can change their bodies to mist, and in this disguise sneak up on prey. Once they close in, they gather their particles and reform, attacking the creature in a circular formation."

"They can also control water and twist it into different shapes," his future fiancée told the group. "Mistwolves are immortal and as intelligent as werecats. They live in packs and have a very social hierarchy, and are found in the mountain forests."

"One of which we are in," said Rose as she ducked a hanging branch. "So hopefully, we'll stumble across one."

The older Nia grinned as she told the viewers, "We did, but not in the way one might expect.” The image in the mirror faded to be replaced by a similar one; however, Eragon could tell by the lengths of the shadows that it was much later.

"Eight hours, thirty-eight minutes, and zero seconds counting," Gedwëy called from where she now rested on her bondmate's head, confirming his inference. There was no need for her to light the way since they had made it out from under the thunderbird's storm.

I really wish we could fly, Cloud said, shaking her tail in a mostly futile attempt to dislodge the sticks that were tangled in it.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure after this that all of you get a nice bath and rub down," Renata assured the pegasus, whose wing brushed against her face in thanks.

"We'll all will need a nice bath after this," her twin stated. "I mean, look at my hair! No matter how many twigs I pull out, more find their way in."

Ditto, Vissa agreed, shaking her head. Pegasi don't do well in forests. She had a point; there were streaks of dirt in all of the pegasi's normally glossy white coats.

"You guys know that we have to go on by foot," Niaomi said quietly, since she had two sleeping charges: Ruyi and Ion. "It's the only way to find the mistwolves. Besides - "

I don't wanna be left alone in their territory, Bramble finished. His dark mane and tail had less dirt and twigs than the any of the others, and he seemed to flow through the forest, easily slipping in between branches and stepping around mud.

"Has it gotten colder?" Ren asked as she shivered, goosebumps rising on her peach skin. Nick hastily slipped an arm around her, and she smiled her thanks.

"Think you're right, Ren," said her twin. "It's like there's been a sudden drop in the temperature."

Their godsister squinted her eyes, struggling to see through the trees that were now shrouded in fog. "I can barely see through all this mist - " Her voice cut off as understanding lit within her violet eyes.

This isn't normal mist, Bramble said nervously, edging towards the center of the group. This is mistwolf mist!

"Sudden cold spike, mist appearing…these are indeed mistwolves," Nicholas confirmed in a very untactful manner as he and Renata began backing away. Ruyi stirred, hissing at the unfamiliar smell as Ion too awoke.

"Keep the horses in the middle," Nathan quickly commanded. The pegasi crowded beside Bramble, all of them crouching down so they would be a smaller target, and the children fanned out around them as the mist divided, splitting into ten different sections. Like the pegasi had come from the steam, wolves came from the mist. Their eyes glowed different colors - brown and gray, green and amber - and their coats were a foggy white color with varied markings. The mistwolves at present had their lips pulled back in ferocious snarls, revealing their impressively sharp canines.

"Uh, maybe you could try to talk to them, Nia," Ren whispered urgently as the wolves padded forward, flexing their black claws in anticipation.

"Garmar abr datia," the girl announced. "Eka eddyr du Brunskulblaka; pömnuria fricaya un eka hávr koma eom finna pömnuria yawë fricai."

The wolves hesitated, their snarls fading slightly as they all turned to one large male who stood in front of Nate. His plumed tail was black at the tip, and his ruff was the same color. Blinking his golden eyes, he slowly walked past the boy he'd taken to be the alpha to stand in front of Nia. Ion stayed shrouded in her hair as Ruyi hissed, her pupils slitted more than usual.

You are the Brunskulblaka? the leader asked, eyes still narrowed. In reply, the girl lifted her hair out from her face to reveal her dragon mark. The wolves yipped in astonishment, snarls disappearing, and his snout uncurled as well though he was still cautious. I am Lonewolf, alpha of the Adurna Garmar pack.

"Atra esterní ono thelduin," Niaomi said with a bow. "I am Niaomi Leafësdóttir, and these are my brothers Nicholas and Nathan Niomsson, my godsisters Renata and Rosaminda Belindasdóttir, my sundavrilnú Ruyishewa, my dragon-fairy Gedwëy, my thunderbird Ion, my unicorn Bramble, and our pegasi: Cloud, Malthinae, Vindrlíf, Loivissa, and Delois." Each person besides Ruyi and Ion bowed or knelt.

Nodding at her, Lonewolf growled to the others, Roamers though not invited may be welcome as the Brunskulblaka's packmates. Turning back to the girl, he continued, If it is a bondmate you wish to have, it is a bondmate you shall receive. Follow.

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