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That night while you layed there next to alastor,  peacefully sleeping,  you could not sleep after what a day you had.  And not from what happened to the stock market.  What happened to alastor.  You can't shake off the fact that you walked outside and saw that lady forcing alastor to grab her in that way.  But what you mainly could not get over was the look he gave you.  The look of fear and anxiety.  The look you got slapped on your face all those times something like that happen to you.  Something worse. 
You tried to get some rest,  but you would always dream of the look on alastors face.  When you woke up,  you always looked at his sleeping body to make sure he was alright. 
You yawn,  and lay down,  wrapping a had around alastors.  You feel a slight grip on your hand and when you look over you see a Peaceful smile on his face. You blushes curling up next to him and falling asleep. You expected that you were going to have a normal dream like going on mass murders with your clan and alastor,  but this time you had a worse nightmare.
You stood about 20 feet away from alastor, and you watched the whole thing play out. When you try to run over,  your blocked by something.  It was like a large glass window that people walking by could go through,  but not you.  You try to think to your self to snap out of it.  Come on (y/n)!  Your a 33 year old woman! You think to yourself.  Trying to ignore,  your train of thought was interrupted by a gasp.  When you turn your head,  that lady was getting to touchy with alastor now. She would not stop,  and keep going.  You know what it feels like to go through that,  you can barely move,  you have to remind yourself to breath,  you have to stop yourself from shaking.  It seems alastor could not do any of those things.  You yell,  no one can here you.  You start to ram your head against the invisible wall,  yelling for alastor to fight back,  to do what you couldn't do.  He can hear you.  You take a step back and you smash through what ever was keeping you back,  but with ease.  You didn't have any blood on your face.  You put your hand up to check when you see your hands.  They're grey.  You spring up looking I'm the reflection of the shop window and you see that you where some sort of demon.  You had a goat skull on your head and it had six horns. Your arms,  torso,  thighs and shins look like half way sewn up pieces of skin with the bone visible. All the scars on your body were now flowing with blood that was as dark as ink.  Your hair had reached your lower back. And a heart hole on your chest.  (Sorry for the picture being sideways)

When you look up at alastor,  you see the two of them looked like demons too

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When you look up at alastor,  you see the two of them looked like demons too.  The lady was tall and looked like an Allieway cat.  Alastor,  was pale and was wearing his red suit,  he had antlers so you guessed he was a deer demon.  He had red and black hair that was longer and looked like he had ears.  He was taller even sitting down, and his smile had sharp teeth,  that looked like gold.  Eyes red as blood.  The lady was continuing.  Hurry...  You think.  It gets a bit hard to breath.  You fall to the floor,  black liquid flowing out your mouth like a water fall,  it starts to come out from your eyes like tears.  "A-alastor... " You try to yell.
He slowly looks at you,  smiling with tears trickling down his cheeks. 
" I'm sorry (y/n) " Is  what he says before you black out trying to breath.  You try yelling his name,  but all you can see is darkness.  You begin to sob on the floor. You hear a voice. 


"Alastor!!!... "

(Y/n),  please wake up!.

                             "(Y/n)!!!! "

You jolt up from the bed hyperventilating,  tears rolling down your cheeks. Alastor watches you and pulls you into a tight hug and you sob into his chest.  You look at your hands and cluch your hair.  I'm back...
" I'm sorry alastor... I'm so sorry... " You whimper.  He lightly strokes your hair.  " For what my dear?.  You have done nothing wrong... " He says softly. 
" I-i did.... I couldn't stop her in time...  The look you gave me.. I-i wore that look some many times... Now it's o-on you... " You say quietly.  His eyes widen.  " (Y/n)...  You know very well that what happened was not your fault..  I should be thanking your for taking care of her for me... I never knew what it was like to feel that way before,  but now that I know what it kind of feels like... I could help you more... " He says in a clam voice,  smiling as he brushes a lock of hair behind your ear.  You blush. 
" Would you like to talk about it?.  I saw when you would constantly check on me during the night.. "
You turn away.  " Sorry... " You say.  He chuckles and cups your face looking at him. " My dear (y/n)..  You have nothing to apologize for,  I know you only wanted to make sure I was ok.. ~" He says kissing you lightly. 
" I g-guess it would help to talk about it.... " You say quietly.  He smiles pulling you on his lap,  pulling a blanket on you and him.  " When ever your ready.. ~" He says.  It hadnt been years since he pulled you on his lap,  he does that a lot actually.  He did it yesterday night,  but you find it sweet that despite him being 37 and you being 33 now,  you still treat each out the same way you did when you met 17 years ago. 
You take a deep breath and start to tell what you dreamed of.  At the parts where it was the three of you,  demon like,  where you started to bleed out,  cry,  and make a water fall of ink with your mouth,  choking on it,  his smile faded away.  A look of worry was on his face,  and you felt a shot of guilt through your heart everytime he did make that face.  When you were finished,  you breath was heavy,  and tears came from your eyes like bullets. 
Alastor wiped your tears with his finger and looked you in the eyes.  " I know it's hard...  Ever since that day in..  When was it...  1909?.. When you were taken away from your clan...  It has been nothing but pain for you.. " He said looking into your eyes.  " That i-is not true... I got to m-meet you... " You whisper.  He smiles and takes you by the hand. " I know love... And I know it will be hard to put what you had to endure behind you...  Maybe you won't...  But I will help you with it..  It's just like you would say when I was stressed and did not want to bother you for help. Asking for help does not make you weak... It makes you human...  Do you remember when you said that?.. " He asks.  You slowly nod your head.  " Exactly.. ~ now,  you look very exhausted...  Would you like to try and get some rest or go get coffee?..  The sun is rising,  and it will be like waking up early... Or at least for me... " He says.
" I'll try to get rest..  I won't make it through the day if I don't... " You say,  laying on alastors chest,  nuzzling his neck.   He smile and chuckles. 
" I don't know how you can put up with me alastor.. ~" You say smiling. 
" Easily.  Because your the person who I would give the world to~ wait- the person who is my world~" He purrs in your ear.  You giggle,  kissing him. He kisses back putting an arm around your waist.  He is my reason for getting up in the mornings~ you think. 
He softly kisses your neck,  and you blush.  " Well now I can't sleep... ~" You say.  He laughs.  " Now I can see your beautiful smile more~" You smile uncontrollably.  He kisses your neck more.  " Smile mooooore~" He sings. 
" Ok ok,  I'm smiling dear~" You giggle. 
" Coffee?  If you would like we can make some tea and coffee here so we won't have to risk seeing that woman again~" He offers.  You shake your head.  " It's ok~ you just have to stay next to me so I don't kill someone in public again~" You chirp running a comb through your long (h/c)  hair. 
" Kill?  I thought you just beat the living day lights out of her. " He said surprised.  " I thought that too!  But someone who watched the fight said she died in the infirmity. He was thanking me for what I'd did because apparently they were 'touched' by her too.  Was glad to help." You said. 
You feel arms around your hips and you look down to see alastors eyes peering up at you.  " So dangerously strong~" He cooed. You smirk setting the hair comb down.  " Oh yeah?~" You quickly stand up lifting him in your arms bridal style.  " Now I know what you felt like when you carried me around like this for no reason! " You say laughing.  His face looked like a strawberry.  " (Y-(y/n)! " He says.  You set him down,  looking in his eyes.  " Years of gaining hight and working out pays off~ I'm as tall as you! ~" You purr.  " If this is who can fluster the other more,  your on~" He says smirking.  You tilt your head as he walks behind you and wraps his arms around you,  ruffly kissing your neck.  You blush,  letting out a quiet moan.  He makes his way down to your sweet spot and you bite your lip so you don't moan louder and make the neighbors mad.  Again.  For the 100th time.
" A-alright,  you- ah~ y-you win~" You say.  He smirks hugging you.  " I know~" He purrs.  You smile.  " Let's get our day started,  shall we? ~" You ask.  " Hmmmmm,  oh alright~" He says kissing you once more before getting a pare of clothes to change into.  I want to marry that man one day~ you think. 

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