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Alastor pulls up to a restaurant near the forest,  and it looked quite lovely in your eyes.  " A-alastor,  you did not have to do this.. ~" You say,  thinking it would be rather costly.  " I insist my dear~ besides,  it's is a special night~" He says getting out of the car and going to open your door.  You blush thinking you forgot if today was special.  " How is it special? " You ask.  He blushes. " You w-will have to find  out my dear~" He says.  You tilt your head.  He holds out his arm for you to take and leads you inside.  The waiter walks us to and outside area with a breathtaking view of the forest and mountain range,  a small water fall in the distance.  Your eyes widen as alastor walks to the table with candles on it and pulls out one of the chairs.  You blush sitting down and he takes his seat.  This is so romantic~ I wonder what the occasion is~ you think. Alastor smiles warmly.  You order two red wines.  You talked about how alastors radio hosting job was going and what "mysterious" Killings have been happening of late.  The waiter brings you the wine and the two of you relax and eat salads with a side of venison.  You look up and watch the stars shine on you,  and one in particular.  It was very bright,  shimmering like a diamond.  You point up at it.  " I see my father is watching over us as we speak~ " You say.  As much as you missed your father,  you still moved on from his death to find other things to love,  like alastor.  Alastor looks up at it and smiles putting a hand on top of yours.  " If he were here,  I am positive that he would be so proud of what you have become~" He says softly.  " And I as well wish he was here to give me his blessing~" He stood up and walked next to you.  " Blessing?  Isn't that for when people get... Married? " Your eyes widen and your face goes red as alastor gets down on one knee,  reaching in his pocket and pulling out a tiny ring box.  " My dear (y/n)...  I love you with all of my heart and soul,  and I did from the day I layed eyes on you~ I know that you have been through so much in your past,  and I want to be there to make things better for you... I want to spend my life with you (y/n) ~ will you take this poor old sinners hand,  and be my bride? " He asks.  You put your hands over your mouth gasping.  You couldn't contain yourself much longer,  you stand up.  He looks slightly worried,  but you wipe it off by pulling him up onto his feet and kissing him.  He pulls you close and you wrap your arms around his neck.  After a long kiss,  you break it,  looking into his eyes.  " It would be foolish of me to say no to you~ yes,  I will marry you alastor~" You say softly.  He smiles like and idiot for a split second before lifting you up spinning.  You laugh as your dress skirt flows in the air.  He sets you down sliding the ring on your finger.  You kiss him and you both rest your heads on the other.  " I will promise to make you happy for the rest of your days~" He purrs. " You already do~" You reply. 
You two finish your wine and pay for the dinner,  soon heading home.  When you pull up to the house,  alastor pulls his key out to unlock the door but it it slightly opened with no door handle.  " Did someone break in?" You asked.  " I'm afraid so-" Alastor was interrupted by glass breaking.  You pull the Obsidian blade out of your boot that you wore under  the dress.  Alastor ran to the car and grabbed a hand gun.
The two of you crept inside avoiding making any noise.  Alastor went upstairs and you looked around on the first floor.  You thought of all the ways your could kill this bastard,  but your train if thought was interrupted by a gun shot. You run upstairs to were it came from,  seeing alastor and someone else.  You went to run to alastor,  but you stepped on something. A gun.  Alastors gun.  He was the one who was shot.  You sprinted to him,  seeing he was snarling,  grabbing his shoulder.  " Alastor! " You yell.  You look over at the person who broke in, and before you could get up and stab them,  the pulled out a picket knife sprinting to you.  You push alastor out of the way,  but you could not make it out of the way quick enough.  The man's knife went up your left eye,  leaving a deep cut on your face.  You ignored the pain as much as you could,  pressing the obsidian blade into his hand.  He skreached in pain,  running out of the house.  You chased after him,  alastor following behind you in rage having seen his wife stabbed in the eye.  Soon the three of you entered the forest,  you catch up to him soon. You tackle him getting a grip in his neck.  You took the blade and slit his throat,  covering you in blood.  You feel and hand on your shoulder.  " Run... " Alastor said looking back.  You look over seeing what he was looking at.  Police.  You jump to your feet grabbing alastor and running.  They were going to find out the all of the death you had caused was you and alastor.  You could hear yelling, for you to freeze,  and police dogs barking. You ran and ran,  until you noticed something.  Alastor was in front of you,  and your dress and long hair made it hard to see him.  There is a chance he could escape... You thought.  You grabbed alastor and took a sharp turn almost falling.  You pulled out your blade.  " Alastor..  This is going to seem crazy,  bit I need you to listen to me.  Let me see your hand.  " You say frantically.  He gives you his hand and you slide your blade across it,  making a cut,  not deep.  " What are you doing?. " He asked.  " Hold still. " You say putting a small cut on his cheek. " Alastor,  if we don't do this,  we will both die.  And I guess my time is up.  My father did the same thing,  now it is my turn... " You say
" (Y/n)...  Wha?- " You tackle alastor hearing the ground get closer.  You take the blade easing it towards alastor,  but not to hard.  He held your wrist.  " (Y/n)?!. " He said.  You give him a sad and ashamed look.  You looked like your heart has been broken.  He noticed what you were doing and his face went pale.  " Alastor... Please... Play along... " You whisper. You hear dogs barking behind you,  and your tackled by one.  It bites you hard,  leaving you a bloody mess,  but you stab it in the head.  Alastor looks at you in shock.  You look back at him as tears fall down your face.  " I'm sorry... " You tell him,  before looking at police officers pulling guns out on you.
" PUT YOUR HANDS PUT. " one yelled. 
But you knew what had to be done.  You ran at them with all of your might. One of them opened fire and shot you in the chest.  You fall to the floor gasping for air,  and you see alastor.  " (Y/n)  no... " He says tears down his cheeks.  " You weakly pit a hand up to his cheek wiping his tears.  
You figured it would be nice for you to sing to him one last time.
" Are you,  are you,  coming to the tree...
They strung up a man... They say who murdered three... Strange thing did happen there,  no stranger would it be... If we met at mid...
Night in the hanging tree... " You sand gasping for more air,  blood coming out of your mouth.  The shot in the chest was not the most painful part,  but feeling alastors tears fall on you was. " Please... Don't leave me... " He cried. 
You smiles weakly taking off your pocket watch and putting it in his hand,  kissing it. 
" Are you,  are you,  coming to the tree... Where dead men call out... For his love to flee.... Strange things did happen there, no stranger would it be...
If we met at mid... Night in the hanging.... Tree.... "

Alastors POV

Tears were falling down my eyes as I held (y/n)  there in my arms as she weakly sung to me.  I could here the confusion behind me as the police must thing that I never knew she was like this. But I did know.
" Please stay with me (y/n)...  I can't loose you... " I sob. " I love you... "
She smiles one last time before going limp in my arms.  I had never felt thing kind of pain before. I hated it.
I wanted to go back to when she would hold me in her arms.  I wanted to go back to when she would sleep in my lap in the middle of the day as a read.  I wanted to go back to when we would set up the gramophone and slow dance together in the ballroom. 


I wanted to go back to when I would wake up with he in my arms,  and the smile she blessed on me every morning.  To when we would walk to the bistro together and have the usual coffee and tea. To when we would talk about what would happen when we go.  When we leave this would behind.  I remember when she said that when someone died in her clan,  they were given the honor of being sent out on a wooded raft,  and set to flame by arrows.  I remember when I had someone to love...
I picked up her limp body,  putting her arm around my neck.

Just like we used to... Remember (y/n)?...

I walked through the police,  as they stared in shock.  " Sir,  I'm sorry,  but your partner was going to hurt more peop-" I shoot him a broken look.  There was no point to smiling.  Not without her. I continue on to the lake that she loved to visit. 

Remember when we would come to the lake and swim until dawn (y/n)?..

I reached the lake soon and grabbed the old boat that hand been here sitting there for a long time. I slowly set her body in it.

Remember when we would sit in this old boat and talk about what the future had in store for us (y/n)?..

I went the bushes near me and picked her the most beautiful tiger roses there could be. Some lavenders,  wild flowers. 

Remember when we would smell the flowers on beautiful spring nights like this (y/n)?.. 

I set the flowers all down around her.  She looked like snow White. Slept like snow White.  I leaned over and kissed her softly.  But no prince Charming like snow White.

Remember when we would star gaze out here (y/n)?..

I went over to a tree and pulled down a long stick and a vine.  I tied off the ends of the vines to the ends of the stick.  A grabbed a nother stick and used a vine to tied a sharp rock to the end of it. 

Remember when you taught me how to make a bow and arrow (y/n)?.. 

I put some moss on the tip of it and proceeded to push the boat where (y/n)  layed out to the water.  I used a small lighter to light the moss and I pulled back the arrow.

Remember when we would watch the sun set (y/n)?..

I let go of the arrow.

Remember (y/n)?..

The boat goes up in flames.


I fall to the floor sobbing.  This was good by...  The end of the line...

I love you.... Remember?....

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