the note

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Alastors POV

I was a bit confused on what she wanted me to do.  Well she wanted me to have this little note in my pocket,  but why?  Did she need to tell me something rather important?  So many questions buzzing through my head.  That was all interrupted when mister Johnson began to talk to me.  " You seem to be enjoying ( y/n)  in your presence alastor.  Why? "
I choked on my food when I heard the words come out of his mouth.  "W-what?" I told him confused.
" The peasant.  You have been eyeing her out ever since you saw her.  Why?  She is a good for nothing servant. Can barely speak properly with the weird way she talks.  " Said mister Johnson as he put some food in his mouth.
" Well if you ask me I think she is sweet.  And I have no problem with the way she talks." I was smiling the whole time,  because what I was saying was true.  She was beautiful,  kind,  and the way (y/n)  talks was stunning!  My my my,  I would love to have a gal like that! 

Your POV

A bit of time after you left,  you returned to the dining room and collected the plates of all the people at the table,  you could feel that he was looking at you.  Alastor was sitting down smiling at you as you picked up his plate.  " Thank you miss (y/n),  that was splendid~"
"Thank you.. ~" You said quietly so you would not be yelled at or worse.  Soon every one left the room to go get ready for the night.  Alastor was apparently staying for a few months.  And you could only think one thing. WONDERFUL!!!  The one person that was kind to you,  was the first one you had met in years,  and was going to be staying for a long time!  You giggled with excitement,  thinking of what you wrote down.  You smiled as if the past didn't matter anymore. 

Alastors POV

As I walked into the guest bedroom,  it was quite large.  Red bedsheets,  black  curtains with white lacing,  darn oak wood bed frame and dresser.  I sat down on the bed and took out the letter I had gotten before I ate my supper.  I unfolded it and read what was on it. 

Helo alaster,  I want to thank yu for making me smile,  it had ben yeers since I last did.  So thank yu,  and I hope to se yu again soon. 

(Y/n)  (l/n)

normally when I was to read a note I did not understand,  I would simply put it in a bin.  But as bad as her spelling was,  I still understood what she ment,  and I'll give her credit,  she had very nice hand writing despite not being from here.  But what made the smile on my face grow was when she said she had not smiled in years,  and some how I made her happy!  Who hurt her?  If she is not from here,  then were is she from?  Were did all the scars come from?  Why am I feeling this way?  So many questions spin round and round in my head yet the one that stands out is why do I take interest in her?  I've taken the lives of people before and it did not faze me.  So why is it that seeing how cruel this world Can really be,  causes me to feel pity?  Or is it just for her? 
" I can not seem to fall asleep...  I suppose that I shall go for a little walk. " I told myself as I stood up getting my brown coat on.  I walked out side and I saw something moving in the dark. As my eyes adjusted,  I saw the soft looking hair and pale skin.  It was (y/n).  She walked towards a little shed and walked inside.  It was late so that raised more questions. First one being did they make her sleep in a small shed in the winter time?  I quietly walking up to the shed and opened the door.  She looked at me with a bit of fear as she was about to lay on the thin straw bed.  " They do not treat you right at all. . " I said quietly. 
" I think t-that they s-s-should treat me better... But..  Then t-they say I deserve this... S-so I guess it's a-all I g-got... " She said softly,  her  accent heavy. 

I kneel down next to her and place a hand in her shoulder. " Would you... Like to talk about it?.. "

Your POV

" Would you... Like to talk about it?.. " He said softly.  You turn to look at him.  Someone being this nice to you,  you were not used to it,  not at all but you tried your best to respond.  " I..  I guess.. It would h-help... " You say.  You began to tell your story,  from your battles back in your home land,  to the killing of your clan,  and the physical and mental abuse you went through for two years.  He listed to whole time,  tracking your words and nodding.  At the bad parts,  which was most of your story,  he was not smiling,  alastor just had a worried face on the whole time.  " That would explain the scars... You must be more carful...  I would hate to see you hurt... " He said softly.  You held onto the your necklace with a small tear going down your cheek.  " I... I-i know....  My father w-would have wanted that a-as well... "
Alastor placed a hand on the side of your face and wiped the tear away with his finger.  " Don't cry my dear fawn...  I would hate to see you in more pain..  Always smile..  It can make you happy in the darkest of times just by smiling... ~"  He said with a calm expression on.  " Now,  let us see those pearly white of yours.. ~ "
You did not understand at first but soon you smiled.  It felt nice to smile."alright alastor.... I-im smiling.. ~" You said as a shiver goes up your spine.  Alastor had seemed to notice because he was taking off his coat.  " W-what are y- " You were cut of by him wrapping the brown coat around you.  Because he was just wearing it it was very warm,  and smelled like tea.  " That should keep you warm my dear fawn.. ~ good night,  I shall see you in the morning... ~ " He said as you layed back and pulled the thin sheets over you.  Before he left,  he did something you did not see coming at all.  He gave you a small kiss on your forehead,  and walked out of the shed.   DID HE JUST KISS MY FOREHEAD?!?!   You thought and you blushed a lot.  You were also smiling,  you didn't know what was happening,  but you were going towards the fact that you were falling in love with alastor.  You snuggle up in his coat and soon fall into a deep sleep. 

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