niffty has similarities

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(I did not draw this,  just to let you know.)

It was your first day,  Charlie even gave you and alastor a room for free,  and it was quite large.  You walk around seeing some of the demons,  most got scared seeing you but you didn't really care.  You walk in the front seeing alastor at the front desk.
" How may I help you? ~" He cooes to you.  You snicker,  tapping his nose.
" Silly~" You sing,  kissing his head. 
You were about to stroke his ears and fluster him for fun,  but you heard screaming.  " Hold on dear. " You say to alastor,  walking to the lounge,  and you see angel whit a rope chasing around a short demon girl with one eye and hot pink/red hair.  She looks at you and bolts over,  hiding in between your long hair.
" P-please make him stop!.. " She yells holding onto your leg.  You look up at angel,  tilting your head.  " A rope? " You ask him.  " What are you going to do?  Tie it around her neck?  That's very rude. "
You looked at the young girl,  she was shaking,  tears going down her face,  but she still kept on smiling.  You look down at the rope and then niffty. 
Oh my...
You think to yourself.  It hits you that a rope is what she may have used for her death.  You put a hand on her head patting it.  She looks up at you,  her shaking calming down.
" Angel.. " You say softly. 
" Um- yes? " He asks.
You look at him,  and your whole body glitches out with your stitches on your neck opening on one side so your neck can snap to the side.  Angel screams in fear,  running away to go find Charlie. 
You fix your neck,  getting a needle and thread from your pocket,  stitching up your neck quickly.  You look down at the scared demon. 
" Are you alright young lady? " You ask her. 
" Y-yes..  Just my PTSD... Kicked in I guess... " She says playing with your hair a bit.  You turn around and put out your hand for her to take.  She slowly puts her hand in your claws and you lead her over to an area with an old fire place next to it, shelves with books filling them up, and an old couch for her to sit down.
" M-may I play with your hair miss?..  It normally c-calms me down.. " She says. 
" Of course you can dear~" You say.  She sits next to you braiding a strand of your hair. 
" Would you like to talk about it? " You ask her.  She looks at you confused.  " Talk? " She asks.
" Yes,  Charlie had just hired me and my partner alastor.  He is at the front desk while I'm hear to deal and cope with demons mental issues they may want to discuss.  And with that rope angel had,  that made me assume the worst. " You explain. 
She looks shocked.  " No ever really asks for me to talk about that stuff.. " She mutters. 
" Sooo...  Would you like to? " You ask. 
" Um.. I guess it would help.. " She sighs.  You smile at her tilting your head.  " Well,  for starters,  my name is niffty,  died in the 1950's,  took my own life... " She says. 
That explains the rope...
" I did it because,  well my mother was not all to kind to me,  and when I found the love of my life,  she forbid me from seeing him,  and she was going to move us to the next town over... " A tear falls down her cheek. 
You sigh,  wiping it away.  " Now now,  don't cry niffty,  it is alright.  Yes I know it hurts but think of it,  if you would give a life for love,  then your mother was just blind to see it before it was to late. " You say.  " And I am so sorry you had to go through that,  but there will always be a brighter side,  even if that brightness is in hell,  you just need to try to push that incident behind you,  find things and people that bring you joy, like I had to do,  and it took me about 17 years! Mainly because let's be honest,  people will try to knock you down in life and death,  but you need to find the courage to stand back up and the strength to push back,  and I'll be here to help you along the way,  ok niffty? " You say calmly. She looks at you with sadness and something else in her eyes you couldn't quite make out.  She quickly hugs you tightly,  burying her face in your side getting covered up with your hair. 
It was happiness.
You smile,  running fingers through her silky hair. 
" What's your name? " Niffty asks you. 
" Please do forgive me for not saying earlier,  but it is (y/n) (l/n).  Very nice to meet you niffty~" You say. 
" Is it odd that I wish my mother was like you? " She asks. 
You chuckle.  " Not at all~ but only if you want your mother to be a serial killer~" You say.
" Eh,  better then her! " She giggles.  You smile and rub her head.  Hearing a familiar chuckle,  you look up in the door way seeing alastor looking at you and niffty.
" Why,  who may this little devil be? ~" He asks walking over. 
Niffty jumps a little hiding in your hair.  " Heh~ well alastor,  this is niffty~ I was just talking with her. " You say lifting your hair seeing her.
" I will not hurt you little one~" Alastor says,  putting his hand out.  She lightly grabs it,  shaking his hand. 
" What is a young soul like you doing in hell? " He asks.
" O-oh um,  I got myself here myself.. " She says. Alastors ears go down a bit but come back up.  " Then there must have been an error,  because you seem like the perfect angel~" He says.  She giggles. 
" How old are you anyway niffty? " You ask.
" Uh... 15..." She mutters. 
She was so young...
Alastor sighs,  and lifts her chin up. 
" Always smile my dear,  after all.  You are never fully dressed without a smile~" He sings. 
She smile up at him.  " Thank you both,  when you guys first got here everyone said to stay away,  but you are so nice to me! " She squeals.  You laugh.  " Anyway,  what are you up to alastor? " You ask him.
" Oh,  well one of our victims walked in and pointed a gun at me,  so Charlie is filling in for me. " He explains.
" Soooo we'll be seeing a lot of familiar faces?  How fun! " You say. 
He smile at you,  sitting down on the seat next to you.  With the snap of alastors fingers,  the fire place blew up with life as flames consume the fire wood. You sit there with niffty curled up on your lap, and a book you chose from the shelf with alastor leaning on your shoulder listening to you read. 
While trying to finish a sentence,  alastor chuckles.  " What's so fu-" He stops you by putting a finger to his lips.  He points down to sleeping niffty on your lap. You chuckle at the sight,  the feared music demon has a sleeping child on her lap.  " What is her story? " Alastor whispers. 
" Well,  she took her own life after her neglective mother was going to drag her out of town Because she found someone to love. Now she has bad PTSD,  with things like a rope,  that's why you heard screams.  Angel was chasing her with one. " You explain. 
Alastors eye twitches with anger.  He takes a deep breath,  sighing.  " I will speak with him later.  Or did you already? " He asks.  You nod your head.  " Well,  let us just relax while little niffty takes a nap~" He says kissing you.  You smile resting your head on his shoulder.  Soon after reading a bit more,  you fall asleep on alastor,  and he falls asleep holding you. 
It was like you were a family. 
                            A family...

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