dress up in red

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You and Alastor walk into the suit shop,  you here a tinny bell,  and the man behind the counter turns to you. 
"Ah Alastor!  Welcome back,  what can I do for you today? " He asked. 
"Ah yes,  I would like to have my dear fit for a suit~" He said looking at you. 
" Of course!  The name is James,  and you are? " He asks you.  " (Y/n)  (O/c)" You say hiding your accent.  " Nice to meet you!  Any who,  follow me and we will have John fit you for a suit. " He said motioning you and Alastor to follow him.  You two follow him to a room where there are suits,  shoes,  mirrors,  sewing supplies,  and measuring tools. " John!  Come here,  we need you to fit someone for a suit! " James called out,  and a man walks in the room.  He looks at you and smiles, and you grow a bit uncomfortable,  but to avoid being rude you stay quiet.  " Why hello there little lady~ I suppose I shall fit you for a suit~ stand on the small stool right there~" He said pointing to the stool in front of a tall mirror.  You nervously stand on the stool and john grabs a measuring tap and starts to measure you.  It was all going a bit fine,  but you didn't like how he was looking at you. Brought back memories.  Bad memories.

Alastors POV

I was standing in the corner of the room watching as (y/n)  got fitted for a suit.  My my she would look exquisite!
But I began to see that she is a bit uncomfortable.  Should I have just got a size down on what she is wearing right now?  I think. John has been my tailor since I could remember.  But that's when he starts to measure her waist.  He got a bit to close for my liking.  He softly taps her butt and it makes her jolt,  gasping.  " Hey,  stay still. " John said.  I could feel it,  he was going to be my next meal.  About a minute after he led us to a section were they had clothing and suits to fit (y/n).  I held her close.  She's shaking...  I think. I rub her hand so she would calm down.  " Thank you... ~" She says with a worried smile.  I pick out a lovely red and black suit,  similar to the one she is wearing.  I give it too her,  and her eyes light up.  " Would you try this on my dear? ~" I ask her. " Of c-course!. " She says with enthusiasm.  She is so darling~ she runs off to a dressing room,  and not long after she walks out and looks at me wearing the suit.  "W-well? " She asks me.  "How do I look? " I smile widely and walk her over to a mirror.

  "How do I look? " I smile widely and walk her over to a mirror

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  "You look like a tiger rose~" She smiles.  " My,  I dearly hope it's not much,  I would hate to see you waste your money on me. " She said with a worried voice.  " Now don't you worry about the cost,  leave it to me~ and I also saw what John had done do you while measuring,  so maybe tonight well paint the walls red? ~" I purr in her ear.  Her smile widens.  " Perfect~" She said.  We picked out a few more clothes and headed home.  She looks so beautiful~ she kept on the red suit and she looks exquisite in it.  " Oh (y/n),  come here~ " I say.

Your POV

You walk over to Alastor as he had called you.  " Yes Alastor? " You say smiling.  " Are you ready to get rid of the perverted tailor? ~" He asks.  You smile.  " Why yes~ I could possibly use this again~" You say as you pull out and obsidian blade.  His eyes widen in wonder.  " My my,  what is that? ~"
He asks.  " A blade of obsidian~ each person in my family has one.  When I was first found they gave it back to me~" You say.  Alastor smiles and puts his arm out.  " Shall we? ~" He says.
You hold his arm and walk out the door,  and down to the shop.  You go into an alleyway as you see John closing up shop.  Then you get an idea.  " Alastor,  go around to the other side of the building,  I have an idea~" You say to him.  He smiles and nods his head before leaving.  You clear your throat,  and start to sing an old song from your clan. 
" if I had a heart, I could love you. if I had a voice Id sing. after the night when I wake up, I'll see what tomorrow brings,  lah~ dadeda dadeda~ if I had I voice Id sing~"
John  had heard you and he smirked,  walking towards your direction.  You hum the same tune until he gets to you.  You hide behind the corner, and when you see him,  you pull out your blade and sink in into his shoulder.  He tries to scream,  but a hand is slapped over his mouth.  Alastor chuckles looking him in the eyes grinning.  " This is what happens when you get to touchy with what is mine~" He says in a dark voice.  You yank the blade out,  making John jolt up in pain.  You smile showing your slightly sharp teeth.  You grab him by his hair and drag him into the alleyway.  " This is why you respect personal space~" You chirp.  Alastor follows behind,  wondering what move you are going to make next. You slam John's head into the brick wall,  opening his mouth up with your hand. " There is always a price to pay~" You purr in his ear and you grip his tongue.  You can see the fear on his face.  You put the blade up to his tongue and begins to put pressure on it,  moving it back and forth,  cutting his tongue off.  " My my~ you are too cruel~" Alastor chuckles,  walking over to us and holds John's arms down.  You keep sawing off his tongue until you have a piece of flesh in your hand covered in blood.  You shove it back into his mouth and punch his jaw closed,  holding his lips with your nails.  You could see the blood leaking out from his mouth as he starts to choke on his own blood.  Blood trickles down his nose and is shaking badly.  " I would step away if I were you~" You say to alastor smirking.  He stand and takes a step back tilting his head.  You let go of John's mouth,  and blood spills out like a water fall,  making a river of red under him and on yourself.  He puts a hand on his mouth like his looking for where his tongue ran off too.  Alastors eyes were wide.  His grin was big.  But little did he know,  you were not finished.  You grabbed John's face and looked him in the eyes.  " Now now,  you don't want to die without a smile now do we? ~ " You say as you sink the blade into his cheek,  cutting a permanent smile on his face.  You lean in to his ear and whisper " Your welcome~"
You drop his body,  still shaking and walk to alastor.  " Are you not going to end him?" He asks.  " Why should I?  I like to leave them to suffer for a while before they die,  you have to die a little before you live you know~ and it's his turn in line to burn~" You say tapping his nose.  He smiles and puts his arm out.  " So cold~ yet so warm~ let's get you cleaned up,  shall we? ~"
You nod and head back to the house were alastor ran you a hot bath.  You sit in the tub and scrubed off all the blood and dirt. You stand up wrapping yourself in a towel,  and look in the mirror to comb your hair out.  You see the door open behind you and alastors head popping in seeing you.  He grins walking over to you,  wrapping arms around you.
" Feeling better dear? ~" He asks.  " Why yes~ I need to get dressed and then I'll come to bed~" You say.  " You don't have to get dressed~" Alastor coos.  You lightly hit his cheek,  getting flustered.  " No,  I'll be there in a minute!~ " You say giggling.  He leans on the wall smiling.  You don't mind that he's there,  and you get dressed in a pale shirt and silk pants.  When you try to leave,  you get swept off your feet be alastor picking you up bridal style.  You blush as he carries you to bed, falling on the sheets and nuzzling his face into your chest.  You smile rubbing his hair.  He looks up at you smiling like Usual.  " I like this violent side of you my dear~" He purrs.  " So cruel~ so merciless~  so dangerous~" You blush,  but he was not done. " And you never told me you and such a beautiful voice~ I thought I was going to walk up to find you and then get stabbed by you~ heh! ~" He chuckled and you blushed more.  He was being so cute~ he yawned a bit and you kissed his forehead.  " Rest now love~" You say.  He kissed you back and snuggles up to you nuzzling your neck,  and soon you were both fast asleep.  All you could think was what a day~

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