the argument

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Your heart had seemed to skip a beat when you heard alastor stay those words.  " What have I done?.. " You say to your self.  You carefully walk out of the room and make your way to the dining room,  where you had left them.  You peer in,  and you saw something that was a bit unsettling.  Alastor was not smiling. Oh god no...  You say in your head. 
" I don't see your reason for being this way!  She is nothing but a slave!  An object!  A. TOY. " mister Johnson yells.  Your heart sinks. " Well that is quite rude of you!  She is Young!  To young if you ask me to be working in a shit hole like this! " Alastor said glaring a look of death at mister Johnson.  " And here I am thinking I was here for business.  Clearly I was here for other reasons.  For example.  Teaching YOU how to treat a lady,  and if you ask me.  She has zero reasons to be here! "
He really does care...
A tear slowly makes it way down your cheek. You shift a bit,  and mister Johnson seemed to hear you,  and he smirked.  " (Y/N)!!!  GET OVER HERE NOW. " he yelled,  a look of fear washes over your face and you slowly come out. 
" Y-yes sir?... " You say quietly looking at alastor.  He looked a bit ashamed that you had heard him yelling.  You try to say with your eyes help me alastor...  But deep down,  you know that he is aware. 

Alastors POV

This whole argument was a complete waist of time,  and now he escalated this fiasco by dragging the victim in here.  I feel a dagger of worry hit me.  She looks so scared.  Yes I have heard of her great wars back in her home land,  but this is new for her. New for me. I was on the verge of showing the  psychopath behind this smile.  Showing the true me.  To (y/n). And I new it was coming closer when mister Johnson grabbed (y/n)  by the arm ruffly. " What is wrong alastor?  You don't like this? " Says mister Johnson,  getting close to (y/n)'s neck where her neck is visible.  "P-p-please no!.  No m-more!..  Oden... Father...  A-alastor... " (Y/n) says with a shaking voice.  " Help m-me... " Just as I could protest,  my blood practically boiling,  mister Johnson's lips met (y/n)'s neck.  She gasps in fear,  shaking like mad.  When I see that,  something in me snapped.  A horrific smile was slashed on my face as I pick up a knife from the table,  looking into (y/n) 's eyes,  saying I'm so sorry my dear fawn...

Your POV

You looked at alastor, a wicked smile on his face and knife in hand. But you were not scared.  Alastor... Help me...  You say with your eyes. He had seemed to get the message perfectly,  darting towards you and mister Johnson.  Your heart skips a beat when mister Johnson is knocked down to the floor.  That's when you feel something on your side.  Blood.  Mister Johnson's blood.  Alastor had stabbed him with the knife. You look to see people screaming, and one of them runs towards alastor,  getting ready to hit him. Just then,  that's when you snapped.  You run towards them knocking the person down,  alastor looking back,  still driving the knife into mister Johnson chest,  him yelling in pain.  He laughed and continued.  You begin to punch the person trying to hurt alastor repeatedly. It felt good.  Like,  really good. You kept on hitting them. They yelled for you to stop,  but you didn't. You kept going until there was nothing but a motionless body under you.  You feel a hand rest on your shoulder. You turn around to see alastor,  covered in blood.  " My dear,  forgive me for not being the 'good person' you were hoping fo-" You cut alastor off by standing up and hugging him tightly.  He was shocked at first by the sudden gesture,  but soon hugged you back.  " Thank you a-alastor..." You say with a heavy accent.
" You have no need to thank me my dear,  I only did the right thing for a gal like you~" He smiled running fingers through your hair.  Who are you kidding (y/n)...  Your only sixteen years old... And you have fallen in love with the man who you helped kill people with... Like in home land...
You look up at alastor and then notice the  nail makings on his rist.  " O-oh dear!.. " You say holing his hand up looking at the small but deep cuts.  He began to blush a bit.  " It is alright my dear,  I'm ok~" He said with a cheerful smile.  You look at him with worry and kiss the marks lightly. You look up but he seems to be looking at something else though. Your neck. " That basterd left a mark.. " He hissed. You rubbed where mister Johnson kissed your neck and there was a small mark there.  Teeth marks.  You where so fearful at the time, you did not notice.  You blush, very embarrassed by it and cover it up with your hair.  Alastor walked behind you and snaked his arms around you,  moving your hair.  " This... Mark of yours.. Will not do.. " He said.  It rang in your head what was about to happen.  The same thing that had happened in the past.  But instead of fear,  you were calm,  and blushing.  You feel Alastors lips meet your skin and you flinch,  biting your lip. Pinch me if I'm dreaming.  You say in your head as Alastor is now kissing your neck with passion.  "A-alastor~" You say softly biting your lip blushing. 
You hear him chuckle.  " Looks like some one is enjoying this a bit to much~" He says.  You just blush more and more.  " Now,  I do believe that there are others in the house now hiding from us,  so. " He said putting his hand out to you with a knife in it. " Shall we go hunting my dear fawn? ~"
You smile taking the knife.  " I would love to dear~" You say,  a smile on your face.  Things were about to get slightly RED.

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