the blood eagle

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You looked down at the knife in your hand,  knuckles bleeding.  You smiled.  " Alastor. Did you happen to see where misses Johnson ran? " You asked. " Well I do believe she went to the library~ you going to take her first? ~" He said with a grin.
" Well yes,  but I would like you to come with. In order to know my old ways of living,  you must see how the fire burns~ for you see,  you ignited the flame with in,  and now you will see how we run things~" You say with a sadistic smile.  Alastor tilts his head.  " Oh do tell~" He says.
You look him in the eyes.  " The blood eagle. ~" You say. " I can not explain now,  but you will love it when you see it~"
You both smiled and you nod your head and start walking.  He follows.

Alastors POV

I was very interested in what she was talking about.  The blood eagle?  I wanted to know what she was talking about.  As we entered the library,  it turns out every one was in there.  " Well well,  not smart on hiding are we? ~ " I say with a chuckle.  (Y/n)s eyes close and she points her knife into the the crowd. When her eyes light up,  she was pointing straight at misses Johnson.  " Come here~" (Y/n)  says,  misses Johnson crying and slowly walking over.  " I-im sorry (y/n)..  Please...  D-dont kill m-m-me... " She stutters.  (Y/n)  seems to find joy in seeing someone beg. 
" You should be happy~ for you are being given a chance~ but not a word from you,  no matter the pain~" (Y/n)  says softly.  I wonder~ I say in my head.  ( y/n)  walks over to the window and rips the curtains down,  making two long strips of cloth.  She ties one to a book shelf on the wall,  and one on the wall lamp,  with the two ends of cloth,  she ties the to misses Johnsons hands,  spreading her arms out.  She makes a rip down the back of misses Johnsons dress,  ignoring her cries.  " P-p-please!  Don't (y/n)!..  " She yells.  I walk behind her and (y/n)  puts a hand over her mouth.  " Shhh~ not a word from you if what your seeking for is forgiveness~" ( y/n)  says,  practically singing it.  I tilt my head.  " What will you be doing? ~" I coo in (y/n)s ear.
" Well my dear~" She began.  " The blood eagle~ if someone were to do something unforgettable to my clan,  or any other clan,  they would be put through the blood eagle~ first I cut her back open on the spine~ like so~" She sang and her knife swiftly glided up misses Johnsons back.  She gasps but I put a hand over her mouth.  " Not a word~" I sing in her ear.  (Y/n)  smiles warmly.  " Continue~" I coo. 
" Next, " She says as she pulls the skin apart on misses Johnsons back,  revealing a vertebra and ribs" Comes the fun part~ " (Y/n)  cackles and she ruffly grabs the ribs and twists the around,  facing the bloody spikes toward herself.  My eyes widen.  " What I women~" I say,  holing my grip tighter on misses Johnsons mouth,  her trying to scream.  (Y/n)  grabs the lungs,  squeezing them,  misses Johnsons face turning purple.  She began to rip the lungs through the ribs as they leak with blood.  "Wings." I say.  Misses Johnsons head going limp as she dies.  (Y/n)  looks at me covered in blood,  a smile on her face.  " Beautiful,  aren't they? ~" She sings.  I stand and spin her around.  " Not at gorgeous at you are my dear fawn~" I smile as those words leave my mouth.  She blushes.  "Teach me~" I say,  as gasps sound from the horrified group in the corner. 

Your POV

" Why yes my dear~" You say sweetly,  as if you did not just commit the blood eagle on a woman.  " Choose a sacrifice to Oden dear~" Alastor smile widens as he points to a skinny pale man.  " You seem to like speaking behind the backs over others. " He says swiftly.  The young man is hit with fear.  "Please don't kill me.. I-im sorry.. Have mercy.. " He says.  Alastor walks over grabbing him by the neck pulling him up.  " There is no mercy for the damned. " He drags him to were he will be cut open,  as you untie misses Johnsons dead body,  throwing her aside.  You help tie his hands and you hear him sob.  You hand Alastor the knife. Your hand slaps onto the man's mouth.  " Now alastor. Cut the back open from the neck to lower back~" You sing.  " Yes dear~" He coos as he cuts the knife down the man's back,  laughing as the man tries to screams in pain.  " Your doing good my love~ now open the skin up and turn the rib cage facing you~" As you say that he seems to blush,  while turning the rib cage around.  From blood loss,  the man's went pale as he took his last breath.  You smile. " How about we speed this up? ~" He says,  breaking a rib off the man looking at the scared group.  " I would love too~" You coo picking up your knife walking side by side with him.  One by one,  each one was slaughtered,  some even had a bite taken out of them.  And soon,  you two were wearing red.  " extravagant~" He says,  walking up in front of you.  You smile.  " Indeed~" You put a hand on his shoulder,  and he puts his hands on your waist.  " Did you mean what you said? ~ when you called me ' love'? ~ " He chirped.  You blush deeply.  " If I am going to be honest,  yes,  I did mean it alastor. " You sigh.  You got a bit nervous when he graves your head,  fingers running through your hair.  He looks you in the eyes.  " A-alast-" You were cut off.  His lips met yours in passion.  You close your eyes wrapping your arms around his neck.  A few seconds later you both pulled back for air.  " (Y/n)..  I could not keep my mind off you every since I met you,  so I ask you this. " He smiles blushing.  " Will you be my gal? ~" You smile happily and hug him tight.  " I thought you would never ask~" You sing.  He smiles brightly lifting you up and spinning.  You laugh in joy as you hug him close while in his arms. Because of were he was,  he saw it as a perfect opportunity to nuzzle your neck.  You loved every second of it.  He sets you down eventually.  " How about we clean ourselves up and get out of here~" He suggests.  " I would love nothing more~" You say.  He brings you to his room and chooses a black and purple dress coat and black dress shirt with a purple bow tie. He gave you a hair brush to fix your messy hair and when you looked in the mirror,  you barely recognised yourself.  You see arms snake around your torso and blush.  " You look absolutely marvelous my sweet~" He purred. You turned around to see he packed his bag and go a rather beautiful looking suit on,  a long red dress shirt with black pants and a crimson bow tie,  with a monical.  " You look amazing~" You said with joy.  He smiled kissing you.  The two of you walked out of the house together. You were led to odd looking,  thing.  " What is this alastor? " You ask in confusion.  " Hm?  Oh!  This is a car!  A Rolls-Royce Piccadilly P1.  Isn't she a beauty?  Well,  not as beautiful as you~" He said.  You blush.  He walks over to one side setting his things in the back,  and opens the door gesturing for you to get in.  You take a seat,  it had smooth brown seats and had a black outside. He got in on the other side and sat down starting the car.  The noise made you jump. You here a chuckle from alastor,  and he began to drive on the dirt path leading out of the forest and into a town. This was a new beginning for you,  and you knew that with alastor by your side,  you would love every second of it.  You think of what it will be like as you hold your necklace,  watching the trees die down as you go to an open field.  It was beautiful.  Almost like home.

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